beauvais@dg-rtp (Dan Beauvais) (01/27/89)
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Triangle Camera Clubs PO Box 13204 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-3204 Photo Enthusiasts to Meet in Durham The 1989 Southeast Council of Camera Clubs Conference will be held April 21 through 23 at the Landmark Inn, Durham, NC. Approximately 150 beginning and experienced photo enthusiasts from throughout the southeastern states are expected to participate. They will attend workshops presented by area professional and recognized amateur photographers. Field trips to several Triangle highlights will be offered. Attendees will be able to test their skills in print and slide competitions. They will feast on an outdoor pig-picking, complete with Dixieland music, and be entertained during an awards banquet. The conference is open to photographers of all skill levels. Registration information is available by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to Triangle Camera Clubs, PO Box 13204, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-3204. There is a discount for registrations received before March 20. This year's conference is hosted by the NIEHS Camera Club and the Burroughs Wellcome Camera Club, both of Research Triangle Park, the Capital City Camera Club of Raleigh, and the Chapel Hill - Carrboro Camera Club. For further information: Dan Beauvais, Publicity Chairman (919)-248-6262 (days) (919)-460-8625 (eves)