[news.announce.conferences] CFP - International Conference on Advanced Computing

lfsh@utfsm.cl (Luis F. Stevens H.) (10/29/88)

	 First International Conference on Advanced Computing
	   Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria
		 Department of Electronics
		      Valparaiso, CHILE
			 June 1989


Computers have become so much part of our society, that they
are  now  playing  an important role in the direction of its
evolution. Such transcendental importance invites both, com-
puter  scientists  and	computer  vendors, to search for new
ways of improving computers.

The USM-IEEE Student Branch and the Department of  Electron-
ics of the Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria are organ-
izing this First International Conference on  Advanced	Com-
puting,	 aiming to provide means for spreading the knowledge
that will further enable that search.

This first conference will be devoted to the UNIX  operating
system and related topics. This subject was chosen to estab-
lish the universal character of this event, as UNIX  is	 now


Technical Sessions
     Technical sessions will provide a forum for the presen-
     tation  of	 new research and development, related to or
     based upon the UNIX operating system. Computer  vendors
     will  be offering daily sessions to describe their UNIX
     based computer equipment.

Plenary Sessions
     UNIX experts and computer vendors will  be	 invited  to
     discuss on different issues related with UNIX.

     Distinguished international guest	speakers  will	give
     several  tutorials	 on  UNIX,  such as System Calls, X-
     Windows, the C language  approach	to  Object  Oriented
     Programming: C++, etc.

Vendor Exhibition
     Concurrently with all  conference	activities,  vendors
     will  exhibit  their  latest line of computer equipment
     supporting UNIX.

Book Exhibition
     In addition to computer equipment,	 related  literature
     will also be dedicated an exhibition place.


Official languages for the conference will  be	English	 and
Spanish.  Simultaneous translation between the two languages
will be available.


Authors are invited to submit papers for  formal  review  as
candidates  for	 inclusion in the four day technical session
at  the	  First	  International	  Conference   on   Advanced
Computing:UNIX.	 Papers	 that are accepted will be presented
at the conference and published in the	conference  proceed-

Suggested topics include (but are not limited to):

	 o+ Real Time UNIX
	 o+ Industrial Applications of UNIX
	 o+ UNIX in the Enterprise Environment
	 o+ UNIX-like Distributed Operating Systems
	 o+ The C language
	 o+ C++
	 o+ New UNIX user interfaces
	 o+ RISC versus CISC in UNIX
	 o+ Standards
	 o+ Graphics and Electronic Publishing
	 o+ The Future of UNIX

Three (3) copies of a free format paper or extended abstract
should	be  submitted before December 15th, 1988. Submission
by electronic mail is encouraged as long as the author sends
the  additional	 material  (e.g.   figures) in time. Authors
will receive preliminary official notification of acceptance
no later than January 15th, 1989.

Final versions of the papers should be written according  to
the IEEE transaction format. These versions are due by April
14th, 1989. Final official  notification  will	be  sent  no
later that May 15th, 1989.

Additional information may be requested from:

	   Organizing Committee
	   Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria
	   P.O. Box 110-V

or from the electronic mail address:


or the telephone number:

	      056-32-66-0176 AX 359

Papers should be submitted to:

	   Leopoldo Silva B.
	   Department of Electronics
	   Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria
	   P.O. Box 110-V

or the electronic mail address:


Additional address information:

		TELEX:	   330622 UTFSM CX
		FAX:	   056 32 660176 147


December 15, 1988	     Submission deadline
January	 15, 1989	     Preliminary notification
April	 14, 1989	     Final versions submission deadline
May	 15, 1989	     Final official notification