[news.announce.conferences] ISCA 89 ADVANCE PROGRAM - Part 1: Technical Program

gabriels@k.gp.cs.cmu.edu (Gabriel Silberman) (03/04/89)


       The 16th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture
		      May 28th - June 1st, 1989
	       Hyatt Regency Hotel, Jerusalem, Israel

			    sponsored by
	 Computer Society of the Institute of Electrical and
		     Electronics Engineers - TCCA
	    Association for Computing Machinery - SIGARCH

D. DeGroot, TI
Z. Segall, CMU
Y.N. Patt, UC Berkeley

General Co-Chairs
M. Yoeli, Technion
G.M. Silberman, Technion

Vice-Chairs, USA
G. Frieder, Syracuse U.

Vice-Chair, Europe		      M. Amamiya, Japan
U. Trottenberg, SUPRENUM FRG	      H. Amano, Japan
				      J.P. Banatre, France
Vice-Chair, Far-East		      D. Comte, France
Y. Tohma, Tokyo Inst. of Tech.	      E. Davidson, USA
				      J. Goodman, USA
Program Chair			      A. Goto, Japan
J.C. Syre, ECRC			      A. Gottlieb, USA
				      A. Hattori, Japan
Program Vice-Chair, USA		      R.N. Ibbeth, UK
Arvind, MIT			      C.R. Jesshope, UK
				      R. Keller, USA
Program Vice-Chair, Europe/Israel     T. Knight, USA
J. Gurd, U. Manchester		      N. Koike, Japan
				      I. Koren, USA
Program Vice-Chair, Far-East	      D. Lawrie, USA
M. Kitsuregawa, U. Tokyo	      S. Nagashima, Japan
				      J. Noye, FRG
Posters Chair			      E. Odijk, Netherlands
B. Atlas, Technion		      K.H. Park, Korea
				      Y.N. Patt, USA
Finance & Local Arrangements Chair    B.R. Rau, USA
R. Ginosar, Technion		      R.D. Rettberg, USA
				      L. Roncarolo, Italy
Registration & Travel Grants Chair    S. Ruhman, Israel
I. Spillinger, Technion		      K. Shibayama, Japan
				      H.  Tanaka, Japan
Publicity & Publications Chair	      S. Tomita, Japan
U. Weiser, INTEL		      U. Weiser, Israel
				      T. Yuba, Japan
Tutorials Chair
D. Tabak, GMU

Exhibits Chair
H. Azaria, BGU


Sunday,	 May 28, 1989.	   Tutorials at Beit Meirsdorf.

08.00 - 09.00  Registration and Coffee
09.00 - 10.30  Tutorial #1, Designing High Yield VLSI Systems,
	       I. Koren, UMass Amherst.
09.00 - 10.30  Tutorial #3, RISC Systems, Architecture and
	       Implementation, V. Milutinovic, Purdue Univ. and
	       D. Tabak, GMU.
10.30 - 11.00  Coffee Break
11.00 - 12.30  Tutorials #1, #3 continued
12.30 - 14.30  Lunch Break (on your own)
14.30 - 16.00  Tutorial #3 continued
14.30 - 16.00  Tutorial #2, Parallel Processing Systems, H.J. Siegel,
	       Purdue Univ.
16.00 - 16.30  Coffee Break
16.30 - 18.00  Tutorials #2, #3 continued.

19.00 - 21.00  Symposium Registration at Hyatt Regency Hotel

Monday, May 29.

08.00 - 12.00  Registration
09.00 - 11.00  Opening Session
	       Chair:  G.M. Silberman/ M. Yoeli, Technion
	       Opening Address: Trends in Technology and Systems,
				John A. Darringer, IBM Research
	       Keynote Address: The Evolution to Post-RISC Architectures,
				Michael W. Blasgen, IBM Research
11.00 - 11.30  Coffee Break
11.30 - 13.00  Session 2A
	       Cache Coherence and Synchronization I
	       Chair:  M. Dubois, USC
	     - Evaluating the Performance of Four Snooping Cache
	       Coherency Protocols, S.J. Eggers, R.H. Katz, UC Berkeley.
	     - Multilevel Shared Caching Techniques for Scalability
	       in VMP-MC, D.R. Cheriton, H.A. Goosen, P.D. Boyle,
	       Stanford Univ.
	     - Design and Performance of a Coherent Cache for
	       Parallel Logic Programming Architectures, A. Goto,
	       A. Matsumoto, E. Tick, ICOT Tokyo.
11.30 - 13.00  Session 2B
	       Chair:  I. Koren, UMass Amherst
	     - The Epsilon Dataflow Processor, V.G. Grafe, Sandia
	       Nat. Lab. Albuquerque.
	     - An Architecture of a Dataflow Single Chip Processor,
	       S. Sakai, Y. Yamaguchi, K. Hiraki, Electrotechnical
	       Lab., Ibaraki Japan.
	     - Exploiting Data Parallelism in Signal Processing
	       on a Dataflow Machine, P. Nitezki, FZI, Karlsruhe.
13.00 - 14.30  Lunch Break
14.30 - 16.00  Session 3A
	       Pipeline Architectures
	       Chair:  A. Gottlieb, NYU
	     - Architectural Mechanisms to Support Sparse Vector
	       Processing, R.N. Ibbett, T.M. Hopkins, K.I.M. McKinnon,
	       Univ. Edinburgh.
	     - A Dynamic Storage Scheme for Conflict-Free Vector
	       Access, D.T. Harper III, D.A. Linebarger, Univ.
	       Texas Dallas.
	     - SIMP Simple Instruction Stream/Multiple Instruction
	       Pipelining: A Novel High-Speed Single-Processor
	       Architecture, K. Murakami, M. Kuga, S.Tomita,
	       Kyushu Univ.
14.30 - 16.00  Session 3B
	       Mapping Algorithms
	       Chair:  A.L. Davis, HP
	     - SIMD Algorithms for 2-D Arrays in Shuffle Networks
	       Y. Ben-Asher, D. Egozi, A. Schuster, Hebrew Univ.
	     - Systematic Hardware Adaption of Systolic Algorithms,
	       M. Valero-Garcia, J.J. Navarro, J.M. Llaberia,
	       M. Valero, Univ. Politecnica, Barcelona.
	     - Subcube Allocation and Task Migration in Hypercube
	       Multiprocessors, M.-S. Chen, K.G. Shin, Univ.
	       Mich. Ann Arbor.
16.00 - 16.30  Coffee Break
16.30 - 18.00  Panel Session I
	       Chair:  Andre M. van Tilborg, ONR
	       Choosing a Parallel Paradigm: SIMD or MIMD?
20.30 -	       SIGARCH Business Meeting


Tuesday, May 30.

08.00 - 10.00  Registration
09.00 - 11.00  Session 4A
	       Uniprocessor Caches
	       Chair:  D. Alpert, INTEL
	     - Characteristics of Performance-Optimal Multi-Level
	       Cache Hierarchies, S. Przybylski, J. Hennessy,
	       M. Horowitz, Stanford Univ.
	     - Supporting Reference and Dirty Bits in SPUR's
	       Virtual Address Cache, D.A. Wood, R.H. Katz, UC Berkeley.
	     - Inexpensive Implementations of Set-Associativity,
	       R.E. Kessler, Univ. Wisc. Madison.
	     - Organization and Performance of a Two-Level
	       Virtual-Real Cache Hierarchy, W.-H. Wang,
	       J.-L. Baer, H.M. Levy, Univ. Wash. Seattle.
09.00 - 11.00  Session 4B
	       Chair:  H.J. Siegel, Purdue Univ.
	     - High Performance Communications in Processor Networks,
	       C.R. Jesshope, I. McNally, P.R. Miller, J.T. Yantchev,
	       Univ. Southampton.
	     - Introducing Memory into the Switch Elements of
	       Multiprocessor Interconnection Networks, H.E.  Mizrahi,
	       J.-L. Baer, E.D. Lazowska, J. Zahorjan, Univ. Wash. Seattle.
	     - Using Feedback to Control Tree Saturation in
	       Multistage Interconnection Networks, S. Scott,
	       G.S. Sohi, Univ. Wisc. Madison.
	     - Constructing Replicated Systems Using Processors
	       with Point-to-Point Communication Links, P.D. Ezhilchelvan,
	       S.K. Shrivastava, A. Tully, Univ. Newcastle Upon Tyne.
11.00 - 11.30  Coffee Break
11.30 - 12.30  Session 5
	       Invited Speaker:	 Mario Tokoro, Sony Corp. and Keio Univ.
				 Concurrent Objects: A Way to Efficiently
				 Utilize Hardware Parallelism.
12.30 - 14.00  Lunch Break
14.00 - 16.00  Session 6A
	       Prolog Architectures
	       Chair:  R. Ginosar,  Technion
	     - KCM: A Knowledge Crunching Machine, H. Benker,
	       Beacco, Bescos, Dorochevsky, Jeffre, Poehlmann,
	       Noye, Sexton, Syre, Thibault, Watzlawik, ECRC Munich.
	     - A High Performance Prolog Processor with Multiple
	       Function Units, A. Singhal, Y.N. Patt, UC Berkekey.
	     - Evaluation of Memory System for Integrated Prolog
	       Processor IPP, M. Morioka, S. Yamaguchi, T. Bandoh, Hitachi.
	     - A Type Driven Hardware Engine for Prolog Clause
	       Retrieval over a Large Knowledge Base, K.-F. Wong,
	       M.H. Williams, Heriot-Watt Univ. Edinburgh.
14.00 - 16.00  Session 6B
	       Instruction Fetching
	       Chair: I. Spillinger, Technion
	     - Comparing Software and Hardware Schemes for
	       Reducing the Cost of Branches, W.-M.W. Hwu, T.M.
	       Conte, P.P. Chang, Univ. Ill. Urbana.
	     - Improving Performance of Small On-Chip Instruction
	       Caches, M.K. Farrens, A.R. Pleszkun, Univ. Wisc. Madison.
	     - Achieving High Instruction Cache Performance with
	       an Optimizing Compiler, W.-M.W. Hwu, P.P. Chang,
	       Univ. Ill. Urbana.
	     - The Impact of Code Density on Instruction Cache
	       Performance, P. Steenkiste, CMU.
16.30 - 19.30  Old City Tour
20.30 -	       Banquet and Eckert-Mauchly Award Ceremony


Wednesday, May 31.

08.00 - 10.00  Registration
09.00 - 11.00  Session 7A
	       Parallel Architectures
	       Chair: H. Muehlenbein, GMD
	     - Can Dataflow Subsume von Neumann Computing?, R.S. Nikhil,
	       Arvind, MIT.
	     - Exploring the Benefits of Multiple Hardware Contexts
	       in a Multiprocessor Architecture: Preliminary Results,
	       W.-D. Weber, A. Gupta, Stanford Univ.
	     - Architectural and Organizational Tradeoffs in the
	       Design of the MultiTitan CPU, N.P. Jouppi, DEC Palo Alto.
	     - Run-Time Checking in Lisp by Integrating Memory
	       Addressing and Range Checking, M. Sato, S. Ichikawa,
	       E. Goto, JRDC Tsukiji Tokyo.
09.00 - 11.00  Session 7B
	       Performance Evaluation
	       Chair: D.P. Siewiorek, CMU
	     - Multiple vs. Wide Shared Bus Multiprocessors,
	       A. Hopper, A. Jones, D. Lioupis, Olivetti Research
	       Cambridge UK.
	     - Performance Measurements on a Commercial Multiprocessor
	       Running Parallel Code, M. Annaratone, R. Ruehl, ETH Zurich.
	     - Interprocessor Communication Speed and Performance
	       in Distributed Memory Parallel Processors,
	       M. Annaratone, C. Pommerell, R. Ruehl, ETH Zurich.
	     - Analysis of Computation-Communication Issues in
	       Dynamic Dataflow Architectures, D. Ghosal, S.K. Tripathi,
	       Univ. Maryland College Park.
11.00 - 11.30  Coffe Break
11.30 - 12.30  Session 8A
	       Logic Simulation Systems
	       Chair:  E. Kronstadt, IBM
	     - Logic Simulation on Massively Parallel Architectures,
	       S.A. Kravitz, R.E. Bryant, R.A. Rutenbar, CMU.
	     - R256: A Research Parallel Processor for Scientific
	       Computation, T. Fukazawa, T. Kimura, Y. Itoh, K. Takeda,
	       M. Tomizawa, NTT.
11.30 - 12.30  Session 8B
	       Special Purpose Architectures
	       Chair: S. Ruhman, Weizmann Institute
	     - A Three-Port/Three-Access Register File for Concurrent
	       Processing and I/O Communication in a RISC-Like Graphics
	       Engine, M.L. Anido, D.J. Allerton, E.J. Zaluska,
	       Univ. Southampton.
	     - An Architectural Framework for Application-Specific
	       and Scalable Architectures, J.M. Mulder, R.J. Portier,
	       A. Srivastava, R. Velt, Delft Univ. of Technology.
12.30 - 14.00  Lunch Break
14.00 - 15.30  Session 9A
	       Memory Systems
	       Chair: G. Frieder, Syracuse Univ.
	     - Perfect Latin Squares and Parallel Array Access,
	       K. Kim, P. Kumar, USC.
	     - A Non-Periodic Storage Scheme to Reduce Memory
	       Conflicts in Vector Processors, S. Weiss,
	       Univ. of Maryland Baltimore.
	     - Analysis of Vector Access Performance on Skewed
	       Interleaved Memory, C.-L. Chen, C.-K. Liao,
	       Nat. Univ. Taiwan.
14.00 - 15.30  Session 9B
	       Cache Coherence and Synchronization II
	       Chair: J. Goodman, Univ. Wisc. Madison
	     - Adaptive Backoff Synchronization Techniques,
	       A. Agarwal, M. Cherian, MIT.
	     - A Cache Consistency Protocol for Multiprocessors
	       with Multistage Networks, P. Stenstroem, Lund Univ.
	     - On Data Synchronizations for Multiprocessors,
	       H.-M. Su, P.-C. Yew, Univ. Ill. Urbana.
15.30 - 16.00  Coffee Break
16.00 - 17.30  Panel Session II
	       Chair: Abraham Waksman, AFOSR
	       Hardware and Software Architectures for Real-Time Computing


Thursday,  June 1, 1989.   Tutorials at Beit Meirsdorf.

08.00 - 09.00  Registration and Coffee
09.00 - 10.30  Tutorial #4, Advanced Computer Architecture,
	       D.P. Agrawal, North Carolina State Univ.
09.00 - 10.30  Tutorial #6, Dataflow vs. von Neumann: Two Ends
	       of a Spectrum, L. Bic, UC Irvine, and J.L. Gaudiot, USC.
10.30 - 11.00  Coffee Break
11.00 - 12.30  Tutorials #4, #6 continued
12.30 - 14.30  Lunch Break (on your own)
14.30 - 16.00  Tutorial #5, Cache Memories, A.J. Smith, UC Berkeley.
14.30 - 16.00  Tutorial #6 continued
16.00 - 16.30  Coffee Break
16.30 - 18.00  Tutorials #5, #6 continued