rakesh@andante (R.Agrawal) (11/29/88)
ADVANCE PROGRAM INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON DATABASES IN PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS December 5-7, 1988 Austin, Texas Sponsored by: IEEE CS Technical Committee on Data Engineering ACM SIG on Computer Architecture ===================================================================== December 5, 1st Day 2 Tutorials 8:30 - 12:00 Opening Remarks 1:00 - 1:15 Joe Urban - University of Miami, Florida 1:15 - 1:30 Won Kim, MCC Keynote Address 1:30 - 2:15 J.C. Browne - University of Texas at Austin Session 1 2:30 - 3:45 Object-Oriented Systems Chair: Gerald Karam - Carleton University "The Relation between Problems in Large-Scale Concurrent Systems and Distributed Databases (invited paper)" Gul Agha - Yale University "Writing Reliable Servers: Design and Implementation in Avalon/C++ Richard Allen Lerner - Carnegie Mellon University "Performance Modeling of Distributed Object-Oriented Database Systems" Jeffrey A. Brumfield - University of Texas at Austin Janet Miller, Hong-Tai Chou - MCC Break Session 2 4:00 - 5:30 Logic-Based Systems Chair: Ravi Krishnamurthy - MCC "Exploiting Concurrency in a DBMS Implementation for Production Systems" Louiqa Raschid, Timos Sellis, Chih-Chen Lin - University of Maryland "Sharing the Load of Logic-Program Evaluation" Ouri Wolfson - The Techniion-Israel Institute of Technology "Multiprocessor Transitive Closure Algorithms" Rakesh Agrawal, H. V. Jagadish - AT&T Bell Laboratories Reception 6:00 - 9:00 December 6, 2nd Day Session 3 9:00 - 10:30 Parallel Database Systems Chair: Rakesh Agrawal - AT&T Bell Laboratories "Parallelism in Bubba (invited paper)," Haran Boral - MCC "Parallelizing FAD, a Database Programming Language: Brian Hart, Scott Danforth, Patrick Valduriez - MCC "JAS: A Parallel VLSI Architecture for Unformatted Data Processing" K.C. Lee, O. Frieder, V. Mak - Bell Communications Research Break Session 4 11:00 - 12:30 Parallel Join Chair: Anil Nigam - IBM Thomas J. Watson Lab. "Parallel Join Algorithms on a Network of Workstations" Xiao Wang, W.S. Luk - Simon Fraser University "A Robust Protocol for Parallel Join Operations in Distributed Data Bases" S. Bandyopadhyay, A. Sengupta - University of Windsor "Effect of Skew on Join Performance in Parallel Architectures" M. Seetha Lakshmi, Philip S. Yu - IBM Thomas J. Watson Lab. Session 5 2:00 - 3:30 Panel: chair: John Carlis - University of Minnesota "Parallelism in Databases: What, Why, and Whither" Break Session 6 4:00 - 5:30 Distributed Query Processing Chair: Hong-Tai Chou - MCC "A Case Study for Distributed Query Processing" P. Agrawal, D. Bitton, K. Guh, C. Liu, C. Yu - University of Illinois at Chicago "Parallelism in Processing Queries on Complex Objects" T. Harder, H. Schoning, A. Sikeler - University Kaiserslautern "Heuristic Algorithms for Distributed Query Processing" P. Bodorik - Technical University of Nova Scotia J.S. Riordon - Carleton University Reception 6:00 - 9:00 December 7, 3rd Day Session 7 9:00 - 10:30 Transaction Processing Chair: Sunil Sarin - Computer Corp. of America "Note Autonomy in Distributed Systems (invited paper)," Hector Garcia-Molina, Boris Kogan - Princeton University "Performance Evaluation of Global Reading of Entire Databases" Calton Pu, Christine H. Hong, Jae M. Wha - Columbia University "Multiprocessor Main Memory Transaction Processing" Kai Li, Jeffrey F. Naughton - Princeton University Break Session 8 11:00 - 12:30 Distributed Databases Chair: Ophir Frieder - Bell Comm. Res. "VIP-MDBS: A Logic Multidatabase System" Eva Kuhn, Thomas Ludwig - Technische Universitat Wien, Austria "Integrating Relational Databases with Support for Updates" M. Samy Gamal-Edin - Clarkson University Gomer Thomas - Bell Communications Research Ramez Elmasri - University of Houston "Robust Transaction Routing in Distributed Database Systems" Yann-Hang Lee, Philip S. Yu - IBM Thomas J. Watson Lab. =========================================================== Tutorial #1: Parallel Computing and Database Management Instructor: Bruce K. Hilyer, AT&T Bell Labs ============================================================ Tutorial #2: Integrating Heterogeneous Distributed Databases: Requirements, Concepts, and Solutions Instructors: Ahmed K. Elmagarmid, Purdue U. and Amith P. Sheth, UNISYS =============================================================== For registration information, look in the September issues of CACM or IEEE Computer or send a message to Sushil Jajodia at jajodia@gmuvax2.gmu.edu.