(Nancy Leveson) (11/03/87)
- - CALL FOR PAPERS DIRECTIONS AND IMPLICATIONS OF ADVANCED COMPUTING DIAC-88 St. Paul, Minnesota August 21, 1988 The adoption of current computing technology, and of technologies that seem likely to emerge in the near future, will have a significant impact on the military, on financial affairs, on privacy and civil liberty, on the medical and educational professions, and on commerce and business. The aim of the symposium is to consider these influences in a social, economic, and political context as well as a technical one. The directions and implications of current computing technology, including artificial intelligence and other areas, make attempts to separate science and policy unrealistic. We therefore solicit papers that directly address the wide range of ethical and moral questions that lie at the intersection of science and policy. Within this broad context, we request papers that address the following suggested topics. The scope of the topics includes, but is not limited to, the sub-topics listed. RESEARCH DIRECTIONS DEFENSE APPLICATIONS Ethical Issues in Computing Research AI and the Conduct of War Sources and Effects of Research Funding Limits to the Automation of War Responsible Software Development Automated Defense Systems COMPUTING IN A DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY COMPUTERS IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST Community Access Computing for the Handicapped Computerized Voting Resource Modeling Civil Liberties Arbitration and Conflict Resolution Risks of the New Technology Software and the Professions Computing and the Future of Work Software Safety Submissions will be read by members of the program committee, with the assistance of outside referees. The program committee includes Steve Berlin (MIT), Jonathan Jacky (U. WA), Richard Ladner (U. WA), Bev Littlewood (City U., London) Nancy Leveson (UCI), Peter Neumann (SRI), Luca Simoncini (U. Reggio Calabria, Italy), Lucy Suchman (Xerox PARC), Terry Winograd (Stanford), and Elaine Weyuker (NYU). Complete papers, not exceeding 6000 words, should include an abstract, and a heading indicating to which topic it relates. Reports on in-progress or suggested directions for future work will be given equal consideration with completed work. Submissions will be judged on clarity, insight, significance, and originality. Papers (4 copies) are due by April 1, 1988. Notices of acceptance or rejection will be mailed by June 1, 1988. Camera ready copy is due by July 1, 1988. Send papers to Professor Nancy Leveson, ICS Department, University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA 92717. Proceedings will be distributed at the symposium, and will be available during the 1988 AAAI conference. The DIAC-87 proceedings are being published by Ablex. Publishing the DIAC-88 proceedings is planned. The program committee will select a set of papers to be considered for publication in a special section of the Communications of the ACM. For further information contact Nancy Leveson (714-856-5517) or Doug Schuler (206-865-3226). Sponsored by Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility P.O. Box 717 Palo Alto, CA 94301 - -
douglas@bcsaic (Douglas Schuler) (04/06/89)
Call for Papers DIRECTIONS AND IMPLICATIONS OF ADVANCED COMPUTING DIAC-90 Boston, Massachusetts July 28, 1990 Computer technology significantly affects most segments of society, including education, business, medicine, and the military. Current computer technology and technologies that seem likely to emerge soon will exert strong influences on our lives, in areas ranging from work to civil liberties. The DIAC symposium considers these influences in a broad social context - ethical, economic, political - as well as a technical context. We seek to address directly the relationship between technology and policy. We solicit papers that address the wide range of questions at the intersection of technology and society. Within this broad vision, we request papers that address the following suggested topics. Other topics may be addressed if they are relevant to the general focus. RESEARCH DIRECTIONS DEFENSE APPLICATIONS + Research Funding Sources/Effects + AI and the Conduct of War + Software Development Methodologies + Autonomous Weapons Systems COMPUTING IN A DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY COMPUTERS IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST + Community Access + Computing for the Disabled + Computerized Voting + Uses of Models and Simulations + Civil Liberties + Arbitration and Conflict Resolution + Computing and the Law + Computing in Education + Computing and Workplace + Software Safety Submissions will be read by members of the program committee, with the assistance of outside referees. The program committee includes Alan Borning (U. WA) Christiane Floyd (Technical University of Berlin), Jonathan Jacky (U. WA), Deborah Johnson (Renssalaer Polytechnic), Eric Roberts (DEC), Richard Rosenberg (SIGCAS, U of British Columbia), Ronni Rosenberg (MIT), Marc Rotenberg (CPSR), Douglas Schuler (Boeing Computer Services), Lucy Suchman (Xerox PARC), and Terry Winograd (Stanford). Complete papers should include an abstract and should not exceed 6000 words. Papers on ethics and values are especially desirable. Reports on work in progress or suggested directions for future work as well as appropriate surveys and applications, will also be considered. Submissions will be judged on clarity, insight, significance, and originality. Papers (4 copies) are due by March 1, 1990. Notices of acceptance or rejection will be mailed by April 15, 1990. Camera ready copy is due by June 1, 1990. Send papers to Douglas Schuler, Boeing Computer Services, MS 7L-64, P.O. 24346, Seattle, WA 98124-0346. For more information contact Doug Schuler (206-865-3226). Proceedings will be distributed at the symposium, and will be available during the 1990 AAAI conference. The DIAC-87 and DIAC-88 proceedings are published by Ablex Publishing Company. Publishing the DIAC-90 proceedings is planned. Sponsored by Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility P.O. Box 717 Palo Alto, CA 94301 DIAC-90 is partially supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 8811437, through the Ethics and Values Studies Office.