jtr@cs.exeter.ac.uk (Jason Trenouth) (01/24/89)
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: PROMISE AND PROBLEMS AN INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP Sponsored by the AAAI 12 - 14th April 1989 University of Exeter, UK The purpose of this workshop is to present and discuss a broad set of issues relating to the promise and problems of exploiting AI in practical software. The four foci of the workshop are: AI-based support environments; AI mechanisms and techniques in practical software; Software Engineering tools and techniques for practical AI software; and methodological issues. The workshop will be structured around invited presentations from both practitioners and researchers from the USA and from Europe. Each such presentation will be followed by ample discussion time. In addition, some short presentations of relevant submitted papers will be scheduled. Several panel discussions are also planned. In order to facilitate the possibility of useful, open discussion the workshop will be limited to approximately 40 persons. If you would like to participate, present a paper, or organize a panel discussion, please send a one-page summary of your interests in this area to: Professor Derek Partridge, Department of Computer Science, University of Exeter, Devon, EX4 4PT, UK. EMAIL: derek@uk.ac.exeter.cs TEL: Exeter (0392) 264069 FAX: 0392 263108