[news.announce.conferences] CFP: Workshop on Software Configuration Management

tichy@Kingston.ira.uka.de (03/25/89)


2nd International Workshop on


October 24-27, 1989	 <-- Note revised date
Henry Chauncey Conference Center
Princeton, NJ, USA

Large software and hardware/software systems usually evolve into
families  with numeraous versions.  The goal of this workshop is
to bring together people who

    + are engaged in evolving such families of programs and

    + develop languages and tools to support the evolution of
    such families.

Topics of interest include:

    + System modeling with versions, revisions, variants,
    configurations, and derived versions

    + Languages for configuration management and process

    + Program-variations-in the large and

    + Graphical support for version and configuration control

    + Object oriented SCM or knowledge-based SCM

    + Database support for configuration management

    + Configuration management for distributed systems

    + Exploiting distributed systems for SCM

    + Practical experience and prblems from industrial

Prospective participants may submit full papers or short position
papers (2-3) pages.  speakers and other participants will be
selected on the basis of their contributions.  Attendance will be
limited to 60 people.  Conference language is English.
Proceedings will be distributed at the workshop.

Sponsored by:
    ACM SIGSoft
    GI-FG 2.2.1

Send 4 copies of your full paper or position paper to:
    (Eastern Hemisphere)	 (Western Hemisphere)
    Walter Tichy		 Peter Feiler
    Univ. of Karlsruhe		 Software Engineering Institute
    P.O.Box 6980		 Carnegie-Mellon University
    D-7500 Karlsruhe 1		 Pittsburgh
    FRG				 PA 15213

    + 49 721 608 3934		 +1 412 268 7790
    tichy@ira.uka.de		 feiler@sei.cmu.edu

    Submission Deadling:  April 30, 1989
Acceptance Notification:  June 30, 1989
 Camera ready paper due:  August 15, 1989

Workshop Chair:	 Juergen Winkler, FRG

Program Committee:
    Walter Tichy, FRG (Chair)
    Reidar Conradi, Norway
    Jacky Estublier, France
    Peter Feiler, USA
    Stuart Feldman, USA
    Reinhold Franck, FRG
    Manfred Nagl, FRG
    Dewayne Perry, USA
    Nobuo Saito, Japan
    Walt Scacchi, USA
    Ian Sommerville, UK
    Juergen Winkler, FRG

Note:  The first workshop was called "International Workshop on
Software Version and Configuration Control", and was held in
Grassau, FRG, in January, 1988.