[news.announce.conferences] Distributed Debugging Workshop

gam@beta.lanl.gov (Gim Mark) (10/13/88)

		  Distributed Debugging Workshop
		      November 11-12, 1988
		       Hyatt Orlando Hotel
			  Kissimmee, FL

Last year a number of DOE/NSF sites met in  Boulder  Colorado  to
discuss	 how  to share software within the community.  Two topics
were chosen to focus on because little had  been  done	in  these
areas  so  far, and thus, there is a chance of producing sharable
code for the community.	 These areas were distributed editing and
distributed debugging.

An initial meeting to discuss distributed debugging was	 held  at
the  National Magnetic Fusion Energy Computer Center on March 17,
1988.  A distributed debugger was defined to be one were the user
interface  is  on  one machine and a debugging kernel, or server,
could be on another machine.  The question is what services  does
this kernel provide to the user interface.

It was decided to hold this workshop to try to answer that  ques-

Define the features that a kernel debugging service must  provide
the  user interface, and sketch a possible protocol between a de-
bugger front-end and server.

We invite people to submit abstracts of talks that will be  given
the  first  day.   The talks will be informal, limited to at most
thirty minutes, and papers will not be required nor published  by
this workshop.	An overhead projector will be available.

Abstracts must be submitted by October 14, 1988,  to  either  Sue
Utter or Bruce Kelly.

The second day will be used to define  the  kernel  functionality
and  sketch a protocol.	 The minutes of this session will be dis-
tributed to the attendees and available to  others,  on	 request,
for a fee of $5.00.

Place and time:
Hyatt Orlando Hotel, November 11-12, 1988.  Reservations must  be
made  by October 10, 1988 to get the workshop rate of $80 single,
$90 double. Call (407) 396-1234.

The workshop will be held the Friday and Saturday before the  Su-
percomputing '88 conference.

Registration Fee:
$115.00.  Includes refreshments and lunch for each day.

For information on the workshop contact the appropriate person:

General Chair		Registration	      Talks
Bruce Kelly, L-300	Graham Mark, MS-B296  Sue Utter
Lawrence Livermore	Los Alamos	      Cornell National
National Laboratory	National Laboratory   Supercomputer Facility
P. O. Box 808		P. O. Box 1663	      Campus Road & Center Avenue
Livermore, CA 94550	Los Alamos, NM 87545  Ithaca, NY 14853
(415) 423-0640		(505) 667-8147	      (607) 255-3985
kelly@lll-lcc.llnl.gov	gam@lanl.gov	      psu@cornelld.bitnet


Friday, November 11

   9:00 - 9:30	       Welcome and announcements.
   9:30 - 10:00	       Talks.
   10:00 - 10:30       Break
   10:30 - 12:00       Talks.
   12:00 - 1:30	       Lunch
   1:30 - 3:00	       Talks.
   3:00 - 3:30	       Break
   3:30 - 5:00	       Talks.

Saturday, November 12

   9:00 - 10:00	       Definition of kernel services.
   10:00 - 10:30       Break
   10:30 - 12:00       Continue definition.
   12:00 - 1:30	       Lunch
   1:30 - 3:00	       Continue definition.
   3:00 - 3:30	       Break
   3:30 - 5:00	       Continuation and what do we do next?

			Registration Form

		   Distributed Debugging Workshop

		      November 11 and 12, 1988

Name   _________________________________________________________






Electronic mail address__________________________________________________

I wish to give a talk titled_______________________________________________

How many minutes will you need for the talk?___________________________________

The registration fee is $115.  Checks should be made  payable  to
"Regents of the University of California", or "Distributed Debug-
ging Workshop".	 Mail registration form	 and  fee  to  arrive  no
later than October 21, 1988 to

Graham Mark, MS-B296
Los Alamos National Laboratory
P. O. Box 1663
Los Alamos, NM 87545