[news.announce.conferences] Summer 1989 USENIX Association Conference, Baltimore

donnalyn@uunet (Donnalyn Frey) (04/11/89)

USENIX Association Summer 1989 Technical Conference and Exhibition

   The USENIX Association Summer 1989 Technical Conference and
Exhibition will be held from June 12 - 16, 1989 at the Baltimore
Convention Center, Baltimore Maryland.  The USENIX Association is the
technical and professional association of UNIX users.

   The USENIX Association technical conference is the primary UNIX
conference for the exchange of ideas and information for the UNIX
technical community.  Papers will be presented on topics such as
distributed systems, file systems, operating systems, window systems,
internetworking, and security.  The USENIX Association will also offer
its program of intensive UNIX full-day tutorials, including subjects
such as Mach, AT&T System V UNIX, Berkeley 4.3 UNIX, network systems and
management, C++, systems administration, window systems, and software
development.  New tutorials will be presented on 4BSD TCP/IP performance
improvements, open systems interconnection (OSI), security issues in a
distributed UNIX environment, and using Postscript as a UNIX tool.

For conference registration information, contact the USENIX Conference
Office at P.O. Box 385, Sunset Beach, CA 90742 or at (213) 592-1381 or
(213) 592-3243.  For press registration information, contact Donnalyn
Frey, USENIX Association Press Liaison, at P.O. Box 2685, Fairfax, VA
22031-0685 or at (703) 764-9342.

1  UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T.
2  Postscript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems.