[news.announce.conferences] 2nd International Workshop on "Distribution and Objects"

heuser@kampus.dec.com (Lutz Heuser, CEC Karlsruhe) (03/25/89)

Digital's Campusbased  Engineering  Center (CEC), Karlsruhe  and the
University of  Karlsruhe,  Institute  for  Telematics, FRG  announce
the international workshop on

		       Distribution and Objects

in  conjunction with the 12th  DECUS Munich  Symposium at Karlsruhe,
FRG. The workshop will be held on

			  April 6th, 1989

where  talks  will  be given by researchers  and  developers  in the
following areas:

	o  Object-Orientation in Distributed Systems and Applications

	o  Existing Object-Oriented Environments

	o  Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE)

	o  Architectural Aspects for Object-Oriented and/or Distributed

All  talks will present current work and/or future topics of related
projects. Goal of the workshop is to present the state-of-the-art of
programming  languages, database systems, software development envi-
ronments and operating systems. The proceedings of the workshop will
be published by DECUS Munich. The workshop language will be English.

Program Committee:

H. Frank,	     Digital Equipment GmbH
L. Heuser,	     Digital Equipment GmbH (Chairman)
J. Kienhvfer,	     University of Karlsruhe
W. Krdmer,	     DECUS Munich
Prof. Dr. G. Kr|ger, University of Karlsruhe
Dr. M. M|hlhduser,   University of Karlsruhe
A. Schill,	     University of Karlsruhe
Dr. I. Varsek,	     Digital Equipment GmbH

The organisations:

Digital's Campusbased Engineering Center (CEC) was founded in  1987.
It promotes  technology transfer and research in the context of both
Digital's  corporate-wide  engineering activities and  the Karlsruhe
technology region.  The CEC is driving	several projects,  the major
ones being DOCASE, dealing with development support for	 distributed
applications, and Nestor, a project to build a platform for computer-
based training delivery and authoring.

The  Institute	for  Telematics at the	University of Karlsruhe: Its
general	 goal is bridge	 the gap between  Telecommunication and	 In-
formatics (computer).  Research topics cover a very broad range	 such
as high-speed, network performance evaluation, communication protocol
engineering, Telematics & education, and the one covered in the work-
shop: software engineering for distributed applications.

DECUS  M|nchen e.V. (DECUS Munich) is an independent customer organ-
ization representing 9.000 users of  Digital Equipment	computers in
Germany,  Austria  and Hungary.	 DECUS	Munich is  a chapter of	 the
worldwide operating Digital Equipment Computer Users Society.

				P r o g r a m

8.30	 Welcome
	 Current Trends: Distributed Programming - Software Engineering -
	 Object-Oriented Techniques
	 (M. M|hlhduser, University of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, FRG)

9.00	 Keynote: to be announced

	 (Prof. Dr. A. Reuter, University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart, FRG)

10.00	 Session 1 - Object-Orientation in Distributed Systems and

	 An Object Model for Concurrent System and Application Software
	 (J.-P. Behr,  B. Fink,	 R. Kraemer,  R. Stecher, Philips GmbH,
	 Hamburg, FRG)

	 A model of distributed computation
	 (O. Rees, ANSA, Cambridge, UK)

	 Communication between Highly-Distributed Mobile Objects
	 (Y. Artsy, Digital Equipment Corporation, Littleton, USA)

	 Support for Mobility Control and Configuration Management in
	 Distributed Object-Oriented Applications
	 (A. Schill, University of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, FRG)

11.45	 Lunch

13.00	 Session 2 - Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE)

	 Computerizability of Requirements Engineering
	 (H. Frank, Digital Equipment GmbH, Karlsruhe, FRG)

	 A graphical user-interface for an object-oriented programming-
	 (P. Dellafera, Deutsche Bundespost, Darmstadt, FRG)

	 The INCAS Distributed Systems Project - Experiences and Current
	 (P. Sturm, D. Wybranietz, F. Mattern, University of Kaiserslautern,
	 Kaiserslautern, FRG)

	 Object Cooperation: Supporting Algorithm Development in DOCASE
	 (L. Heuser, Digital Equipment GmbH, Karlsruhe, FRG)

14.30	 Session 3 - Existing Object-Oriented Environments and Platforms

	 The Object-oriented Model for Data Management in the SEBIS/CIP
	 Design Environment
	 (Th. A. Gutzwiller, B. Kinicki, H. Oesterle, Hochschule St. Gallen,
	 St.Gallen, CH)

	 Trellis, Object-Oriented Databases, and Distribution
	 (M. Kilian, Digital Equipment Corporation, Spitbrook, USA)

	 The DAMOKLES Database System for Design Applications: Its Past,
	 its Present, and its Future
	 (K. R. Dittrich, FZI, Karlsruhe, FRG)

16.00	 Session 4 - Architectural Aspects for Object-Oriented and/or
	 Distributed Environments

	 Architectural Aspects of the Comandos Platform
	 (Ch. Horn, A. Donelly, Trinity College, Dublin, IRL)

	 Support for Realiability in an Object-Oriented Environment
	 (B. Freisleben, University of Darmstadt, Darmstadt, FRG)

	 CCAS OODB Advanced Development Projects
	 (E. Lary, Digital Equipment Corporation, Colorado Springs, USA)

17.30	 Panel: Towards a Software Engineering Methodology for Distributed

For further information including the enrolement procedure, please contact:

	 Rita Oberberger
	 DECUS M|nchen e.V.
	 Freisch|tzstr. 91

	 D-8000 M|nchen 81

For technical  information  about  the presentations or	 about	the project
DOCASE, please contact:

	 Lutz Heuser
	 CEC Karlsruhe
	 Digital Equipment GmbH
	 Haid-und-Neustr. 5

	 D-7500 Karlsruhe 1