[news.announce.conferences] ISCA 89 ADVANCE PROGRAM - Part 3: Registration/Accomodations/Workshops

gabriels@k.gp.cs.cmu.edu (Gabriel Silberman) (03/04/89)


Please type or print in block letters.

FIRST NAME________________LAST NAME__________________________
MAILING ADDRESS______________________________________________
MEMBER(check)	 __ACM	   __IEEE     __SIGARCH	     __TCCA
MEMBERSHIP # _________________________

FEES (US $)	   prior to April 28	    after April 28
	     member non-member student	member non-member student
(please circle
selection & fees)

Symposium     220      280	 75	 270	  335	    95

1  2  4	 5    105      130	105	 130	  160	   130

3   6	      160      195	160	 190	  240	   190

Indicate alternative tutorial choice: ____

BANQUET DINNER TICKETS			#___x $40   $ _______

TOTAL FEE					 US $ _______

Enclose check payable to  UNITOURS for ISCA 89
or enclose copy of bank transfer order made out to UNITOURS
Account #380-01-301300/16 Bank Leumi Le'Israel Ltd., Trumpeldor
Branch, Tel Aviv, Israel.

Check enclosed____	 Copy of bank transfer attached____

Mail to: Secretariat of ISCA 89, P.O.Box 3190, Tel Aviv
	 61031, Israel.

Registration forms and checks received after April 28 will be
processed as late registration.	 Refund of registration fees,
less $30 for handling, will be made provided cancellation in
writing is received before April 28.  Cancellations received
after April 28 : no refund.

Full conference registration fees include: admission to all
sessions, coffee breaks, one copy of the proceedings, one ticket
to the Wine and Cheese reception, admission to Israel Museum, and
half-day tour of Jerusalem.
Student registration fees include: admission to all sessions
and coffee breaks.
Tutorial registration fees include: copies of notes and coffee
breaks.	 We reserve the right to cancel tutorials due to insufficient
registration.  In case a tutorial is canceled, and you have indicated
an alternative choice, you will be notified of the change, and any
fee adjustments will be made at the tutorial registration.

A number of Travel Grants are available for Symposium participants.
For application forms contact Ilan Spillinger at the Secretariat's
address, or Gabriel M. Silberman, ECE Dept, CMU, Pittsburgh,
PA 15213-3890, e-mail: gabby@maxwell.ece.cmu.edu, fax: (412) 268-2860.


Please TYPE or PRINT in BLOCK letters and return by AIRMAIL to:
Secretariat, 16th ISCA 89, P.O.Box 3190, Tel-Aviv 61031, Israel.

FIRST NAME __________________LAST NAME_________________________
AFFILIATION ___________________________________________________
MAILING ADDRESS _______________________________________________
CITY__________________STATE_________________POSTAL CODE________

Check choice of hotel ranging from 1 to 3:
Choice		  Hotel		     p.p. in double   single
_____	  Hyatt Regency (D/Lux)	      $	 53.50	     $	99.50
_____	  Knesset Tower (Tourist)     $	 26.50	     $	41.50
_____	  Beit Meirsdorf (Tourist)    $	 23.50	     $	40.00

These rates include a rich Israeli buffet breakfast and taxes.
Indicate: double/single, # of accompanying persons______
Dates: from________to_______

A choice of 3 Post-Symposium Tours will be available.
Check choice and indicate # of accompanying persons______

Tour	       Description		     p.p. double/single
A(3 days)    Galilee & the North	     $	260	  $  328
B(4 days)    Dead Sea area & Eilat	     $	263	  $  379
C(5 days)    Egypt: Cairo, Luxor & Pyramides $	378	  $  418

For hotel reservation a one night deposit per person is required.
For tour reservation a deposit of $ 100 per person is required.
Please enclose check payable to UNITOURS - FOR ISCA 89 - ACCOMMODATION,
or enclose copy of bank transfer order made out to
Bank Leumi Le'Israel Ltd, Trumpeldor Branch, Tel Aviv, Israel,
Acc.# 916-01-4510, payable as above.

Amount of payment   US $ _____
___ Check enclosed   ___ Copy of bank transfer attached

Deposits are refundable less $ 30 if cancellation in writing is
received by April 28, 1989.  After April 28 no refund.


		Computer Architecture Workshops

		     Eilat 5/25/89 - 5/26/89

    The ACM-SIGARCH/IEEE-CS International Symposium on Computer
Architecture is pleased to offer the following workshops in the
field of Computer Architecture.

#    Topic				Chair(s)	     Date

1    Risc Microprocessors for	 D.Tabak, GMU		   5/25
     Si and GaAs		 V.Milutinovic, Purdue

2    Architectural Support for	  C. Friedlander, BDM	   5/25-26
     Real-Time AI		  C. Reynolds & R. Small,

3    Cache Architecture in	      M. Dubois, USC
     Multiprocessors					   5/25-26
     Interconnect Architectures for   S.S. Thakkar, Sequent
     Shared Memory Multiprocessors

4    Dataflow: A Status Report	  J.-L.Gaudiot, USC	   5/25-26
				  L.Bic, UC Irvine

5    Parallel Algorithms and	  S. Manohar, UNC	    5/26
     Algorithms for Multigrid Methods

6    Architectural Support for	  D. DeGroot, TI	    5/25-26
     Declarative Programming	  P. Biswas, SMU

7    Future Trends in Massively	   G. Shichman, IBM	    5/25-26
     Parallel Supercomputer Architectures

8    Impact of Rapid Turn Around    R. Ashany &
     Design on			    W.G. Oklobdzija,	    5/26
     Computer Architecture	    UC Berkeley

The number of participants is limited.	The application form below
should be forwarded not later than March 24, 1989 to

		      Professor Trevor Mudge
		      EE/CS Dept.
		      University of Michigan
		      1101 Beal Avenue
		      Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2120, USA

In addition to participating in a workshop, the program includes:

* Flight from Tel-Aviv to Eilat and transfer to hotel.
* 4 nights# in four-star hotel with breakfast
* 2 light lunches
* Half-day tour to Eilat vicinities
* Visit to world-known Underwater Observatory
* Red-Sea Boat Ride with Dinner
* Bus tour from Eilat to Jerusalem on Sunday, May 28, 1989, via
  Dead Sea and Massada.

# For people arriving in Israel on 5/24 who cannot make the connection
to Eilat, one-night accomodation in Tel-Aviv will be arranged.

The total fee for the above program is US dollars 360.-
per person in double-room (single supplement is $100).
The above program plus a second half-day tour will also be available
for accompanying persons at the cost of US dollars 360.-

Applicants should complete all items of the Application Form and
mail it together with a check for US dollars 100.- as deposit to
reach Prof. T. Mudge at the above address not later than March 24, 1989.
Participants will be notified of their acceptance.
Checks of applicants not accepted will be returned.

The balance is to be paid on arrival to the hostess of Unitours in
Eilat by cash, Travellers Cheques, or credit card: Visa, Diner's Club,
American Express.

	    Eilat ACM/SIGARCH Workshops, May 89


Please type or print in block letters.

First Name ________________________Last Name ______________________________

Affiliation _______________________________________________________________

Mailing Address ___________________________________________________________


City_________________State___________________Postal Code___________________

Country______________E-Mail _______________________________________________


Indicate choice of Workshop___________________________________________


FEES (US dollars)

(please circle)

A. Program (workshop participant)	  US $ 360.-
B. Supplement for single room		  US $ 100.-
C. Accompanying persons # ___x 360	  US $ ____
   Total fee				  US $ _______
   Less deposit				  US $ 100.-
   Balance to be paid on arrival	  US $ _______

Make deposit check payable to Eilat Workshops 1989.