[ont.events] Neural Networks for Industry: A 2-day short course

itrctor@csri.toronto.edu (Ron Riesenbach) (10/19/90)

                        Neural Networks for Industry

                   from fundamentals to current research

                               presented by:
                            Dr. Geoffrey Hinton

                               Sponsored by:
                  Information Technology Research Centre
                          PRECARN Associates Inc.

                         December 11 and 12, 1990
                         Regal Constellation Hotel
                               900 Dixon Rd.
                   (near the Lester B. Pearson Airport)
                             Toronto, Ontario

1.  Why Neural Networks?

     Serial computation has been very  successful  at  tasks  that  can  be
characterized  by clean logical rules.  It has been much less successful at
tasks like real-world perception or common sense  reasoning.   These  tasks
typically  require  massive amounts of uncertain evidence to be combined in
complex ways to reach reliable decisions.  The brain is extremely  good  at
these  computations  and  there  is  now a growing consensus that massively
parallel "neural" computation may be the best way to solve these problems.

     The resurgence of interest in neural  networks  has  been  fuelled  by
several factors. Powerful new search techniques such as simulated annealing
and its deterministic approximations can  be  embodied  very  naturally  in
these  networks.   As such, parallel hardware implementations promise to be
extremely fast at performing the best-fit searches  required  for  content-
addressable  memory  and real-world perception. Recently, new learning pro-
cedures have been developed which allow networks to  learn  from  examples.
The  learning  procedures  automatically construct the internal representa-
tions that the networks require in particular  domains,  and  so  they  may
remove  the need for explicit programming in ill-structured tasks that con-
tain a mixture of regular structure, partial regularities and exceptions.

2.  Who Should Attend?

     Day 1 is a tutorial directed at Industry Researchers and Managers  who
would  like  to understand the basic principles underlying neural networks.
The tutorial will explain the main learning procedures and show  how  these
are  used  effectively  in  current  applications.  No previous exposure to
neural networks is necessary although  a  degree  in  computer  science  or
electrical engineering (or equivalent experience) is desirable.

     Day 2 is an overview of advances made in this field in the last two or
three years. Research in progress at various laboratories will be reviewed.
This overview of how recent developments may lead to better learning proce-
dures in the future  will be best  appreciated by industry  researchers and
managers  who  have  some experience in this field or who have attended the
tutorial the previous day.

     Those attending both days can expect to gain an understanding  of  the
current  state-of-the-art  in  neural networks and be in a position to make
informed decisions about whether this technology is  currently  applicable,
or  may  soon  become  applicable,  to  specific  problems in their area of

                                   DAY 1

     o Computers versus brains
     o The hardware of the brain
     o Cooperative computation
     o The Least Mean Squares learning procedure
     o The perceptron paradigm
     o Why hidden units are needed
     o Varieties of learning procedure
     o Competitive learning
     o Learning topographic maps

     o The backpropagation algorithm
     o The NetTalk example
     o The family trees example
     o The parity example
     o Theoretical results on generalization
     o Simplicity and generalization
     o Detecting bombs in suitcases
     o Following a road with an autonomous land vehicle

     o Recognizing phonemes in spectrograms
     o Recognizing hand-printed digits
     o Alternative error functions
     o Converting hand movements into speech
     o Medical diagnosis
     o What makes an application feasible
     o The speed of convergence and ways to improve it
     o Coding the input for backpropagation
     o Self-supervised backpropagation

     o Binary Hopfield nets and their limitations
     o Simulated annealing for escaping local energy minima
     o Boltzmann Machines
     o The Boltzmann machine learning procedure and its limitations
     o Mean field networks for faster search
     o Application to the travelling salesman problem
     o A learning procedure for mean field nets.

                                     DAY 2

     o Radial Basis Functions
     o Relation to kernel methods in statistics
     o Relation to Kanerva memories
     o Application to predicting chaotic series
     o Application to shape recognition
     o Using soft competitive learning to adapt radial basis functions
     o The elastic net
     o Relation to mixtures of gaussians
     o Communities of expert networks
     o Relation to mixture models
     o Applications to vowel recognition

     o Finding multimodal projections of high dimensional data
     o Application to adaptive modems
     o Application to discovering important features of vowels
     o Preserving information about the input with limited channel capacity
     o Using coherence assumptions to discover spatial or temporal invariants
     o Applications to stereo fusion and shape recognition
     o Implementation in a new type of Boltzmann machine

     o Backpropagation in recurrent networks
     o Recurrent networks for predicting the next term in a sequence
     o Using predictive networks for data-compression
     o Ways to restrict recurrent networks
     o Applications of recurrent networks to sentence understanding
     o Hidden Markov Models and the Baum-Welch training procedure
     o Combining HMM's with feedforward networks
     o Implementing HMM recognizers in feedforward networks
     o Reinforcement learning and the temporal credit assignment problem
     o Recent developments in learning good action sequences

     o Neural networks for solving very large optimization problems
     o Neural networks in non-linear controllers
     o Better networks for hand-printed character recognition
     o Why local minima are not fatal for backpropagation
     o Why the use of a validation set improves generalization
     o Adding hidden units incrementally
     o Polynomial nets

3.  Seminar Schedule

 Tuesday, December 11, 1990             Wednesday, December 12, 1990

 8:00-9:00   Registration and Coffee     8:00-9:00   Registration and Coffee

 9:00-9:05   Opening words               9:00-9:05   Opening words

 9:05-10:30  Tutorial Session #1         9:05-10:30  Advanced Session #1

10:30-11:00  Break                      10:30-11:00  Break

11:00-12:30  Tutorial Session #2         1:00-12:30  Advanced Session #2

12:30-2:00   Lunch                      12:30-2:00   Lunch

 2:00-3:30   Tutorial Session  #3        2:00-3:30   Advanced Session  #3

 3:30-4:00   Break                       3:30-4:00   Break

 4:00-5:30   Tutorial Session #4         4:00-5:30   Advanced Session #4

 5:30-6:30   Wine and Cheese reception   5:30        Closing Words

4.  Registration and Fees:

     Fees are based on the affiliation of  attendees.   Employees  of  com-
panies  who  are  members  of ITRC's Industrial Affiliates Program or whose
companies are members of PRECARN pay a subsidized fee  of  $100/day.   Non-
members  fees  are $400/day.  There is no discount for attending both days.
Payment should be made  by  cheque  (Payable  to:  "Information  Technology
Research Centre") and should accompany the registration form where possible.
Due to limited space ITRC and Precarn members will have priority in case of
over-subscription.   ITRC and Precarn reserve the right to limit the number
of registrants from any one company.

     Fees include a copy of the course notes and transparencies, coffee and
light  refreshments at the breaks, a luncheon each day as well as an infor-
mal wine and cheese reception  Tuesday  evening  (open  to  registrants  of
either  day).   Participants are responsible for their own hotel accommoda-
tion, reservations and costs, including hotel breakfast, evening meals  and

                         Regal Constellation Hotel
                              900 Dixon Road
                            Etobicoke, Ontario
                                  M9W 1J7
                         Telephone: (416) 675-1500
                             Telex: 06-989511
                            Fax: (416) 675-1737

     When reserving hotel accommodation  please  mention  ITRC/PRECARN  for
special room rates.

     Registrations will be accepted up to 5:00pm December  6,  1990.   Late
registrations  may  be  accepted  but,  due to limited space, attendees who
register by December 6th will have priority over late registrants.

     To register, complete the registration form beolow then mail or fax it
to either one of the following two offices:

 ITRC, Rosanna Reid             PRECARN, Charlene Ferguson
 University of Toronto          30 Colonnade Rd., Suite 300
 D.L. Pratt Bldg., Rm. 286      Nepean, Ontario K2E 7J6
 Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1       Phone: (613) 727-9576
 Phone: (416) 978-8558          Fax: (613) 727-5672
 Fax: (416) 978-7207

5.  Biography

Dr. Geoffrey E. Hinton (instructor)

     Geoffrey Hinton is Professor of Computer Science at the University  of
Toronto,  a Fellow of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, a prin-
cipal researcher with the Information Technology Research Centre and a pro-
ject leader with the Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Systems (IRIS).
He received his PhD in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Edin-
burgh.   He has been working on computational models of neural networks for
the last fifteen years and has published 70 papers  and  book  chapters  on
applications   of  neural  networks  in  vision,  learning,  and  knowledge
representation.  These publications include the book  "Parallel  Models  of
Associative  Memory"  (with James Anderson) and the original papers on dis-
tributed representations, on Boltzmann machines (with Terrence  Sejnowski),
and  on back-propagation (with David Rumelhart and Ronald Williams).  He is
also one of the major contributors to the recent collection "Parallel  Dis-
tributed Processing" edited by Rumelhart and McClelland.

     Dr. Hinton was formerly an Associate Professor of Computer Science  at
Carnegie-Mellon  University  where  he  created  the connectionist research
group and was responsible for the graduate course on "Connectionist Artifi-
cial  Intelligence".  He is on the governing board of the Cognitive Science
Society and the governing council of the American Association  for  Artifi-
cial  Intelligence.  He is a member of the editorial boards of the journals
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cognitive Science, Neural Compu-
tation and Computer Speech and Language.

     Dr. Hinton is an expert at explaining neural  network  research  to  a
wide  variety  of audiences.  He has given invited lectures on the research
at numerous international conferences, workshops, and  summer  schools.  He
has  given  industrial  tutorials  in  the United States for the Technology
Transfer Institute, AT&T Bell labs, Apple,  Digital  Equipment  Corp.,  and
the American Association for Artificial Intelligence.

     -------------------------Registration Form -------------------

                       Neural Networks for Industry
                        Tutorial by Geoffrey Hinton
                           December 11-12, 1990
                    Regal Constellation, 900 Dixon Rd.

Name      _________________________________________
Title     _________________________________________
Organization  _____________________________________
Address   _________________________________________
Postal Code   ___________
Telephone  __________________ Fax _________________

Registration Fee (check those that apply):

                          Day 1          Day 2         Total
                         -------        -------       -------
ITRC or PRECARN member  __  $75        __  $75        ________
Non-member              __  $250       __  $250       ________

Please make cheques payable to Information Technology Research Centre
                  REGISTRATION DEADLINE:  DECEMBER 6/90.
                   (Space is limited so register early)

Please fax or mail your registration to ITRC or PRECARN:

  ITRC, Rosanna Reid           PRECARN, Charlene Ferguson
  University of Toronto        30 Colonnade Rd., Suite 300
  D.L. Pratt Bldg., Rm. 286    Nepean, Ontario
  6 King's College Rd.         K2E 7J6
  Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A1     phone (613) 727-9576
  phone (416) 978-8558         fax    (613) 727-5672
  fax    (416) 978-7207


| Ron Riesenbach, Toronto Manager             Voice:  (416) 978-8508           |
| Information Technology Research Centre      Fax:    (416) 978-7207           |
| D.L. Pratt Building, Room 286               E-mail: itrctor@csri.utoronto.ca |