[news.announce.conferences] CFP: Eurographics Workshop on Intelligent CAD Systems

pauljan@cwi.nl (Paul Veerkamp) (01/29/89)

			Call for Participation

		    Third Eurographics Workshop on
		 "Practical Experience and Evaluation"

			   April 3-7, 1989
		  Hotel Opduin, Texel, The Netherlands

    This is the third workshop in a series of three Eurographics Workshops
on Intelligent CAD Systems which have the following topics

1.	1987:	Theoretical and Methodological Aspects
2.	1988:	Implementational Issues

Applying knowledge engineering to CAD has during the last decade become a
major area of research, known as Intelligent CAD. The scope of this workshop
includes (but is not limited to):

-	Experiments with intelligent CAD systems.
-	The role of intelligent CAD systems in industrial design.
-	Acquisition and maintenance of design expertise.
-	Software engineering for implementations of intelligent CAD systems.
-	User interfaces for intelligent CAD systems.
-	Knowledge representation languages for design.
-	Integration of application software (finite elements, qualitative
	physics, etc.) to intelligent CAD systems.

The proceedings of the workshop will be published by Springer-Verlag in the
EurographicSeminar Books series. The record of the first workshop has already
been published by Springer-Verlag and the volume covering the second workshop
should be out before December, 1988.

-	Febr. 15, 1989	  Submission of position papers.
-	March. 15, 1989	  Notification of acceptance.
-	April 3-7, 1989	  Workshop.
-	May 15, 1989	  Deadline for final manuscripts.
-	Dec. 1, 1989	  Springer-Verlag third volume in book shops.

    We are planning to accept 20 papers and we shall limit the total
number of participants to 50. Please submit 3 copies of a single-spaced
position paper of at LEAST 1000 and at MOST 3000 words (not counting
figures and references) on A4 sheets before November 1, 1988 to the
workshop secretary:

    Ms. Marja Hegt, ICAD WS #3
    Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI)
    Kruislaan 413, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    Tel. +31-20-592-4058, Fax +31-20-592-4199, E-mail marja@cwi.nl.uucp

Submission by electronic mail is encouraged as long as the author sends
the additional material (e.g. figures) in time. The position paper
explaines how you regard the issues of intelligent CAD. We are not planning
to admit applicants who have not submitted a position paper.

    1100 Dutch Guilders. This price includes accommodation, food, and
a special excursion. The workshop starts on April 3rd (Monday) with dinner
and ends on April 7th (Friday) after lunch. The fee for an accompanying
non-participating person is 750.

    This conference is organised by the Centre for Mathematics and Computer
Science (CWI). The co-chairmen are:
-	P.J.W. ten Hagen (CWI, The Netherlands), and
-	P.J. Veerkamp (CWI, The Netherlands).

	A. Agogino (Univ. of California - Berkeley, USA),
	V. Akman (Bilkent Univ., Turkey),
	F. Arbab (Univ. of Southern California, USA),
	P. Bernus (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary),
	A. Bijl (Univ. of Edinburgh, Scotland),
	J. Encarnacao (TH Darmstadt, West Germany),
	T. Kjellberg (Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden),
	G. Kramer (Schlumberger Palo Alto Research Center, USA),
	M. Mac an Airchinnigh (Univ. of Dublin, Ireland),
	K. MacCallum (Univ. of Strathclyde, UK),
	S. Murthy (IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, USA),
	G. Joubert (Philips Eindhoven Research Center, The Netherlands),
	J. Rogier (TNO-ITI, The Netherlands),
	D. Sriram (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA),
	W. Strasser (Univ. of Tuebingen, West Germany),
	T. Takala (Technical Univ. of Helsinki, Finland),
	T. Tomiyama (Univ. of Tokyo, Japan), and
	J. Treur (Univ. of Amsterdam, The Netherlands).