furuta@mimsy.UUCP (Richard Furuta) (01/05/89)
Preliminary Conference Announcement EP90---Electronic Publishing '90 EP90, an international conference on electronic publishing, document manipulation, and typography, will be held in mid-September, 1990, in the Washington, DC area on the campus of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (formerly the National Bureau of Standards). An associated exhibition will provide an opportunity for participants to see commercial and research systems in action. EP90, ``Electronic Publishing '90,'' will be the third in a series of international conferences established to bring together researchers in all areas of electronic publishing systems. The conferences are viewed as a series, but each has been sponsored by a separate national organization. EP86, held in Nottingham, England, was sponsored by the British Computer Society. EP88, held in Nice, France, was sponsored by INRIA, the French national research organization. Although the conference series is relatively new, the results presented at the earlier sessions have already been influential in setting the tone and standards for quality in research in the area. The results have received wide dissemination---the proceedings from EP86 and EP88 have been published by Cambridge University Press, and we also plan to publish the proceedings from EP90 in book form. As with its predecessors, EP90 will adopt a broad definition of ``electronic publishing.'' In short, electronic publishing will be taken to encompass all aspects of computer-assisted preparation, presentation, transmittal, storage, and retrieval of documents. The scope of the conference also includes the design of the related computer systems, the design of their components, and the theory that underlies such systems. Both linear and non-linear documents are appropriate subjects for discussion. The conference definitely will be oriented to new ideas and techniques, although careful presentation of important earlier results inadequately described in the open literature is also appropriate. Papers should present previously unpublished original research results and should be well-grounded in experience. A partial list of topics includes: - Document preparation systems: design, concepts, and experience. - Document component identification and manipulation. - Hypertext systems, particularly those that provide additional insights on the characteristics of these systems. - Font design and use: design and evaluation of computer-based tools, techniques and goals, visual issues. - Representations specialized for electronic display: fonts, presentations, etc. - Page description languages. - Theoretical and algorithmic foundations of document preparation systems. - Critical analyses of proposed and established international standards. Experience with standards. - Managing the complexities introduced by scale. Scaling up to large documents. - Hardware-environment issues: Printers, displays, networks, workstations. - Distributed document manipulation systems (in the sense of distributed processing). - Specialized documents (e.g., catalogs, programs, manuals, and proposals), with insight into how they differ from generic documents. - Text and document recognition (recognition of physical and/or logical structure from a printed document). - Heterogeneous target reader populations (e.g., multi-lingual). - Application of database technology to document preparation - Integration of documentation tools with other tools, e.g., CASE, CAD-CAM. The chair of the conference is Dr. Peter R. King of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Manitoba and the program chair is Dr. Richard Furuta of the Department of Computer Science at the College Park campus of the University of Maryland. The exhibition chair is Debra Adams of Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center. The local arrangements and publicity chair is Dr. Lawrence A. Welsch of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. The program committee will be announced at a later date. To be placed on the conference mailing list, please fill out the form below and mail it to Lawrence A. Welsch/EP90 National Institute of Standards and Technology/TECH B266 Gaithersburg, MD 20899 U.S.A. or electronically to ep90@asl.icst.nbs.gov on the Internet. Please check as many as apply: ( ) I wish to receive registration information for EP90 ( ) I wish to receive information for authors ( ) I wish to receive information for exhibitors Name: Address: