[news.announce.conferences] SOFTWARE ENGINEERING ENVIRONMENTS 1989

dave@easby.durham.ac.uk (Dave Robson) (02/10/89)


			    University of Durham
			      11-14 April 1989



The Software Engineering Environments 1989 Conference is the premier European
professional meeting to review, discuss, debate and learn about the most recent
practice and research results in the field.

The Conference is sponsored by the Institution of Electrical Engineers, The
Commission of the European Communities, and the Information Engineering
Directorate of the DTI.

Invited speakers from key European projects will present the latest results and
trends in the area of software engineering environments and software factories.

Twenty seven papers will be presented, on recent work and future direction of
e.g. PCTE, and the strategic European Eureka projects such as ESF, ASEE and
EAST.  The role of knowledge-based systems in environments will be addressed
and results reported.  User experience with IPSEs will be described.

The proceedings of the conference will be published, and made available to
delegates at no extra cost.


The content of the Conference will cover material of interest to researchers,
to managers, to those who act as 'technology gateways' in their organisations,
in fact to all who are concerned with moving software production from 1970's
operating systems environments to the software factories of the 1990's.

An important benefit of the conference is the formal and informal exchange of
ideas between researchers and practitioners.

The conference will be of particular interest to those involved with either the
ESPRIT II or the UK National programmes.  Sessions are arranged on: future
directions of SEE's including software factories; process modelling; PCTE
infrastructure and use; formal methods in SEE's; supporting design; knowledge
based approaches in SEEs; and user experience.	There will be a panel session
and how to achieve the industrial take up of SEEs.


   Professor Keith Bennett (Durham)
   Dr Pearl Brereton (Keele)
   Mr Hugh Browton (STC Technology Ltd)
   Mr John Elmore (Commission of European Communities)
   Mr Tim Lyons (Software Sciences Ltd)
   Mr Howard Nichols (IED & RSRE)
   Dr David Robson (Durham)
   Professor Mike Tedd (Aberystwyth)
   Mr Keith Southwell (IEE)
   Dr Mike Falla (NCC)


   Durham is an ancient city, rich in tradition and history. The city sky line
is dominated by the massive Norman cathedral begun in 1092 and the castle,
which was the seat of the Bishops of Durham from the eleventh to the
nineteenth century. Today Durham has a population of about 25,000 and its
narrow streets, cobbled lanes and charming old houses have been carefully

   Durham is an international tourist centre; the surrounding area has a high
proportion of countryside of outstanding natural beauty. It lies close to
the A1(M) motorway and is three hours north of London by train. There are
airports nearby at Newcastle and Teeside.

			   P  R	 O  G  R  A  M	M  E


    The EAST Project
    M. J P Bourgignon (SFGL)

    ESF - An approach to industrial software production
    Mr C Fernstrom (ESF)

    Mr J Loader (Marconi)

    Systems and Software: Environment or Factory?
    Mr G Oddy (GEC)


    Supporting the Design Process: The MDSE as a prototype environment
    Dr D Budgen (Stirling University)

    The Eclipse Toolbuilders Kit
    Dr Albert Alderson (Software Sciences Ltd)

    HCI models in software design: task oriented models of interactive software
    Dr P Johnson (Queen Mary College)


    PCTE+ - the evolution of PCTE
    Professor Mike Tedd (Aberystwyth University)

    The DAMOKLES databases system for design applications: its past, its
    present and its future
    Dr K R Dittrich (FZI Karlsruhe)

    An Overview of the Pact Project
    Dr I Thomas (Bull)

    SFINX: Project strategy - the componentry approach to SEE building
    Mr M Verrall (CAP Industry Ltd)


    A knowledge-based approach to computer aided requirements engineering
    Mr S McGowan (CAP Industry Ltd)

    Configuration Management: Rationale and Realisation
    Mr P Singleton (University of Kelle)

    ISM - a third generation knowledge-based PSE
    Dr B Hakami (Software Sciences Ltd)


    Formal Reasoning in an IPSE
    Dr P Lindsay (University of Manchester)

    Meteor and Beyond: Industrialising formal methods
    Dr Feijs (Philips Research)

    DESCARTES: A study of formal specification and debugging methods
    M. C Bonnet (TECSI)


    Technology Transfer of Quality Management Tools
    Ms Carol Greswell (STL)

    Software Engineering Environments: A tool developers point of view
    Mr S McGowan (CAP Industry Ltd)

    Practical experience with an IPSE
    Mr M Tilley (BT)

    The Ferranti approach to IPSEs
    Mr B Avis (Ferranti International)

    The Eureka AIMS Project
    Mr D Robinson (SD Scicon)


    "How do we promote the industrial take up of SEE's"


    Process modelling for non-formal methods in IPSE 2.5
    Mr C Zealey (ICL)

    ALF: its underlying model and its implementation on PCTE
    Dr A Legait (Syseca)

    Role based requirements definitions for software factories using usable
    requirements packages
    Dr U Kelter (University of Dortmund)

    Manipulation of formal developments expressed in DEVA
    M. J Cazin (CERT)

    The IPSE 2.5 Project: Process modelling as the basis for a support
    Professor B Warboys (University of Manchester)


The cost of the conference is 230 pounds sterling(VAT exempt).
This covers the conference fee, accommodation at Grey College for 3 nights,
all meals, and a copy of the documentation.

A non-residential fee, covering all the above except accommodation, is
available at 180.  There are several excellent hotels in the town in required.

Please contact: Professor K H Bennett
		University of Durham
		DH1 3LE

		Tel: (091) 374 2630 (UK) or  +44 91 374 2630 (International)

		E-mail: JANET: keith@uk.ac.dur.easby
			UUCP: ukc!easby!keith@mcvax.uucp
			EAN: keith@easby.dur.ac.uk
			ARPA: keith%easby.dur.ac.uk@cunyvm.cuny.edu

if you would like a registration form.