[news.announce.conferences] CFP: Workshop on Graphics Hardware

fons@cwi.nl (Fons Kuijk) (01/05/89)

	     Fourth Eurographics Workshop

		 on Graphics Hardware


	Hamburg - Federal Republic of Germany

		  3-4 September 1989

Aims and Scope: Graphics hardware designers today have	lots
of  different  options	for system design as offered by ASIC
design tools and powerful general purpose  modules.  On	 the
one hand, silicon compilers offer the short turn-around time
of ASIC design and allow for an increased  circuit  complex-
ity.  On the other hand, general purpose hardware, as avail-
able today, offers economically	 state-of-the-art  technolo-
gies and can be used to obtain ``cheap'' parallel systems.

The aim of the workshop is to bring together leading workers
in  the	 field of graphics hardware design, to present their
work and to discuss alternative design options.

Contributions are invited  with	 respect  to  the  following

 - architectures & interaction
 - architectures & algorithmic aspects
 - innovative custom hardware
 - innovative use of general purpose hardware
 - VLSI design strategy

To be accepted, authors are  requested	to  send  preferably
extended  abstracts (up to 6 pages) to one of the below men-
tioned addresses.  Abstracts submitted	after  the  deadline
will still be considered, but will have a lower priority for
inclusion in the programme.

Papers and Discussions will be published in a book.

Workshop Chairman: Prof. D. Grimsdale, University of Sussex,
UK, and Prof. W. Strasser, University of Tubingen, FRG.

Programme Committee: Prof A. Kaufman  (Suny at Stoney Brook,
USA), Drs A. Kuijk (Centre for Mathematics and Computer Sci-
ence), Amsterdam, NL), Dr R. Moller (Bergische	Universitat,
Wuppertal, FRG), Dr S. Molnar (University of North-Carolina,
Chapel Hill, USA),  Dr	J.R.  Rossignac	 (Thomas  J.  Watson
Research  Center,  USA),  Dr C. Shaw (University of Alberta,

 30 April 1989	   Deadline for extended abstract
 1 July 1989	   Notification of acceptance
 3-4 Sept. 1989	   1989 WORKSHOP (draft full paper submitted)
 4-8 Sept. 1989	   Eurographics '89 (Tutorials 4-5 September)
 31 Oct. 1989	   Deadline final paper (15-25 pages camera ready)

Information: Please submit your extended abstract or write for
further details to:

 Prof. R.L. Grimsdale		    Prof. W. Strasser
 School of Engineering		    WSI/GRIS
 and Applied Sciences		    Universitat Tubingen
 University of Sussex		    Auf de Morgenstelle 10,C9
 Brighton   BN1 9QT		    D-7400  Tubingen
 United Kingdom			    FRG
 Tel.: +44 273 678047		    Tel.: +49 7071 296356
 E-mail: tafe9@vax2.sussex.ac.uk    E-mail: igsr001@dtuzdv5a.bitnet
 Telefax: +44 273 678399	    Telefax: +49 7071 295404

fons@cwi.nl (Fons Kuijk) (01/24/89)

		Fourth Eurographics Workshop
		    on Graphics Hardware
	   Hamburg - Federal Republic of Germany
		     3-4 September 1989


Aims and Scope: Graphics hardware designers today have	lots
of  different  options	for system design as offered by ASIC
design tools and powerful general purpose  modules.  On	 the
one hand, silicon compilers offer the short turn-around time
of ASIC design and allow for an increased  circuit  complex-
ity.  On the other hand, general purpose hardware, as avail-
able today, offers economically	 state-of-the-art  technolo-
gies and can be used to obtain ``cheap'' parallel systems.

The aim of the workshop is to bring together leading workers
in  the	 field of graphics hardware design, to present their
work and to discuss alternative design options.

Contributions are invited  with	 respect  to  the  following

 - architectures & interaction
 - architectures & algorithmic aspects
 - innovative custom hardware
 - innovative use of general purpose hardware
 - VLSI design strategy

To be accepted, authors are  requested	to  send  preferably
extended  abstracts (up to 6 pages) to one of the below men-
tioned addresses.  Abstracts submitted	after  the  deadline
will still be considered, but will have a lower priority for
inclusion in the programme.

Papers and Discussions will be published in a book.

Workshop Chairman: Prof. D. Grimsdale, University of Sussex,
UK, and Prof. W. Strasser, University of Tubingen, FRG.

Programme Committee: Prof A. Kaufman  (Suny at Stoney Brook,
USA), Drs A. Kuijk (Centre for Mathematics and Computer Sci-
ence), Amsterdam, NL), Dr R. Moller (Bergische	Universitat,
Wuppertal, FRG), Dr S. Molnar (University of North-Carolina,
Chapel Hill, USA),  Dr	J.R.  Rossignac	 (Thomas  J.  Watson
Research  Center,  USA),  Dr C. Shaw (University of Alberta,

 30 April 1989	   Deadline for extended abstract
 1 July 1989	   Notification of acceptance
 3-4 Sept. 1989	   1989 WORKSHOP (draft full paper submitted)
 4-8 Sept. 1989	   Eurographics '89 (Tutorials 4-5 September)
 31 Oct. 1989	   Deadline final paper (15-25 pages camera ready)

Information: Please submit your extended abstract or write for
further details to:

 Prof. R.L. Grimsdale		    Prof. W. Strasser
 School of Engineering		    WSI/GRIS
 and Applied Sciences		    Universitat Tubingen
 University of Sussex		    Auf de Morgenstelle 10,C9
 Brighton   BN1 9QT		    D-7400  Tubingen
 United Kingdom			    FRG
 Tel.: +44 273 678047		    Tel.: +49 7071 296356
 E-mail: tafe9@vax2.sussex.ac.uk    E-mail: igsr001@dtuzdv5a.bitnet
 Telefax: +44 273 678399	    Telefax: +49 7071 295404