[news.announce.conferences] IAPR Workshop on Computer Vision

sakaue@etlcom.etl.junet (Sakaue) (05/05/88)

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Final Announcement

                              CALL FOR PAPERS

                     IAPR Workshop on Computer Vision
             - Special Hardware and Industrial Applications -

                            October 12-14, 1988
                               Tokyo, Japan

International Workshop  on  Computer Vision  will be held  at Nihon Daigaku
Kaikan, Tokyo, October 12-14, 1988 in advance of the 9th ICPR(International
Conference on Pattern Recognition) in Beijing, October 17-20, 1988.

The workshop is sponsored by International Association for Pattern Recogni-
tion (IAPR) Technical Committee (TC)-6 on Special Architectures and TC-8 on
Industrial  Applications.  The purpose of the workshop is to bring together
participants from research and industrial fields  and to stimulate interna-
tional discussion on the following research topics:

Special Hardware and Industrial Applications
  - High speed image processor
  - VLSI image signal processor chip
  - Image understanding workstation
  - PC-based image analysis system
  - Special-purpose pattern recognition machine
  - Intelligent sensor
  - Software environments for special hardware
  - Visual inspection
  - Robot vision
  - Engineering automation for documents and line drawings
  - New imaging techniques
  - 3-D information usage
  - AI vision techniques in practical applications

The workshop will have  about 20 presentations on the above topics  and  the
following invited talks:
     M. Brady:      (Title is not determined)
     M. Duff:       'Some Considerations on the Limitations of Image
                    Processing Computer Architectures'
     O. Faugeras:   'Depth and Motion Analysis: The Machine Being Developed 
                    in ESPRIT Project P940'
     S. Holland:    'Future Needs in Industrial Vision'
     S. Levialdi:   'Pyramidal Systems'
     H. Nagel:      'On the Interface between Iconic and Symbolic Processing
                    of Images and Image Sequences'
     S. Tanimoto:   'Use of a Pyramid Processor in Intermediate-Level Vision'

Exhibitions on research tools by video equipments and commercial system dem-
onstrations  are  planned.   All  presentations  and exhibitions  will be in 
English.   Registration fee is \30,000 for participant, and  \80,000 for re-
search tool exhibition  including  rent for video  cassette recorder  and TV
monitor.   Those who wish to present a paper  and/or  to exhibit  a research
tool should submit four copies of a 400-word summary by May 15, 1988 to:

Mikio Takagi
Institute of Industrial Science     Tel.+81-3-479-0289
University of Tokyo                 Fax.+81-3-423-2834
7-22-1, Roppongi                    Telex.0242-3216 IISTYOJ
Minato-ku, Tokyo 106                JUNET:takagi@iis.u-tokyo.junet
Japan                               CSNET:

Authors will be notified of the acceptance of their papers by July 1, 1988.
Final camera ready papers are due by August 31, 1988.

Workshop Organization
Workshop Chair:    Saburo Tsuji
Workshop Co-Chair: Masatsugu Kidode
Program Chair:     Mikio Takagi
Program Committee: Haruo Asada          Katsuhiko Sakaue
                   Tadashi Atsumi       Yasuhito Suenaga
                   Tadashi Fukushima    Johji Tajima
                   Seiji Kashioka       Masahiko Yachida
                   Akira Maeda          Hiroaki Yamada
                                        Masumi Yoshida
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sakaue@etlcom.etl.junet (Sakaue) (08/23/88)


		     IAPR Workshop on Computer Vision
	     - Special Hardware and Industrial Applications -

			   October 12-14, 1988
			  Nihon Daigaku	 Kaikan
			      Tokyo, Japan

      Sponsored by: International Association for Pattern Recognition
	  (IAPR) Technical Committees, 6 on Special Architectures
		     and 8 on Industrial Applications


Oct. 12, Wed.
    9:00  Opening Session
    9:15  Session 1;  High Speed Image Processor (1)
   10:40  Session 2;  High Speed Image Processor (2)
   12:20  (Lunch)
   13:30  Session 3;  Stereo Vision
   15:30  Session 4;  Poster Session 1

Oct. 13, Thu.
    9:00  Session 5;  Engineering Automation for Documents and Line Drawings
   10:55  Session 6;  Architectures and VLSI's
   12:30  (Lunch)
   13:30  Session 7;  3D and Motion
   15:20  Session 8;  Poster Session 2 and Research Tool Exhibition
   18:00  (Party)

Oct. 14, Fri.
    9:00  Session 9;  PC-based Image Analysis Systems
   10:35  Session 10; Visual Inspection and Robot Vision
   12:30  (Lunch)
   13:30  Session 11; AI Techniques in Practical Application
   15:20  Session 12; 3D Analysis

     M. Duff (University College London, UK):
	     'Some Considerations on the Limitations of Image
	      Processing Computer Architectures' (Session 1)
     O. Faugeras (INRIA, France):
	     'Depth and Motion Analysis: The Machine Being Developed
	      in ESPRIT Project P940' (Session 3)
     S. Tanimoto (Washington University, U.S.A.):
	     'Use of a Pyramid Processor in Intermediate-Level Vision'
	      (Session 6)
     A. Oosterlinck (Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium)
	     (Title is not determined.) (Session 10)

Sessions are held at the  main	auditorium (250 seats).	 Poster sessions are
held at two or three rooms.  Official language is English. All presentations
and  discussions will be in English.   Commercial systems exhibition will be
held from Oct. 12 afternoon to Oct. 14 morning.	 Exhibition rooms are on the
same floor as the  auditorium.	 A  technical tour to ETL  (Electrotechnical
Laboratory) is planned on Oct. 15, Sat.	 Detail information  about this tour
will be accessible at Registration Desk.


Early registration is  recommended to make sure that you can attend the ses-
sions and get a copy of proceedings.   The  deadline of the registration  is
September 20.  For further information please contact:

   Prof. Mikio Takagi
   Institute of Industrial Science   Tel.+81-3-479-0289
   University of Tokyo		     Fax.+81-3-423-2834
   7-22-1, Roppongi		     Telex.0242-3216 IISTYOJ
   Minato-ku, Tokyo 106		     JUNET:takagi@iis.u-tokyo.junet
   Japan			     CSNET:

A  registration fee entitles each registrant  to a copy of the workshop pro-
ceedings,  daily coffee,  and  attendance at all sessions, exhibitions and a
party. The registration fee is 30,000yen for all registrants. Payment of the
registration fee should be made by bank transfer or credit card.