[news.announce.conferences] INTERNATIONAL AI AND SE WORKSHOP

jtr@cs.exeter.ac.uk (Jason Trenouth) (02/27/89)


	A R T I F I C I A L   I N T E L L I G E N C E

	A N D   S O F T W A R E	 E N G I N E E R I N G

	University of Exeter,
	12-14th April 1989.

	Sponsored by:
	the American Association for AI,
	the DTI, and
	the Ablex Publishing Corp.

		D R A F T   P R O G R A M M E

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ WEDNESDAY 12TH APRIL @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

10:30 -- coffee

11:00 - 1:00 pm

	Opening remarks
		-- D. Partridge
	Programming in the year 2009
		-- R.C. Waters (MIT)
	<to be decided>
	<to be decided>

1-2pm -- lunch

2:00 - 3:30 pm

	<title to be announced>
		-- L. Erman (Teknowledge)
	Explicit know-how as the basis of current business applications
		-- A. d'Agapeyeff (Expertech)
	Validation of Expert Systems
		-- E. P. Andert (Interstate Electronics, CA)

3:30 pm -- tea

4:00 - 5:30 pm

	Can computers help us with software production and maintenance?
		-- A. Sloman (Sussex Univ.)
	The gene modeler: an exercise in practical AI-software development
		-- C. Fields (New Mexico State Univ.)
	Understanding the human element of software development
		-- H. Sharp (Open Univ.)

6:00 pm Reception -- Reed Hall (light food and drinks)

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ THURSDAY 13TH APRIL @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

9:00 - 11:00

	The use of proof plans in formal methods
		-- A. Bundy (Edinburgh Univ.)
	NuPRL as a specification tool
		-- J. Bruten (HP Labs., Bristol) & A. Smaill (Edinburgh Univ.)
	Specification and conversation
		-- A. Finkelstein (Imperial College)
	PRECOMAS and the certification cycle
		-- M. Franova (LRI, Orsay) & A.	Galton (Exeter Univ.)

11:00 -- coffee

11:30 - 1:00 pm

	Programming with problem solving environments
		-- E. Kant (Schlumberger, Texas)
	Guidelines for requirements discussions
		-- M. Mahmoud & R. Rada (Liverpool Univ.)
	Exploratory programming via temporal database management
		-- J. Trenouth (Exeter Univ.)

1:00 - 2:00 pm - lunch

2:00 - 3:30 pm

	<to be decided>
	A metrics-driven approach to the automatic acquisition of SE knowledge
		-- R.G. Reynolds (Wayne State Univ., MI)
	Commonsense-planner approach to specification synthesis
		-- S. Nakajima (Univ. of Oregon - NEC Corp., Japan)

3:30 pm - tea

4:00 - 5:30 pm Panel discussion

	Knowledge acquisition support tools
		-- N. Shadbolt (Nottingham Univ.)
	{Unconfirmed} KEATS, past present and future -- Eisenstadt
	{Unconfirmed} Usability of power tools -- Young
	{Unconfirmed} Acquiring uncertain knowledge -- Fox
	{Unconfirmed} Lessons from KADS -- Breuker/Weilinga

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ FRIDAY 14TH APRIL @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

9:30 - 11:00 am

	On the modeling relationship between software engineering and AI
		-- G. Arango (UC Irvine, CA)
	Intelligent search of and planning for satisficing problem-solving
							paths and solutions
		-- V. Seppanen (Tech. Res. Centre of Finland, Oulu)
	Application of AI techniques to software reuse
		-- J.F. Cloarec, L.  Bruneau & A. Feroldi
			(CNET -- French National Telecommunication Res.	 Centre)

11:00 am - coffee

11:00 - 1:00 pm Panel Discussion

	Wider systems issues
		-- D. Shorter
	(Commercial, academic [from both sides of Atlantic], and possibly
	funding agencies.)

1:00 - 2:00pm lunch

End of workshop





			12th - 14th April 1989

Name (Dr., Ms., Lord, etc.)_____________________________________

Institution _______________________________________________________________

Professional position held__________________________________________

Address _____________________________________________________________

Post Code _____________ Country _____________	Telephone __________

Email _________________________


full workshop (accommodation 11-13th, all meals from dinner
11th to lunch 14th, reception, preprints, etc.)	    non-academic   150
							academic   120
					       full-time student   100

daily attendence (lunches 12-14th, breaks, reception, preprints, etc.)
						    non-academic   60
							academic   30
					       full-time student   25

Workshop accommodation will be on campus in Hope Hall a student
residence; a list of local hotels and room rates is provided for
those attendees who wish to make their own arrangements.

Vegetarian diet required (circle one)	 YES	  NO

 Payment is enclosed for ____________(please circle category above)
(if you cannot pay in Pounds Sterling please include extra to cover
bank charges)

A workshop place is reserved until MARCH 10TH.	After this date
your place may be given to another applicant.  Please make cheques
payable to 'Workshop on AI & SE', and send all documents to:

	Professor Derek Partridge
	Department of Computer Science
	University of Exeter, EX4 4PT, UK.
For office use only:

Amount received __________		  Receipt sent ___________
Accommodation reserved ____		  Registration No. _______