[news.announce.conferences] UNIX ON SUPERCOMPUTERS WORKSHOP

grob@cmcl2.nyu.edu (Lori S. Grob) (08/23/88)


	      September 25-27, Pittsburgh, PA

A large number of supercomputers are  now  or  will  in	 the
future	be  running  Unix as their primary operating system.
This is the first workshop to consider the general  problems
of  running  Unix  on  supercomputers, and will cover topics
both practical and abstract.  Some of the topics  that	will
be covered are

	o Performance
	o Parallelism
	o Scheduling and Load Balancing
	o Storage Management
	o Processes and Process Management
	o Experiences

The workshop sessions will include both	 full-length  papers
and short presentations, and there will be works in progress
sessions.  Works in  progress  presentation  slots  will  be
available  at  the  workshop  on  a first come, first served
basis.	Proceedings will be provided to registered attendees
at the workshop.

In addition to the regular sessions, there will be a trip to
the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center and Westinghouse Energy
Center facilities.  Housed in the same building, this is one
of  the	 largest  privately-owned  computing  centers in the
world.	A reception will be held  in  conjunction  with	 the
visit.	 There will also be a no-host reception Sunday even-
ing preceding the workshop.


		  SUNDAY EVENING, September 25
  4:00pm - 9:00pm	  No host reception and registration

		  MONDAY, September 26
  9:00am - 5:00pm	  Workshop sessions
  7:00pm - 9:00pm	  Reception at Pittsburgh Supercomputing &
				  Westinghouse Energy Center

		  TUESDAY, September 27
  9:00am - 5:00pm	  Workshop sessions

  P R E L I M I N A R Y	   S C H E D U L E    O F   S P E A K E R S
  (Subject to Change)

  Kenneth Bobey, Myrias Research Corporation.
	"Monitoring Program Performance on Large Parallel Systems"

  Eugene Miya, NASA Ames Research Center.
	"Some Observations on Computer Performance Characterization"

  John Renwick, Cray Research, Inc..
	"High-speed networking with Supercomputers"
	    (short presentation)

  Brian Baird, Myrias Research Corporation.
	"Distributed UNIX Services in a Massively Parallel Supercomputer"

  Ray Bryant, et al., IBM T.J. Watson Research Center.
	"The RP3 Parallel Computing Environment"

  Brewster Kahle and Bill Nesheim, Thinking Machines.
	"The Use of Unix in the Connection Machine System"

  Traian Muntean, University of Grenoble.
	"UNIX* on Transputers* based supercomputers"

		Scheduling and Load Balancing
		---------- --- --------------
  Martin Fouts, NASA Ames Research Center.
	"Multitasking under UniCos: Experiences with the Cray 2"

  Ralph Knag, AT&T Bell Laboratories.
	"The Unicos Fair Share Scheduler"
	    (short presentation)

		      Storage Management
		      ------- ----------
  Patrick Clancy, Multiflow Computer.
	"Virtual Memory Extensions in TRACE/UNIX"

  Jan Edler, Jim Lipkis, and Edith Schonberg, Ultracomputer Research Laboratory.
	"Memory Management in Symunix II"

  E.C. Pariser, AT&T Bell Labs.
	"Static and Dynamic Reduction of Memory Requirements on the
      Cray X-MP"

  Mike Muuss, BRL, Terry Slattery, USNA, and Don Merritt, BRL.
	"BUMP - The BRL/USNA Migration Project"

  Alan Poston, GE Aerospace, NASA Ames Research Center.
	"A High Performance File System for UNIX"

  Douglas E. Engert, National Laboratory.
	"Attaching IBM Disks Directly to a Cray X-MP"
	    (short presentation)

	       Processes and Process Management
	       --------- --- ------- ----------
  Jim Lipkis, Jan Edler, and Edith Schonberg,  NYU Ultracomputer Project.
	"Process Management Extensions at the Ultracomputer Project"

  Piyush Mehrotra, Purdue University.
	"Microthreads: Featherweight Processes in C"

  Dennis Ritchie, AT&T Bell Laboratories.
	  "A Guest Facility for Unicos"

	    Experiences (all short presentations)

  H. Stephen Anderson, Ohio Supercomputer Graphics Project.
	"Distributed Supercomputer Graphics Using Unix Tools"

  Jonathan Brown, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
	"The CTSS/Posix Project"

  Robert M. Panoff, Department of Physics and Astronomy.
	"Real Productivity for Real Science Without Real UNIX"

  Satoshi Sekiguchi, Hiroyuki Kusumoto, and Akio Kokubu,  Electrotechnical
	"A Design for Supercomputing Environment at the Tsukuba
      Research Center of MITI"

  Cheryl Stewart, Cornell Mathematical Sciences Institute.
	"Numerical Interprocess Communication Protocol"

  Kevin Wohlever, Cray Research, Inc.
	"Unicos System Administration at the Ohio Supercomputer
      Center - Tuning Considerations"

  W O R K S H O P    R E G I S T R A T I O N	I N F O R M A T I O N

  You MUST  register  in  advance  to  attend  this  limited
  enrollment workshop.	Register early as space is available
  on a first-come, first-served basis.

		  REGISTRATION FEE.............	  $200.00
		  REGISTRATION DEADLINE........	  September 19, 1988

  ENCE)	 or  use  your VISA, MasterCard, or American Express
  charge card to pay your registration	fees.  Payment	MUST
  accompany registration form.	Purchase orders and vouchers
  are not accepted.

  R E F U N D	 C A N C E L L A T I O N    P O L I C Y

  If you must CANCEL, all refund requests must be in writing
  and  postmarked  no later than September 19, 1988.  Direct
  your letter to the USENIX Conference Office.

  H O T E L    I N F O R M A T I O N

  The workshop will be held at:

	  The Westin William Penn Hotel
	  530 William Penn Way
	  Pittsburgh, PA  15219
	  Telephone # (412) 281-7100

	  ROOM RATES:  $85.00/night - Single or Double Occu-
	  pancy (Plus 9% city and state tax)


  Call the Hotel directly and ask for the Reservation  Desk.
  Tell	reservations that you are a USENIX Conference atten-
  dee to take advantage of our group rate.  You may  guaran-
  tee your late arrival with a major credit card.

  IMPORTANT:  Room  reservation	 deadline  is  September  6,
  1988.	  Requests for reservations received after the dead-
  line will be handled on a space and RATE available basis.

  A I R P O R T	   T O	  H O T E L    T R A N S P O R T A -
  T I O N

  The Airlines Transportation Company  Bus  at	the  Greater
  Pittsburgh Airport provides shuttle service to the William
  Penn Hotel. Due to construction, buses are only  departing
  from	one  area  of the airport at this time. To catch the
  bus, go right	 outside  the  U.S.Air	baggage	 claim	area
  located  on the lower level of the main terminal, or check
  with the Airlines Transportation Company desk located near
  the  rental  car  agencies, to verify their next scheduled
  departure.  Buses run approximately every 20 - 30  minutes
  at a cost of $8.00 one way.

  Taxi service is available at an approximate  cost  of	 $25
  one way.


		   USENIX Conference Office
			 P.O. Box 385
		   16951 Pacific Coast Hwy
		   Sunset Beach, CA  90742
	   Telephone (213) 592-1381, (213) 592-3243

  Program Co-chairs:

  Lori Grob		       Melinda Shore
  NYU Ultracomputer Research   Frederick Cancer Research
  Lab			       Facility
  715 Broadway, 10th Floor     P.O. Box B, Building 430
  New York, New York 10003     Frederick, MD  21701
  (212) 998-3339	       (301)698-5660
  grob@lori.ultra.nyu.edu      shore@ncifcrf.gov
  or grob@nyu.edu