[news.announce.conferences] 6SCIA PROGRAM AND INVITATION

scia@stek2.oulu.fi (SCIA confrence in OULU) (03/18/89)

Preliminary Program and Invitation to Participate

University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland
June 19-22, 1989


The 6th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (6SCIA) will be arranged
by the Pattern Recognition Society of Finland from June 19 to June 22, 1989.
The conference is sponsored by the International Association for Pattern
Recognition. The conference will be held at the University of Oulu. Oulu is
the major industrial city in North Finland, situated not far from the Arctic
Circle. The conference site is at the Linnanmaa campus of the University,
near downtown Oulu.


E. Oja, Conference Chairman
M. Pietikainen, Program Chairman
J. Roning, Local Organization Chairman
H. Hakalahti, Exhibition Chairman
J.-O. Eklundh, Sweden
S. Grinaker, Norway
T. Kohonen, Finland
L. F. Pau, Denmark


"RAMBO" - Integration of Vision and Planning on the Connection Machine
L.S. Davis - University of Maryland, USA

Robot Vision
Y. Shirai - Osaka University, Japan

Image Processing for HDTV
G. Tonge - Independent Broadcasting Authority, UK

Parallelism in Low Level Vision. Some Algorithms and Architectures
P.E. Danielsson - Linkoping University, Sweden

After Dinner Speech:
Computer Vision: Historical Remarks
A.Rosenfeld - University of Maryland, USA

Industrial Machine Vision
J. Sanz - IBM Almaden Research Center, USA

Relaxation Neural Network for Conjoint Image Analysis by Self-Similar,
Non-Orthogonal 2-D Gabor Expansion
J. Daugman - Harvard University, USA


Medical Imaging
Moderator Prof. N. Saranummi

Neural Networks and Conventional Architectures
Moderator Prof. E. Oja

Image Processing Workstations
Moderator  Dr. A. Kortekangas

Visual Inspection in the Electronics Industry
Moderator Prof. L.F. Pau



MONDAY, 19 JUNE 1989

Time: 14:00

E. Oja, Conference Chairman
L.K. Korhonen, Rector, University of Oulu
M. Pietikainen, Program Chairman

Time: 14:30

"RAMBO" - Integration of Vision and Planning on the Connection Machine
L.S. Davis - University of Maryland, USA

Time: 15:40

Scene Reconstruction by Interpretation of
Stereo Line Drawing
Y. Ohta, Y. Masai, K. Ikeda - University of Tsukuba, Japan

Real-Time Range Maps from Paired Video Cameras
R.J. Fryer, J. Miller - University of Strathclyde, UK

Hierarchical Region Based Stereo Matching
P. Sander, L. Vinet, L. Cohen, A. Gagalowicz - INRIA
Rocquencourt, France

A Combined Region- and Contour-Based Stereo Vision System
T. Westman - University of Oulu, Finland

Region Matching for Stereo Pairs
A. Gagalowicz, L. Vinet - INRIA Rocquencourt, France

A New Trinocular Stereo Vision Method
J. Shen - Southeast University, P.R. China, S. Castan, J.
Zhao - Universite Paul Sabatier, France

Time: 15:40

Pattern Recognition with Potential Functions in the Context of Neural Networks
M. Niranjan, A.J. Robinson, F. Fallside - Cambridge University, UK

A Vision by Neural Network or by Pyramid?
T. Yamaguchi, W.G. Kropatsch - Institute for Image Processing
and Computer Graphics, Austria

Recognition of Engraved Characters Using Distributed Associative Memories
M. Dehesa, C. Sachs, C.-E. Liedtke -Universitat Hannover, F.R. Germany

Self-Organizing Maps for Temporal and Spatial AR Models
J. Lampinen, J. Kuusela, E. Oja - Lappeenranta University of
Technology, Finland

A Neural Network Clustering Algorithm, and it's Application to
Multispectral Satellite Image Classification
H.G.C. Traven - Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

A Noise-Driven Network for Solving Vision Problems
L. Xiaoping, B. Zhaoqi - Tsinghua University, P.R. China

Time: 15:40

Adaptive Noise Filtering of Solar Photographic UV Spectra; an Evaluation
F. Albregtsen, O. Graf, T. Lonnestad - University of
Oslo, Norway

The Design of an Opto-Electronic Filter for Textural Feature Extraction
for Applications in Remote Sensing of Forest Canopies
N.J. Mulder, C.R. Austrom - International Institute for Aerospace
Surveys and Earth Sciences (ITC), The Netherlands

Comparisons of Some Classification Methods in Satellite Image Aided
Forest Tax Class Estimation
E. Tomppo - Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland

Classification of Sea-Ice Using SAR Data
E. Holbaek-Hanssen, H. Tjelmeland, B. Wang - Norwegian Computing Center,
Norway, R. Karpuz - Nansen Remote Sensing Center, Norway

Meteorological Satellite NOAA Quick-Look Image Retrieval and Distribution
M. Takagi, M. Nakayanma - University of Tokyo, Japan

A System for Analysis and Interpretation of Lineaments in Remote Sensing Images
P.O. Simoni, V. Rodriques, P.P.B. Oliveira - INPE - Instituto de
Pesquisas Espaciais, Brazil


Time: 8:30

Robot Vision
Y. Shirai - Osaka University, Japan

Time 9:15

Image Processing for HDTV
G. Tonge - Independent Broadcasting Authority, UK

Time: 10:30

Nodule Mining Strategy by Image Analysis
A. Montanvert, J.-M. Chassery - Laboratoire TIM3-
IMAG, France, C. Charles - Gemonod, France

Utilization of Vision Feedback in Robotic Assembly
P. Karkkainen, U. Niemela, I. Moring - Technical
Research Centre of Finland, Finland

Experiments with Model-Based Machine Vision for Robot Navigation
M. Lindholm, J. Roning, J. Riekki - University of Oulu, Finland

On Vehicle Navigation Using Image Information
A. Wernersson, U. Wiklund, U. Andersson, K. Hyyppa - Lulea University
of Technology, Sweden

Time: 10:30

A Set of Complete Multi-Dimensional Translation Invariant Transforms
via the Fourier Transform and the Number Theory
T.H. Minh - Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland

Application of Adaptive Equalization to Image Processing
M. Chellali, V. K. Ingle - Northeastern University, USA

Magnitude Representation of Features in Image Analysis
G.H. Granlund - Linkoping University, Sweden

The Descriptive Framework for an Image Recognition Problem
I.B. Gurevitch - The Scientific Council "Cybernetics" of the
USSR Academy of Sciences, USSR

Time: 10:30

Estimating the Orientation of Multiple Textured Planes
J. Garding - Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Imperfect Shape Estimators Overestimate Slant
P. Kube - University of California at San Diego, USA

Representing Local Structure Using Tensors
H. Knutsson - Linkoping University, Sweden

Shape Representation by Multi-Scale Contour Approximation
A. Bengtson, J.-O. Eklundh - Royal Institute of Technology, Swe-

A Shape-from-Contour Method for Solid Perception
S.Y.K. Yuen, N.K.D. Leung - Hong Kong Polytech-
nic, Hong Kong

Time: 13:00

Partial Projection Filter for Image Restoration
H. Ogawa - Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, S.
Hara - Fuji Photo Film Co., Japan

A "Small Leakage" Model for Diffusion Smoothing of Image Data
L.-D. Cai - University of Edinburgh, UK

Nonlinear Interpolation for Image Expansion Based on Potential Theory
G. Sparr, A. Hansson, L. Nielsen - Lund University, Sweden

Color Image Processing with AOTF
J. Hallikainen, J.P.S. Parkkinen, T. Jaaskelainen - University of
Kuopio, Finland

A Two-Dimensional Nonuniform Sampling Expansion Model
V.-E. Neagoe - Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest, Romania

Time: 13:00

Interactive Grouping in 2D Images
A. Woodcock, T. Plant, A. Schappo, S.A.R. Scrivener - Loughborough
University of Technology, UK

Perceptual Grouping of Image Primitives Using a Potential and Field Approach
T. Pun, P.-Y. Burgi - University of Geneva, Switzerland

A Model of Human Visual Memory: Data Compression with Multiresolution
T. Inui - ATR Auditory and Visual Perception Research Laboratories, Japan

The Perception of Occluded Figures with Complex Edges
F. Halper - Essex County College, USA

A Connectionist Approach to Three Dimensional Perception
S. Singh, E. Claridge - Aston University, UK

Time: 13:00

Design of an Expert Vision System for Microscopic Analysis of Neurons
D. Harwood, J. Arnqvist, L. Davis, E. Glaser - Universi-
ty of Maryland, USA

Cell Shape Analysis by Gradient Methods
C. Domengeaux, C.F. Dewey, Jr. - Massachusetts Insti-
tute of Technology, USA

Automatic Tracking of Vessel Lumen Fluctuations Using Digital Image Processing
C.Y.J. Yip, S.J. Aggarwal, K.R. Diller, A.C. Bovik - University of
Texas at Austin, USA

Display and Utilization of Pathological Volumes in Medical Images for
Stereotactic Brain Surgery
Y. Louhisalmi, J. Koivukangas - University of Oulu, Finland

Heuristic Search in Biomedical Images on an Image Analysis System
D. Kountanis - Western Michigan University, USA

Time: 15:00

The Euclidian Distance Transform and its Implementation on SIMD Architectures
I. Ragnemalm - Linkoping University, Sweden

Connectivity Preserving Shrinking by Isotropic Erosion
P.C.K. Kwok - University of Calgary, Canada

Euclidean Distances from Chamfer Distances for Limited Distances
S. Forchhammer - Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

Using Distance Information for Editing Binary Pictures
S. Ablameyko - Institute of Technical Cybernetics Byelorussian
Academy of Sciences, USSR, C. Arcelli, G.S. di Baja - Insti-
tuto di Cibernetica del C.N.R., Italy

A Segmentation Method in a Voronoi Diagram Environment
J.-M. Chassery, A. Montanvert - Laboratoire TIM3-IMAG, France

Decomposition of Ribbon-Like Shapes
A. Chianese, L.P. Cordella, M. De Santo, M. Vento - Universita'
di Napoli, Italy

Time: 15:00

Semantic Networks for Scene Analysis
W. Kasprzak, H. Niemann - Universitat Erlangen-
Nurnberg, F.R. Germany

2-D and 3-D Model-Based Recognition of ManMade Objects in Outdoor Scenes
X.F. Lebegue, D.C. Baker, J.K. Aggarwal - University of
Texas at Austin, USA

The Use of Context in Interpretation of Image Sequences
M. Desvignes, C. Porquet, P. Spagnou - ISMRa
CAEN, France

Contour Tracking and Corner Detection in a Logic Programming Environment
B. Bell, L.F. Pau - Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

A Query-Driven System for the Interpretation of Aerial Images
J.-C. Engel, P. Bouthemy- IRISA/INRIA Rennes,

Time: 15:00

Moderator Prof. N. Saranummi


Time: 9:00

Parallelism in Low Level Vision. Some Algorithms and Architectures
P.E. Danielsson - Linkoping University, Sweden

Time: 10:15

Use of Design-Data in 3D Vision Based Inspection
H. Ailisto - Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland

Knowledge Representation for Complex Range Image Interpretation
P. Boulanger - National Research Council of Canada, Canada,
P. Cohen - Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal, Canada

Detection of the Position of 3D Industrial Objects under Consideration
of Reduced Image Quality
M. Heuser, C.-E. Liedtke - Universitat Hannover, F.R. Germany

Noise Analysis and Filtering of Range Images Produced by a Scanning
Laser Range Finder
A. Harkonen, H. Ailisto, I. Moring - Technical Research
Centre of Finland, Finland

Time: 10:15

Attached Shadows and Perceived Shape
S.S. Bergstrom, K.-A. Gustafsson, T. Jakobsson -
University of Umea, Sweden

Lightness and Brightness in Unevenly Illuminated Scenes
L.E. Arend - Harvard Medical School, USA

Perception of Luminosity
A.L. Gilchrist - Rutgers University, USA

Test of an Algorithm for Delineation of Objects in Multispectral Images
M.H. Brill - Science Applications International Corp., USA

Time 10:15

Two Contrasting Methods of Object Recognition: Geometric Features
and Gabor Function Filter Values
M. Eichenberger, G. Wong - Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology (ETH), Switzerland

Proper Subcurve Matching Using an Extended Circular Image Representation
E.E. Milios - University of Toronto, Canada

Use of the Chi-Square Test for Template Matching in Rotated Images
J.P. Secilla - IBM Scientific Centre, Spain, N. Carcia -
Univ. Politecnica, Spain

A Use for Relational Matching in the Analysis and Display of an Image Sequence
R.E. Blake - University of Trondheim, Norway, P. Flood - University of Bergen,
Norway, A.S. Uberg, C. Giertsen - IBM Bergen Scientific Centre, Norway

Time: 12:30

Direct Determination of the Orientation of a Translating 3D Straight Line
K. Henriksen, J. Arnspang- University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Classification of Edges in Time-Varying Imagery
F. Bergholm - Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Detecting Changes in Patterns of Points
H. Shvaytser - David Sarnoff Research Center, USA

Recursive Estimation of 3-D Structure and Motion from Image Sequences
S. Carlsson - Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Image Irradiance Equations for a Zooming Camera
J. Arnspang, J. Ma - University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Time: 12:30

Recognition of Punched Characters on Work by Matching of Gradients
with Thin Reference Patterns
C. Evers, B. Kammerer - Siemens AG, F.R. Germany

A New System for Automatic Segmentation & Recognition of Unconstrained
Handwritten Zip Codes
E. Lecolinet, J.-V. Moreau - Matra T2I, France

>From Primitives to Letters. A Structural Method for Handwriting Recognition
H. Oulhadj, E. Petit, J. Lemoine, M. Gaudaire - Universite Paris
Val-de Marne, France

Comparative Study of Some Character Recognition Algorithms
A.A. Verikas, M.I. Bachauskene - Kaunas Polytechnical Institute, USSR

Implementation and Optimisation of a Dictionary Access System Based on the
Notion of Graphisms and Associated Features for Multifont Printed Characters
M. Cheriet - Universite Paris 6, France

Time: 12:30

Moderator Prof. E. Oja

Time: 14:30

Properties of the Adaptive Hough Transform
J. Princen, H.K. Yuen, J. Illingworth, J. Kittler - University of Surrey, UK

Antialiasing the Hough Transform
N. Kiryati, A.M. Bruckstein - Technion - Israel Institute of Technol-
ogy, Israel

An Algorithm for Computing the Discrete Radon Transform with Some Applications
Ramesh G.R., N. Srinivasa, K. Rajgopal - Indian Institute of Science, India

Waveform Recognition with Autoregressive Coefficients
I. Dyrdal - Norwegian Defence Research Establishment, Norway

The Use of Fuzzy Labels in Statistical Pattern Recognition
R.P.W. Duin - Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

Time: 14:30

Deductive Generation of Vision Representations from CAD-Models
H. Bunke, T. Glauser, E. Gmur, X.Y. Jiang - Universitat Bern, Switzerland

Constructing the Perspective Projection Aspect Graph of Polyhedra Defined
Using a Solid Modeler
K. Bowyer - University of South Florida, USA

Generating and Manipulating Solid Models from Images
O. Bergengruen - Siemens AG, F.R. Germany

3D Models for Edge Matching
G. Borgefors, K. Kohler, B. Rosen - Swedish
Defence Research Establishment, Sweden

Stepwise Model Refinement for Industrial Scene Analysis
U. Kirchner - AEG AG, F.R. Germany

Time: 14:30

Moderator  Dr. A. Kortekangas

Time: 16:10

A New Robust Algorithm for Estimation of 3-D Rotation Parameters of
Rigid Objects
S. Xuening, Y. Pingfan, C. Tong - Tsinghua University, P.R. China

Pattern Recognition System for Estimating the Number of Stopping Objects
S. Ovaska - Nokia Research Center, Finland

Averaging Linear Object Classifier for Textured Images
G. Palubinskas - Academy of Sciences of the Lithunian SSR, USSR

A Closed Form Solution and a Property of First Order Optic Flow During
Rigid Translation
J. Arnspang - University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Shape from Hypertexel Virtual Motion
J. Arnspang - University Copenhagen, Denmark

Image Recognition by Quad String Array Approach
Y.-L. Ma, C. Ma, T.-Y. Tu - National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Parallel C-calculus: A Case Study
E.R. Caianiello - University of Salerno, Italy, P.E. Eklund,
Abo Akademi, Finland, A.G.S. Ventre - University of Naples, Italy

A Treelike Net Coding for Pattern Recognition
Y.Y. Lin, Z. Yu - South China University of Technology, P.R. China

A Note on Smoothness Constraint in Computation of Optical Flow
J. Ma - University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Comparison of Localization Precision and Detection Accuracy of Point Detectors
M.J.P.M. Lemmens, G. van der Molen - Delft University
of Technology, The Netherlands

Edge Detection in Machine Vision Using a Simple L1 Norm Template Matching
R.N. Strickland, T. Draelos, Z. Mao - University of Arizona, USA

Feature Matching in Image Sequences
R.N. Strickland, Z. Mao - University of Arizona, USA

A New Piecewise Linear Classifier
H.C. Palm - Norwegian Defence Research Establishment, Norway

A Safe Image Segmentation Algorithm and its Data Structure Adaptable
to Parallel Implementation
X.-W. Tu, B. Dubuisson - Universite de Technologie de
Compiegne, France

The Automatic Analysis of VLSI Chip Images
A. Ambriola, M. Bonso, U. De Riu, N. Patrig-
nani, M.R. Spada - Ing. C. Olivetti & C. S.p.A., Italy

Filters Based on Minimization of an Error Criterion
O. Yli-Harja - Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland,
J. Astola - Tampere University, Finland

Very-Low-Bandwidth Visual Communication for the Deaf
C.-L. Huang, C.-H. Wu - National Tsing Hua University,

An Image Restoration Algorithm with Applications
B. Olstad - Norwegian Institute of Technology, Norway

Image Processing Verification of Spring Structure
S.T. Bow, T.-S. Chen, D.-H. Wang - Northern Illinois
University, USA

The Software Architecture of an Image Processing Workstation
H. Tamura, H. Sato, H. Yamamoto, H. Okazaki, T. Kawai - Canon
Inc. Information Systems Research Centre, Japan

Infrared Imaging and Image Processing in Detecting Air Pollutants
and their Spread in Work Place
P. Kultanen - Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, H.
Janhunen - Lappeenranta Regional Institute of Occupational Health, Finland

Knowledge Based Analysis of Line Drawings
J. Yla-Jaaski, H. Ahonen - Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland

2D Object Recognition by Shape Superposition
A. Mpe, C. Melin - University of Technology of Compiegne, France

Automated Bouton Counting in Three Dimensions
K. Mossberg - Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, B.
Ulfhake, U. Arvidsson - Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

Paper Printability Analysis Workstation
C. Backstrom, U. Pulkkinen, T. Mansten - Technical
Research Centre of Finland, Finland

Rigid Body Motion Analysis from the Correspondence of Interest Points
M. Andersson, J.-O. Eklundh, A. Kakimoto - Royal
Institute of Technology, Sweden

Applying the Hough Transform to the Problem of Bivariate Gaussian
Mixture Identification
H.K. Yuen, J. Illingworth, J. Kittler - University of Surrey, UK

Moving Object Analysis
A. Aoun, S. Castan, L. Massip-Pailhes - Universite Paul Sabatier, France

Recognition of Locations in Architectural Plans
A. Koutamanis - Delft, The Netherlands

3-D Configuration Recovery using a Pair of L Corners in a Perspective Image
Y. Fukada - ATR Audiotory and Visual Perception Research Laboratories, Japan

Comparison of Some Texture Classifiers
J. Heikkila, A. Laiho - Helsinki University of Technology, Finland

The Application of Image Analysis to Evaluate Optical Properties of Paper
S. Papworth - Norwegian Pulp and Paper Research Institute, Norway

Simultaneous Segmentation of Organs in CT-Scans by Relaxation in 3D-Space
N. Karssemeijer - University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Detecting Edges with Intrinsic Length-Scale
M. Petrou, J. Kittler - University of Surrey, UK

Generalized Fourier Descriptors for Use with Line-Drawings and
Other Open Curves
J.W. Vieveen, R. Prasad - Delft University of Technology The Netherlands

Vision System for the Assembly of Puzzles
A. Scrizzi - University of Paris 5, France

A Method of Feature Point Extraction for Non-Contact Eye Movement Detection
A. Tomono, M. Iida, Y. Kobayashi - ATR Communica-
tion Systems Research Laboratories, Japan

Interpolation Method of HIRS/2 Image Using AVHRR Image
K. Hirata, M. Takagi - University of Tokyo, Japan

Structural Interpretation of Tables in Scanned Office Documents
K. Howaldt, G. Maderlechner, W. Scherl - Siemens AG, F.R. Germany

A Tecnical Document Understanding System Based on a Priori Knowledge
D. Antoine - INRIA Lorraine, France

3D Motion Estimation Using a High Curvature Points Tracker
R. Deriche, G. Toscani, O.D. Faugeras - INRIA Valbonne, France

Extracting and Matching of Feature Points in a Sequence of Aerial Images
J. Devars, Y. Lu - ENSEA, France, P. Deniau - Aerospatiale, France

Discrete and Computational Geometry Approaches Applied to a Problem of Figure
J.-M. Chassery - Laboratoire TIM3-IMAG, France

Robot - Sensor Co-operation Planning for Visual Guidance
T. Heikkila - Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland,
T. Matsushita, T. Sato - Electrotechnical Laboratory, Japan

Structure Line of Waveforms and its Application
M. Sato, T. Wada - Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

Mastering Perception Heterogeneity: A Balance Between Physics,
Control and Computers
Desnoyer, Dessoude, Lanusse, Michel, Zavidovique - ETCA/CREA, France

Assembly Unit for Medium Size Components
A. Caillau, F. Meftouh, H. Donnarel, P. Lopez - DGE/I.N.S.A.T., France

Morphological Operation via Convolution
A. Imiya, T. Nakamura - Kanazawa University, Japan

Parallel Memory Structures in Image Analysis System
E. Metlitsky, V. Kaverznev, A. Anisiforov - Leningrad Electrical
Engineering Institute, USSR

Accurate Segmentation of Multispectral Remote Sensing Images
D.D. Giusto, G. Vernazza - University of Genoa, Italy

A Filtering Strategy for Orientation and Curvature Description
H. Barman, H. Knutsson, G.H. Granlund - Linkoping University, Sweden

Representation of Colour in Image Processing
C.-J. Westelius, C.-F. Westin - Linkoping University, Sweden

On Split Vector Radix FFTs
R. Stasinski - Politechnika Poznanska, Poland

An Algorithm for Image Analysis Using Pattern Connectivity and
Cluster Compactness
N. Alvertos, J. Champaneri, R. Obando - Old Dominion University, USA

Automatic Recognition of Significant Structures in Gravity Maps
P. Botton - Universita' di Milano, Italy, A.D. Ventura - CNR,
Italy, P. Mussio - Universita' di Milano,  R. Schettini - CNR, Italy

3-D Digital Reconstruction from Stereo Images
L. Alparone, V. Cappellini - University of Florence, Italy

Search of Anomalies in Texture Binary Images by Analysis of Quadtrees
A.V. Fatyianov, Y.V. Obukhov, A.N. Vystavkin - Institute of
Radioengineering and Electronics of the Academy of Sciencies of

Lossless Hierarchical Image Coding
C. Munoz, A. Sanz, N. Carcia - Univ. Polytecnica, Spain

Quality Analysis of Pulp with Image Processing
C.Backstrom - Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland

Texture Statistic Selective Masks
H.A. Cohen, J. You - La Trobe University, Australia


Time: 8:30

Industrial Machine Vision
J. Sanz - IBM Almaden Research Center, USA

Time: 9:15

Relaxation Neural Network for Conjoint Image Analysis by
Self-Similar, Non-Orthogonal 2-D Gabor Expansion
J. Daugman - Harvard University, USA

Time: 10:30

Monocular Vision Using the Cross-Ratio
R.M. Haralick - University of Washington, USA

Stereo Camera Calibration Using the Environment
G. Toscani, R. Vaillant, R. Deriche, O.D. Faugeras - INRIA Valbonne, France

Using a Linear Viewpoint Determination Algorithm for a Model Based
Vision System
L. Quan - INRIA Lorraine, France , R. Mohr - LIFIA, France

Projective Area-Invariants as an Extension of the Cross-Ratio
L. Nielsen, G. Sparr - Lund University, Sweden

Time: 10:30

Texture Analysis, Fractals and Scale Space Filtering
U. Mussigmann - Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engi-
neering and Automation, F.R. Germany

Fractal Texture Signature Estimated by Multiscale LIT-SNN and
MAX-MIN Operators on LANDSAT-5 MSS Images of the Antarctic
F. Albregtsen - University of Oslo, Norway

Calculating the Roughness of an Image
A.M. Vepsalainen, J. Ma - Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland

Adaptive Markov Random Field for Texture Synthesis and Segmentation
A. Sebbar, A. Smolarz - Centre de recherches de 1' UTC, France

Time: 10:30

A Banknote Identification System
P. Chominski, R. Lilja - Inter Innovation AB, Sweden

Critical Questions with the Design of Frame-Based Map Display Systems
A. Kortekangas, M. Kylanpaa - Technical Research Centre
of Finland, Finland

Model-Based Diagram Analysis by Generally Defined Primitives
S. Shimotsuji, S. Tamura, S. Tsunekawa - Toshi-
ba R&D Center, Japan

A Raster-To-Vector-Conversion System Produ High Quality Geometric Entities
R. Espelid - IBM Bergen Scientific Centre, Norway

Time: 13:00

2-D Motion Parameter Estimation: A Survey
S.F. Wu, J. Kittler - University of Surrey, UK

Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects by Adaptive Background Extraction
K.-P. Karmann, A. von Brandt - Siemens AG, F.R. Germany

A Feature-Motion Compensation Technique for Image Sequence Compression
V.J. Stanger - GEC Hirst Research Centre, UK

Segmentation of Television Pictures Combining Motion and Spatial Edges
B. Choquet, D. Pele - CCETT, France

A Combined Feature-Based and Block-Based Video Coder
A.E. Symons - GEC Hirst Research Centre, UK

Time: 13:00

Scale Analysis Using Phase Representation
L. Haglund, G.H. Granlund, H. Knutsson - Linkoping University, Sweden

Extraction of Boundary Key-Points and Completion of Simple Figures
F. Heitger, G. Gerig, L. Rosenthaler, O. Kubler -
ETH-Zentrum, Switzerland

Scale-Space for Discrete Images
T. Lindeberg - Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

Use of Generalized Networks to Solve Early Vision Problems
S.-C. Liu - LSI Logic Corp., USA

On Phase Representation of Image Information
L. Haglund, H. Knutsson, G.H. Granlund - Linkoping University, Sweden

Time: 13:00

Moderator Prof. L.F. Pau

Time: 15:00

Edge Detection in Multidimensional Images by Recursive Filtering
O. Monga - INRIA Domaine de Voluceau, France, R.
Deriche - INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France

Nonlinear Zero-Crossing Edge Detectors
I. Defee - Technical University of Szczecin, Poland, Y.
Neuvo - Tampere University of Technology, Finland

Image Estimation/Segmentation Using a MultiScale Planar Model
C. Horne, M. Spann - Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland

An Efficient Segmentation Algorithm for Natural Images
A. Choo, A. Maeder, B. Pham - Monash University, Australia

Methods for Detecting Blobs on Non-Textured Surfaces
O. Silven, T. Laitinen - University of Oulu, Finland

Time: 15:00

Concurrent Processing for Real Time Motion Detection
H.I. Christensen - Aalborg University, Denmark

Computing the Hough Transform on an MIMD Hypercube Architecture
K. Bowyer - University of South Florida, USA

Some Parallel Implementations of a Geometric Image Transformation
A. Rantala - Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland, A.
Raunio, D.J. Still - Abo Akademi, Finland

A Benchmark of Two Parallel Computers with Border Tracking as a Case Study
K. Pehkonen - Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland,
T. Seppanen - University of Oulu, Finland

Pyramid of Transputers for Texture Segmentation
W.M. Mansoor, E. Claridge - Aston University, UK

Time: 15:00

A "Computer Vision" Approach to the Analysis of Crystal Profiles
in Rock Sections
R.C. Thompson, E. Claridge - Aston University, UK

BOF Slopping Prediction Technology
T. Atsumi - Nippon Steel Corp., Japan

Real-Time Wide-Area Traffic Monitoring: Information Reduction and Model Based
A. Bielik, T. Abramczuk - Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

An Intelligent System for Automatic Fire Detection in Forests
V. Cappellini, L. Mattii, A. Mecocci - University of Florence, Italy

Compact Underground Radar System
I. Sugimoto, T. Kikuta, Y. Hayasi - Osaka Gas Co., Ltd., Japan

For more information on the technical program please contact:

	Professor M. Pietikainen
	6SCIA Program Chairman
	Dept. of Electrical Engineering
	University of Oulu
	SF-90570 OULU, Finland

	tel +358-81-352765
	fax +358-81-561278
	telex 32 375 oylin sf
	net scia@steks.oulu.fi


Technical excursions will be arranged to local research laboratories.
Information about these excursions will be available at the registration


An exhibition will be arranged. Companies and institutions involved
in image analysis and related fields are invited to exhibit their
products at demonstration stands, on posters or video. Please indicate
your interest to take part by contacting the Exhibition Committee:

	M. Oikarinen
	P.O. Box 181
	SF-90101 OULU

	tel. +358-81-346488
	telex 32354 vttou sf
	fax. +358-81-346211



The 6th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis (6SCIA) will be
held at the Linnanmaa campus of the University of Oulu, which is
situated 5 km north from the city center.

Oulu, with a population of ca. 100 000, is the sixth biggest city
in Finland and the center of the northern half of the country.
Thriving on tar, navigation and shipbuilding in the 18th and 19th
centuries, the town has now proclaimed itself a city of technology.

Oulu can be reached from Helsinki by air and by train. There are several
flights every day from Helsinki to Oulu (flight time one hour, distance
600 km). By train the trip takes approximately 8 hours.

The Linnanmaa campus can be reached from downtown Oulu by bus or by taxi.
Bus numbers 4, 6, 7 and 16 drive from the city center to Linnanmaa
Time tables are available at the Secretariat. The trip takes about 15
minutes and a ticket costs FIM 5.10 (after 23 o'clock FIM 10.20). A
taxi from downtown Oulu costs about FIM 40.
The address of the conference site in Finnish is:

Oulun yliopisto, Linnanmaa, ovi V1 (University
of Oulu, Linnanmaa, door V1).

Information about special transportations during
the conference will be available at the conference
hotels and at the registration site.


The registration fee will be 1300 FIM before April 15th, 1989 and 1500 FIM
afterwards. The fee for participants covers: entrance to all sessions,
panels and exhibition; proceedings; get-together party, city reception,
banquet and coffee breaks. Part-time or one-day admissions are not

The fee for accompanying person is FIM 200 (check Extra Banquet Ticket
in Registration Form). It covers get-together party, city reception
and banquet.

All payments should be made in Finnish Marks (FIM). The fee is payable by

- A banker's draft made out to CONGRESS TEAM/AREA
- Or a bank transfer CONGRESS TEAM/AREA
  bank: Kansallis-Osake-Pankki (KOP), Helsinki,
  Kaisaniemi, account No.:127610-59561
- Or by following credit cards: American Express, Diners, Eurocard, Visa

Please note that any payments made at the registration desk must
be made in Finnish currency and that personal cheques cannot be accepted.
Following credit cards are accepted at the registration desk: American
Express, Diners, Eurocard, Visa.


The registration fee after deduction of a handling charge of FIM 200 will
be refunded upon written or cabled notice of cancellation by June 1st (The
refund will be made after the conference). After June 1st no refunds can
be made. All printed conference documents will, however, be forward-
ed to persons who forfeit their registration fee.


Reservation for hotel accommodation can be made on the registration form.
Congress Team will provide hotel reservations for the participants if the
registration fee and hotel deposit is received before June 1st. After
June 1st hotel reservation cannot be guaranteed. The hotel deposit will be
transmitted to the hotel reserved and deducted from your final bill (in case
of cancellation the deposit is refunded if Congress Team is informed
before the day of arrival).

Rooms will be available at a choice of hotels as follows:

Hotel category

		 single/room		double/room

I    Vaakuna	 FIM 430		FIM 540
     ADDRESS: Hallituskatu 1
II   Lanamaki	 FIM 380		FIM 460
     ADDRESS: Rautatiekatu 8
III  Apollo	 FIM 300		FIM 380
     ADDRESS: Asemakatu 31
   Summer hotel	 FIM 105		FIM 210
   ADDRESS: Kajaanintie 36
(Rates per room and night including breakfast.)


At the University of Oulu, Linnanmaa:
Monday	19 June at 12 - 18
Tuesday		20 June at 8 - 18
Wednesday	21 June at 8 - 18
Thursday	22 June at 8 - 16


The official language of the conference is English.


Lunch is served daily from 11.00 to 13.00 at mod-
erate price at the university canteen. The canteen is
open daily from 8.00 to 15.00 for coffee and


The weather in Oulu in June is usually warm and sunny (15-20 C) though
there may be occasional showers. However, as Finland does lie far to the
north it is recommended to pack some warm clothing in case the evenings
get chilly.


For more information on registration, hotel reservation, travel, payments
and cancellation the contact address is:

	Congress Team
	P.O. Box 227
	tel. +358-0-176866
	telex 122783 arcon sf
	fax +358-0-1855245

----cut here----------------------------------------------------------------

				    Please return this form before June 1, 1989
ON IMAGE ANALYSIS			     P.O. Box 227
University of Oulu			     SF-00131 HELSINKI, Finland
June 19 - 22, 1989
Oulu, Finland				     Tel. Int.+358 0 176 866
					     Telex 122783 arcon sf
					     Telefax Int.+358 0 1855245

Surname_________________________ First name_________________________________

Mailing address______________________________________________________________

Postal code________ City___________________ Country__________________________

Telephone_________________ Telex_________________ Telefax____________________


Surname_________________________ First name_________________________________

REGISTRATION FEES				   No. of  FIM per  Total FIM
						   persons person
  BEFORE APRIL 15TH				       -    1300
  AFTER APRIL 15TH				       -    1500

  Extra Banquet Ticket					     200

  Deposit/room (will be deducted from hotel bill)	     300
  Hotel reservation fee					     25

  Leningrad Tour by air in double room June 23-25	     3510
  Lapland Tour by bus	  in single room		     3000
  June 23-25		    in double room		     3800
						       TOTAL FIM
 Hotel category	       single/room	double/room
 I	VAAKUNA		FIM 430		FIM 540
 Rates per room and night including breakfast

 Date of arrival_________________  Date of departure_____________________

-The GRAND TOTAL should be paid together with the registration form as follows:
A banker's draft made out to CONGRESS TEAM/AREA
- Or a bank transfer to CONGRESS TEAM/AREA bank: Kansallis-Osake-Pankki (KOP),
  Helsinki, Kaisaniemi, account No. : 127610-59561.
- Or I wish you charge my credit card  American Express/Diners/Eurocard/Visa
account, card no.________________________________ expiration date____________
the amount of FIM ___________________.
Please note that personal cheques are not accepted.

 Date ______________________  Signature _______________________________