(Network Workshop, University of Sydney) (10/29/88)
WORKSHOP ON AUSTRALIAN ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH NETWORKING 6 to 9 December 1988 hosted by The University Computing Service University of Sydney AIMS The major aim of the Network Workshop is to provide a venue for invited speakers to present working papers, for attendees to hold discussion sessions, share experiences and generally promote exchange of ideas on various key issues related to computer (and other) networking within the Australian academic and research environment. As organiser, I hope some Key Issues can be identified before the workshop begins, that these issues can be discussed during the workshop and specific concrete proposals for how to tackle the issues be documented as the workshop is completed. The workshop is a continuation of workshops of this type first hosted by the University of Sydney way back in 1983 and carried through over the last few years by the SPEARNET Group. INVITED PARTICIPATION/ATTENDEES As for past SPEARNET Workshops, a general invitation is extended to all those organisations and individuals who have participated in the SPEARNET Workshops in the past. Unlike past workshops, however, participation has been requested from groups such as the Australian-Vice- Chancellors Committee. This presents a unique opportunity to bring together those at the policy/decision making level with those at the technical level who are left with the task of actually implementing network facilities. Given proposals to establish an Australia-wide Academic and Research Network, the range of organisations invited to send attendees has also been widened. Thus attendence is invited from both the technical and administration/policy-makers of the following of organisations: - Australian Universities, - Australian Colleges of Advanced Education, - Australian Vice-Chancellors Committee (AVCC), - Australian Committee of Deputy-Principles (ACDP), - New Zealand Universities and Colleges, - CSIRO Division of Information Technology, - The Australian Common Carriers: + Telecom Australia (Research Labs), + Telecom Australia (Management), + OTC, + AUSSAT, - The Australian Bibliographic Network (ABN), - Any other members of the SPEARNET Group or past attendees of the SPEARNET Workshops, - ACSnet (Sydney University Network - SUN) Software Designers and Distributors, - ACSnet Sites within the Academic and Research Arenas, and - Possibly a few other selected organisations. In addition, since issues regarding proposals for a national network are to be considered, representation from both the Federal and State Governments (eg Department of Employment, Education and Training (DEET)) may also be invited to attend. Registration forms will be circulated shortly. Places at the workshop will be limited and so please return these registration forms as soon as possible. TOPICS AND KEY ISSUES FOR CONSIDERATION As for past network workshops, participants are invited to submit suggestions for topics and key issues to be considered during the workshop. Obviously THE Topic for discussion is likely to be proposals to establish an Australian Academic and Research Network/Backbone. However this topic probably cannot be considered without other related topics, such as the current status of various networking activities within the academic and research areas, and networking within the major organisations likely to take part in any national setup. Thus the list of SUGGESTED topics and issues for consideration currently stands as: - Proposals for an Australian Academic and Research Network including: + Bootstrapping from Shoestrings to Megabucks (or How to Think Big Enough) + National Goals for Academic and Research Networking + Physical, Network and Transport Layer Network Services (getting messages from A to B) . Australia-wide . State-wide . Metropolitan + Access to Network Services + Procotol Families to be Supported + National Addressing and Directory Services + National Network Services (above Transport Layer) . Interactive Sessions, . Mail . News . File Access (by Transfer and Remote Mounting?) . Non-Computer (FAX, Voice, Voice-Mail, Video?) + Overseas Connections . To near neighbours (eg New Zealand) . USA, Europe, Asia and Japan + Which Organisations Can Connect / Use National Network + Finances (who pays what and how) + Management (who manages what services and how) + Network Security - Status Updates/Reports on Current Wide-Area Networking Activities including: + ACSnet + SPEARNET + PSI Mail + Australian Bibliographic Network (ABN) + New Zealand Scene + The USA Scene and NFSnet + European Scene + Proposals for a Pacific Basin Internet - University/College Campus Networking including + Status Updates from each site represented + Management Issues for University Networks + Internal University/College Policies for Network Development + Future Directions - OSI Standards Update Intending participants are requested to forward to the Workshop organiser any other suggestions for general topics or particular issues to be discussed. FORMAT FOR NETWORK WORKSHOP PROGRAMME The emphasis will be on a WORKSHOP rather than CONFERENCE or SEMINAR. Thus ALL ATTENDEES should expect to be called on to take ACTIVE participation in Discussion Sessions and other activities. By circulating the topics for discussion (on electronic news etc) and requesting comments PRIOR to the Workshop, I hope several Key Issues will be identified. During the Workshop ideas can be shared on how best to tackle these issues with a view to generating some written conclusions or position papers towards the end of the four days spent at the Workshop. Note that this imples considerable preparation will be required before Workshop to identify these key issues an encorporate presentation of working papers and discussion/panel sessions to consider them. In terms of general timetabling, the organised Workshop programme will be run over four days from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm with buffet lunches provided. The first two days will be aimed at establishing current status of network developments within the Australian academic and research environment, addressing general policy issues and setting concrete goals for the future. The remainder of the Workshop will be aimed at addressing the Key Issues and commencing the task of establishing policy, strategic and technical plans to solve the problems that arise. The final programme for the Workshop will depend very much on the nature of working papers offered for presentation and the Key Issues identified before the Workshop begins. Please remember that a successful Workshop depends very much on the level of participation and activity of those attending. Throughout the duration of the workshop, access to electronic mail accounts will be made available to each participant (to keep in touch with the guys back home). Also, terminals, personal computers and other facilities will be provided adjacent to the auditorium venue as a small on-going demonstration of some of the services currently available on both a wide-area basis and within the University of Sydney Information Network. Of course, it is also hoped that the fine tradition, now well established at past SPEARNET Workshops, of carrying discussions on at the various pubs etc after organised hours will continue! A dinner may also be arranged on the second evening of the workshop for those wishing to attend. MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS Registration costs will be set to cover running costs of the workshop (ie meals, lecture theatre, etc). Precise details relating to location of lecture theatre/auditorium venue, accommodation for attendees from outside the Sydney metropolitan area, attendee registration, registration costs will be circulated in the very near future. In summary: - Intending participants are invited to submit topics and issues for consideration during the Workshop NOW. - Intending participants are invited to submit working papers on any of the topics listed above or others of their own choosing NOW. - Registration forms for attendees will be circulated shortly - please return them as quickly as possible. CONTACT ADDRESS(ES) The organiser of the Network Workshop is Mr David Phipps, and I can be contacted as follows: Phone: (02)-692-3495 FAX: (02)-660-6557 ACSnet: "" Post: Mr David C.W. Phipps, Information Network Manager, University Computing Service, University of Sydney, N.S.W., 2006. (AUSTRALIA)