(Brian O'Neill) (03/27/89)
1st Annual Seminars and Conference in Object-Oriented Programming Presented by The Wang Institute of Boston University and Journal of Object Oriented Programming June 12-14, 1989 at The Wang Institute of Boston University Tyngsboro, Massachusetts Who should attend * knowledgeable users of OOP * programmers interested in learning OOP * software developers and technical managers * software consultants * educators REGISTRATION Individual (3 days) - $879 Second - $679 Third - $479 Fourth - FREE Fifth and Over - $479 Discount applies to attendees from the same company when they register together. For Registration - Call 508-649-9731. Registration is Limited! Register Early. Call Today! For more information contact: Lisa Gennell Boston University Corporate Education Center 72 Tyng Road ATTN: Special Programs Tyngsboro, MA 01879 508-649-9731 SCOOP Page 2 Format This intensive 3-day conference brings together educational seminars and easy-to-follow tutorials with product demonstrations and presentations from OOP's leading vendors. The mornings of Day One and Two will feature four tutorials and lectures run concurrently. You can choose the classes you wish to attend. The afternoons of Day One and Two will feature concurrent hands-on product demonstrations in hospitality suite style format. Day Three will feature a series of 1 hour product education sessions led by representatives from each vendor company. In a classroom style environment, the representatives explain what their product is, what it does and how it benefits the user. You are free to move between the sessions so you can become well acquainted with all the leading OOP products. Day One and Two will conclude with a BBQ dinner and cocktail party, respectively, -- an ideal setting to exchange ideas with colleagues and industry leaders. The third day will wrap-up with a panel discussion of industry leaders sharing their insights and perspectives into the future directions of OOP. SCOOP Page 3 Key features of SCOOP SCOOP seminars and tutorials are instructive, in-depth and user-friendly. The training is supported by definitive examples and easy-to-follow hand-outs. These sessions were designed to teach you how to program in the object-oriented methodology so you can implement OOP techniques into your company's strategic software plans. The tutorials are conducted at the Wang Institute of Boston University "state-of-the-art" training facility which is geared to stimulate the learning process. Training is conducted by experienced educators and internationally renown experts in the field who are proficient at teaching OOP techniques. All featured speakers are excellent communicators and recognized in the field. Here is a sampling of what you will learn. * The key concepts and techniques that underline object-oriented programming and identify the scope and potential it brings to your company. * The strategies that successful companies are currently following to take advantage of OOP. * Sample the latest products that are available to assist you in getting into OOP. SCOOP Page 4 * See how OOP techniques and applications are being used to facilitate the development of software at various companies around the world. * Why OOP will modify and enhance most conventional software development within the next 3 years. * How to use C++ and Smalltalk techniques and tools to enhance your particular software development needs. * Predictions of new OOP breakthroughs expected in the next few years. SCOOP Page 5 REGISTRATION Send registration form to: Individual (3 days) - $879 Boston University Second - $679 Corporate Education Center Third - $479 ATTN: Special Programs Fourth - FREE 72 Tyng Road Fifth and Over - $479 Tyngsboro, MA 01879 Discount applies to attendees from the same company when they register together. For Registration - Call 508-649-9731. Registration is Limited! Register Early. Call Today! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SCOOP REGISTRATION FORM Last Name _______________________________ First _________________________ Company __________________________________________________________________ Division _______________________________ Title __________________________ Company Address (number and street) ______________________________________ City ____________________________ State ___________ Zip __________________ Home Address (street and number) _________________________________________ City ____________________________ State ___________ Zip __________________ Business Phone _________________________ Home Phone ______________________ __ Check enclosed. Makes checks payable to: Boston University __ Purchase Order Number: _________________________ __ Please send me information about hotel accommodations. Please write PCODE number from the upper right and corner of your address label in this space _______________________________ __ Even though I don't wish to register now, please put my name on your mailing list. SCOOP Page 6 A Sampling of Topics Covered KEYNOTE SPEAKER - Dr. Adele Goldberg President and CEO of ParcPlace Systems, a leading developer of OOP technology products. Formerly at Xerox PARC Palo Alto Research Center responsible for the original development of Smalltalk-80 language and development environment. Author of Smalltalk-80, The Interactive Programming Environment and co-author of _Smalltalk-80 - The Language and Its Implementation_. A past President of the ACM, she now serves on the Editorial Boards of _JOOP_ and _The C++ Report_. __________ An Introduction to C++ - Robert B. Murray A discussion of the main features of C++ along with __________ examples showing how to use these features effectively. A fairly complete knowledge of C is assumed. Plus, a discussion of the relationship between C++ and the draft proposed ANSI C standard. Robert B. Murray - Supervisor of Language Technologies Group at AT&T Bell Labs where he develops reusable code in C++ for AT&T projects. He has co-authored the requirements for a C++ language product and has effectively taught C++ usage at conferences for 4 years. He is Editor of _The C++ Report_. SCOOP Page 7 __________ Advanced Programming Concepts in C++ - 2-day course Dr. Lewis J. Pinson and Dr. Richard S. Wiener. __________ Presents details of the C++ language and shows how it supports object-oriented problem solving. All features of the language are presented through a set of graduated examples and selected case studies. Topics include multiple inheritance and virtual base classes as well as other new features of Version 2.0. Dr. Lewis Pinson - President of Computer Intelligence Company and Assoc. Prof. of Computer Science at Univ. of Colorado, Colorado Springs. Co-author of _An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming and Smalltalk_, and _An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming and C++_ with Dr. Wiener. Dr. Richard S. Wiener - Assoc. Prof. of Computer Science at Univ. of Colorado at Colorado Springs. He has authored 13 books on Software Engineering, Ada, Modula-2, C++ and Smalltalk. He is Editor of the _Journal of Object-Oriented Programming_. SCOOP Page 8 __________ Using Object-Oriented Data Base Management - Dr. Jeffrey V. Sutherland Presents an overview of OOP technology and its applications __________ to data base systems. The evaluation of three major data base technologies will be discussed -- network, relational and object-oriented -- and their advantages and disadvantages will be highlighted. Emerging knowledge base systems will be reviewed and the need for an object- oriented database platform to support these systems will be emphasized. Dr. Jeffrey V. Sutherland - VP of Engineering, Graphael is responsible for their technical support, consulting, and heads their development team. Formerly Assoc. Prof. at the Univ. of Colorado and Asst. Prof. at The Air Force Academy where he conducted research on large data base systems. SCOOP Page 9 __________ Object-Oriented Programming in Smalltalk - 2 one-day courses. __________ An introduction to the Smalltalk language, the design environment and its unique reusable class library. Discusses the notion of inheritance, polymorphism, dynamic binding and the evolutionary programming approach supported by the prototyping environment. Dr. John Pugh & Dr. Wilf LaLonde - both Professors of Computer Science at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, have taught numerous Smalltalk and OOP courses throughout the world. Co-Authors of forthcoming advanced Smalltalk book, _Inside Smalltalk_. And, co-columnists of the Smalltalk column in the Journal of Object- Oriented Programming. __________ Object-Oriented Software Engineering with Eiffel Principles and Practices __________ Discusses how object-oriented technology makes it possible to dramatically improve the quality of software developed in production environments. Based on Eiffel, the presenta- tion shows the relevance of key O-O features. Emphasis put on techniques for ensuring a high degree of software reliability. The theory of "Programming by Contract" will be introduced. SCOOP Page 10 Dr. Bertand Meyer - President of Interactive Software Engineering, Inc. and the main designer of the Eiffel language. Formerly on the faculty of Univ. of California and author of _Object-Oriented Software Construction_. Object-Oriented Problem Solving Using Objective-C A presentation of reusable software components in the form of foundation libraries will be used to demonstrate the benefits of incremental problem solving. Discussion will include the integration of Objective-C with The NeXT computer. Speaker to be announced. Other courses will be added. SCOOP Page 11 Product Education Sessions: led by the leading vendors in the object-oriented programming marketplace. Here is a sampling of the vendors you will learn about at SCOOP. COMPANY PRODUCT - Apollo Computer Domain/C++ Open Dialogue: Object-Oriented User Interface Management System - Complete Computer Corporation COMPLETE C - Digitalk, Inc. Line of Smalltalk/V products - Envos LOOPS (Lisp Object-Oriented Programming System) - Glockenspiel Glockenspiel C++ - Graphael, Inc. G-Base (OO DBMS) - Interactive Software Engineering Eiffel - Knowledge Systems Corporation The Smalltalk Collection - Neuron Data NEXPERT OBJECT - Object Design, Inc. ObjectStore (OO DBMS) - Oregon Software The Oregon C++ Compiler with source-level debugger - ParcPlace Systems Smalltalk 80 Cynergy - Semaphore Training C++ Technical Training - Symantec Corporation THINK'S Lightspeed C THINK'S Lightspeed Pascal - The Stepstone Corporation Objective-C V4.0 - The Whitewater Group Actor __________ KEYNOTE SPEAKER - Dr. Adele Goldberg President and CEO of ParcPlace Systems, a leading developer of OOP technology products. Formerly at Xerox PARC Palo Alto Research Center responsible for the original development of Smalltalk-80 language and development environment. Author of _Smalltalk-80,he Interactive Programming Environment_ and co-author of _Smalltalk-80 - The Language and Its Implementation_. A past President of the ACM, she now serves on the Editorial Boards of JOOP and The C++ Report.