[news.announce.conferences] SUPER!

martyne@tcgould.tn.cornell.edu (Martyne Hallgren) (02/14/89)


   (Supercomputing by University People for Education and Research)

SUPER! is a higher education user group dedicated to high performance
computing on IBM systems.  Its activities include

     o   Interchange of user experiences

     o   Operation of an on-line directory of user software that
         runs on IBM 3090 vector and parallel systems

     o   Advocacy with IBM of user needs and aspirations in
         high-performance computing

     o   An annual conference to discuss and hear presentations
         on a wide variety of related topics, including novel
         uses, user needs, product directions, training and
         support, performance, program conversion, graphics,
         networks, and international developments

A highly successful national meeting of SUPER! was held in March,
1988, at Cornell University.  The next annual meeting will be hosted
by the University of Kentucky, April 23 to April 26, 1989, in
Lexington.  The theme of the meeting will be "Supercomputing in the

University people actively engaged in IBM-based high-performance
computing, including researchers and teachers, computing center staff
and management, and user support staff, are encouraged to become
involved in SUPER!

For more information contact Sandy Leachman at sandy@ukcc.bitnet,
606-257-8737, FAX: 606-257-4000, or the Center for Computational
Sciences, 325 McVey Hall, Lexington, Kentucky 40506.

Please circulate this flier to other potentially interested people.


 John W. D. Connolly, Chairman        Randal H. Melen
 University of Kentucky               Stanford University

 Kathy A. Barbieri                    John W. Rudan
 Cornell Nat'l Supercomputer Facil    Cornell University

 Geraldine MacDonald                  Nora Sabelli
 SUNY Binghamton                      University of Illinois at Chicago

 Walter M. MacIntyre                  Samuel B. Trickey
 University of Massachusetts          University of Florida