(Network Workshop) (11/29/88)
WORKSHOP ON AUSTRALIAN ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH NETWORKING 6 to 9 December 1988 hosted by University Computing Services University of Sydney WORKSHOP DETAILS WORKSHOP AIM The major aim for this Workshop is to provide a venue for participants to present Working / Position Papers, hold discussion sessions, share experiences and generally promote exchange of ideas on many key issues encountered in modern information networking. WORKSHOP PROGRAMME In order to achieve the goals set for this event, the emphasis will be on a WORKSHOP rather than a formal CONFERENCE or SEMINAR. As such, all attendees should expect to be called on to play an active part in the various sessions held. At the very least, one attendee from each organisation represented should be prepared to spend 5 minutes presenting a short status report of networking activities within that organisation. Developments in networking internal to organisations (eg. campus-wide) and on a wide-area scale (metropolitan, state and national) have now reached a turning point within Australia. There is now an awareness for the need for information networking services, and a preparedness by those at the policy-decision level to commit resources for implementation of such services on a large scale. Coming at this turning point, the Workshop should provide a unique opportunity for attendees to help decide on future directions that developments will take in this field. Within this context, THE SUCCESS OR FAILURE OF THE WORKSHOP DEPENDS ENTIRELY ON THE LEVEL OF PARTICIPATION GIVEN BY ITS ATTENDEES. CRITICAL ARE THE WORKING / POSITION PAPERS PRESENTED AND THE DISCUSSION SESSIONS THAT CAN FOLLOW. Thus a complete programme for the Workshop can not be set until all offers of working papers have been received and, to some extent, will depend on the progress of the Workshop itself. However, the following presents a general outline of the topics to be considered and the sessions set aside for them. The programme is intentionally non-detailed and flexible at this stage. PROGRAMME OUTLINE General Frame-Work The Workshop programme has been organised around a set of offered Working Paper presentations scheduled for morning and early afternoon sessions, followed by at least one panel session each afternoon to discuss issues raised earlier each day. The entire afternoon of the last day (Friday 9 November) has been set aside for panel sessions and hopefully to document concrete recommendations that have arisen from the Workshop. In addition, the AVCC and ACDP intend to hold the first (closed) meetings of the their Network Steering and Technical Committees on the evening of the first day (Tuesday 6 December). A Workshop Dinner will also be organised for the evening of the second day (Wednesday 7 December) to which all attendees are invited (see registration form for cost). If past workshops are any indication, many informal discussions will also continue on outside the organised hours of the Workshop programme. (There are several pubs and many good restaurants near-by). Day 1 - Tuesday 6 December Registration: 9:00 - 10:00 Theme: An Australian Academic & Research Network Topics: Current Status of Networking in Australia Setting the Goals for the Future Policy Level Decisions Funding, Who Pays, How? Who Participates, At What Level? Proposed Management Structures ACSnet current status & future directions Common Carriers (Telecom, OTC, AUSSAT) Proposals for Supercomputing in Australia Metropolitan/State Networks Status of overseas networks: NSFnet, JANET, NORDUnet... Connections from Australia to Overseas Networks Proposals for an Pacific Rim Internet Panel Session AVCC/ACDP Steering & Technical Networking Committee Meeting (closed session) Day 2 - Wednesday 7 December Theme: Wide-Area Networking - the Technical Issues Topics: General issues - Status of OSI Standards Backbone Protocols Sets - which to be supported Addressing and Directory Services The Physical Layer - Geographical Routes for Main Backbone Where are Main Backbone Nodes Located? Distribution from Backbone Nodes Network and Transport Layer Services - Gateways for Protocol Sets? Wide-area Network Applications - Which services supported, via which standards? Electronic Mail File Transfer Remote Job Submission? An Implementation Strategy Installing new services (eg. Backbone) Migrating current services Panel Session Workshop Dinner (venue to be announced) Day 3 - Thursday 8 December Theme: Internal Organisation LANs and Campus Networking Topics: Status Updates from Each Participating Organisation General issues - What Services are Supported? Network Management and Support by Who? Departmental Subnetwork Management? IP Address Management Funding, Cost Recovery, Usage Charging etc. Local Addressing and Directory Services? Network Security The Physical Layer - LAN media choices Physical layout and routing Network and Transport Layer Services - External Network Access LAN Applications - Which services supported, via which standards? Electronic Mail File Transfer Remote Job Submission? Implementation Strategies Installing new services Migrating current services Panel Session Day 4 - Friday 9 December Themes: Internal Organisation LANs and Campus Networking (continued) Round-up of Recommendations Topics: Status Updates from Each Participating Organisation (continued) Networking Personal Computers (PCs) Which media / protocol sets / software Bringing Network Services/Applications to PC Users Documenting Concrete Recommendations Panel Sessions Demonstration and Network Access for Attendees A small demonstration of networking techniques used within the University of Sydney will run throughout the duration of the Workshop. This demonstration will be located close to the lecture theatre venue and will provide access for each attendee to a guest electronic mail account so that each participant may keep in touch with home. WORKSHOP VENUE The venue for the main Workshop sessions will be: Architecture Lecture Theatre 1, Level 2, Wilkinson Building, G04, Maze Crescent, University of Sydney. The Wilkinson Building is located on the southern side of the University Campus, with walkway entrances off either City Road or Maze Crescent (within the University). PARKING Parking is available at the University parking station on the corner of Cleveland and Shepherd Streets but NOT on the main University campus areas. ATTENDEE REGISTRATION Attendee registration will be from 9:00 am to 9:45 am on the first day (Tuesday 6 December) in the foyer outside the lecture theatre venue. Intending participants should please return the details requested on the REGISTRATION FOR ATTENDANCE FORM sent out as an accompanying Electronic News Item. Participants intending to present Working Papers should also return the details requested on the REGISTRATION FOR WORKING / POSITION PAPER PRESENTATION OR DISCUSSION SESSION FORM that has also been distributed by Electronic News. PLEASE NOTE CAREFULLY the return addresses and associated comments, as well as deadlines, on these forms. ACCOMMODATION There are a number of alternatives on offer to participants requiring accommodation for the duration of the Workshop: i. Single Rooms at Wesley Student College These are basic rooms with common/shared toilet and shower facilities typical of University student residences. Rates are $26.00 per day for bed and breakfast and $36.00 per day for full board. Reservations for this accommodation may be made via the Workshop organiser as per details on REGISTRATION FOR ATTENDANCE FORM. Room numbers for this accommodation are limited and reservations will be on a first come basis. ii. City Gardens Studio Apartments The City Gardens Apartments are located very close to the Workshop venue and provide particularly attractive rates where up to four people can share accommodation. The City Gardens offer two types of apartment: + Studio Apartments with double bed, two single beds, kitchenette and own bathroom at $102.00 per day plus $10.00 per extra person per day up to maximum of three people. + Suites with double bed and three single beds in lounge area, kitchinette and own bathroom at $112.00 per day plus $10.00 per extra person per day up to maximum of four people. BOOKINGS SHOULD BE MADE DIRECT WITH CITY GARDENS and mention should be made of the title of the Workshop and that it is hosted by University of Sydney to attract discounted rates above (any problems should be referred to Megan Walker, Conference Bookings, City Gardens). Phone: (02) 690-9100 Location: 1 Myrtle Street, Chippendale, (at corner of Myrtle Street and City Road) iii. Camperdown Travelodge Located on the opposite side of the University campus to the Workshop venue (10-15 minutes walk), rates are $89.00 per night. Again, please mention University of Sydney for discount rate. BOOKINGS SHOULD BE MADE DIRECT WITH CAMPERDOWN TRAVELODGE. Phone: (02) 516-1522 Location: Missenden Road, Camperdown. (near corner of Missenden and Parramatta Roads) CONTACT ADDRESS(ES) Further enquiries should be directed to the Workshop organiser, Mr David Phipps via: Phone: (02)-692-3495 FAX: (02)-660-6557 ACSnet: "" Post: Mr David C.W. Phipps, Information Network Manager, University Computing Service, University of Sydney, N.S.W., 2006. (AUSTRALIA)