[news.announce.conferences] Workshop on Term Subsumption Langauges in Knowledge Representation

pfps@andante (Peter F. Patel-Schneider) (03/26/89)

			Call For Participation
    Workshop on Term Subsumption Languages in Knowledge Representation
New Hampshire, U. S. A.				       18--20 October 1989

			  Sponsored by AAAI

The focus of this workshop is knowledge representation formalisms and
systems based on term subsumption languages in the tradition of
KL-ONE.	 All aspects of such formalisms and systems may be considered,
including formal specification and properties of term subsumption
languages, design and implementation of knowledge representation
systems incorporating term subsumption languages, and use of these

This workshop is intended as a working meeting, where researchers in the
area can interchange ideas and lay the foundation for future work.  In
order to maximize this interchange the workshop will be limited to at most
35 participants.  If you would like to be considered for participation
please submit a 2-4 page, single-spaced statement of interest to the
workshop chair, preferably by electronic mail.	This statement should
outline your past contributions and current interests in the area.  Most
important, the statment should indicate your potential contributions to the
workshop.  Also include an individual or group bibliography and, if
possible, a recent, relevant paper (published or unpublished).

The workshop will be divided into half-day sessions, each devoted to a
particular topic.  The topics will be chosen based on the interests of the
participants.  Some topics will be discussed by all participants; others
will only involve small groups.	 No formal paper presentations are
planned---instead the open discussion in each session will be furthered by
a few short, consciously related presentations.

A set of reading material will be distributed to all participants well in
advance of the workshop.  This material will include revised statements of
interest, as well as a combined bibliography and selected papers.  In
keeping with the working group nature of the workshop, participants should
be familiar with this and other relevant material.

Please submit your statement of interest as soon as possible, especially if
you wish to have significant impact on the scheduling of the workshop.	All
submitted statements of interest will be read by the organizing committee
who will be responsible for determining participants, session topics, and

Limited support for participants otherwise unable to attend the workshop
may be available.

Workshop Chair: Peter F. Patel-Schneider
		AT&T Bell Laboratories
		600 Mountain Ave., Room 3C-410A
		Murray Hill, New Jersey	 07974
		U. S. A.

Organizing Committee:
  William S. Mark		mark@sumex.stanford.edu
  Peter F. Patel-Schneider	pfps@research.att.com
  Ramesh Patil			ramesh@zermatt.lcs.mit.edu
  Marc Vilain			mvilain@bbn.com

  Statements of Interest Received  15 June 1989
  Participants Determined	   15 July 1989
  Revised Statements Due	   15 August 1989
  Reading Material Distributed	   1 September 1989
  Workshop			   18--20 October 1989