[news.announce.conferences] CFP: PODC'89

piotr@alberta (Piotr Rudnicki) (11/07/88)


		Eighth ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symposium on
		Principles of Distributed Computing

			*  PODC'89  *

		August 14-16, 1989
		Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Original  research  contributions  are sought that address fundamental
issues	in  the	 theory	 and  practice	of  distributed and concurrent
systems. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

	-	Principles of distributed computation derived from
		practical experience with working systems
	-	Algorithms and complexity
	-	Specification, semantics, and verification
	-	Programming languages and programming language constructs
	-	Fault tolerance
	-	Cryptography and security

Important dates:
	Jan. 30, 1989	Abstracts due
	Apr. 1, 1989	Acceptance notification
	May 15, 1989	Camera-ready version due

Please	send 4 copies of a detailed abstract (not the complete paper),
with the address, e-mail address, and telephone number, to the Program

			Michael Merritt
			AT&T Bell Laboratories
			Room 3D-458
			600 Mountain Avenue
			Murray Hill, NJ 07974
			e-mail: allegra!mischu

The  abstract  must  provide  sufficient  details to allow the program
committee  to  assess  the  merits  of	the  paper  and should include
appropriate  references	 to  and  comparisons  with  literature. It is
recommended  that  each	 submission begin with a succinct statement of
the problem, a summary of the main results, and a brief explanation of
the  significance  and relevance to the conference, all suitable for a
non-specialist.	 Technical  development	 of  the work, directed to the
specialist,  should follow. A limit of 10 typed double-spaced pages is
placed	on  submissions.  If the authors believe that more details are
essential  to  substantiate  the  main	claims	of the paper, they are
encouraged  to	include a clearly marked appendix that will be read at
the discretion of the Program Committee.

Abstracts  conforming  to  the	guidelines  will  be considered by the
committee  if  they  are  postmarked  by the deadline of January 30th,
1989, and are received within a reasonable time thereafter.

The Program Committee:

	Yehuda Afek, AT&T and Tel Aviv University
	Baruch Awerbuch, MIT
	Edmund Clarke, Carnegie Mellon
	Cynthia Dwork, IBM
	Michael Fischer, Yale University
	Mohamed Gouda, Univ. of Texas at Austin
	Maurice Herlihy, Carnegie Mellon
	Michael Merritt, AT&T
	David Peleg, Weizmann Institute, Israel
	Charles Rackoff, University of Toronto
	Peter Weinberger, AT&T
	Pierre Wolper, University of Liege, Belgium

Conference Chair:

	Piotr Rudnicki, The University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada,

Publicity Chair:

	M. Tamer Ozsu,	The University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada,