[news.announce.conferences] 10th International Conference on PETRI-Nets

roh@gmdzi (Peter Rohleder ) (04/19/89)

   Tenth International Conference on
   Application and Theory of Petri Nets
Wednesday, 28th -- Friday, 30th June 1989
   Petri Nets Tutorial
Monday, 26th -- Tuesday, 27th June 1989

Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany

Organized by
Gesellschaft fuer Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung (GMD)

Under the auspices of AFCET SIG "Systemes Paralleles et Distribues"
and CNRS-C3, AICA, BCS SIG "Formal Aspects of Computing Systems",
EATCS and GI SIG "Petri Nets and Related System Models"

Program Committee
G.F. Balbo, Italy	     T. Murata, USA
E. Best, FRG		     M. Nielsen, Denmark
J. Billington, Australia     G. Rozenberg, The Netherlands
W. Brauer, FRG		     M. Silva, Spain
Ph. Chretienne, France	     D. Simpson, Great Britain
S. Kodama, Japan	     P. Starke, GDR
M. Lindqvist, Finland	     R. Valette, France
G. De Michelis, Italy  (chairman)

Steering Committee
G. De Michelis, Italy	     C.A. Petri, FRG (honorary member)
H.J. Genrich, FRG	     G. Roucairol, France
K. Jensen, Denmark	     G. Rozenberg, The Netherlands (chairman)

Organizing Committee	     For Information
W. Reisig		     Ms. Ch. Harms
K. Voss			     GMD
			     Postfach 1240
			     D-5205 St. Augustin 1, FRG
			     Telephone	++49 - 2241 / 14 2473
			     Telex 889469 gmd d


Monday June 26th

 9.00 -	 9.30	 Registration
 9.30 - 11.00	 P.S. Thiagarajan
		 Elementary Net Systems (I)
11.00 - 11.30	 Coffee Break
11.30 - 13.00	 G. Rozenberg
		 Elementary Net Systems (II)
13.00 - 14.30	 Lunch
14.30 - 16.00	 W. Reisig
		 Place/Transition Systems
16.00 - 16.30	 Coffee Break
16.30 - 18.00	 H.J. Genrich
		 High Level Nets (I)

Tuesday June 27th

 9.00 - 11.00	 H.J. Genrich
		 High Level Nets (II)
11.00 - 11.30	 Coffee Break
11.30 - 13.00	 K. Jensen
13.00 - 14.30	 Lunch
14.30 - 16.00	 M. Ajmone Marsan
		 Timed and Stochastic Nets
16.00 - 16.30	 Coffee Break
16.30 - 18.00	 M. Ajmone Marsan
		 Nets and Performance Evaluation


Wednesday June 28th

 8.30 -	 9.00	 Registration
 9.00 -	 9.30	 Opening Session
 9.30 - 10.30	 Invited Talk:	A. Pnueli (Israel)
	       Logical Analysis of Concurrency
10.30 - 11.00	 Coffee Break
11.00 - 13.00	 --- Synthesis and Morphisms ---
		 J. Esparza, M. Silva  (Spain)
	       Circuits, Handles, Bridges and Nets
		 L. Pomello, C. Simone (Italy)
	       A State Transformation Preorder over a Class of
		 Y. Souissi, G. Memmi (France)
	       Composition of Nets via a Communication Medium
		 J. Desel, A. Merceron (F.R. Germany)
	       Vicinity Respecting Net Morphisms
13.00 - 14.30	 Lunch
14.30 - 16.30	 --- Relationships to Other Models ---
		 D. Taubner (F.R. Germany)
	       The Representation of CCS Programs by Finite
	       Predicate/Transition Nets
		 C. Gunter, V. Gehlot (USA)
	       A Proof-Theoretic Operational Semantics for
	       True Concurrency
		 T. Schuebel (F.R. Germany)
	       A Method for the Verification of Predicate/
	       Transition Nets and its Comparison with Hoare's
	       Calculus of Program Correctness
		 P.R. Manson (Great Britain)
	       Petri Nets and Priorities
16.30 - 17.00	 Coffee Break
17.00 - 18.30	 Panel:	 Performance Evaluation Based on Nets
		 Moderator: M. Ajmone Marsan (Italy)

Thursday June 29th

 9.00 - 10.00	 Invited Talk:	K. Jensen (USA/Denmark)
	       Coloured Petri Nets Becoming a Mature
	       Specification Language
10.00 - 11.00	 --- Specification and Tools I ---
		 J. Tankoano, J.C. Derniame (Gabon, France)
	       Structure Design of Distributed Systems Using
	       Interpreted Petri Nets
		 G.J. Nutt  (USA)
	       A Flexible Distributed Simulation System
11.00 - 12.00	 Coffee Break with Poster Exhibition Visit
12.00 - 13.00	 --- Specification and Tools II ---
		 B. Buetler, R. Esser, R. Mattmann (Switzerland)
	       A Distributed Simulator for High Order Petri Nets
		 P.D. Stotts, R. Furuta (USA)
	       Trellis: A System for Writing and Browsing
	       Petri Net-Based Hypertext
13.00 - 14.30	 Lunch
14.30 - 16.30	 --- Analysis ---
		 J.M. Colom, M. Silva (Spain)
	       Improving the Linearly Based Characterization of
	       P/T Nets
		 A. Valmari (Australia/Finland)
	       Stubborn Sets for Reduced State Space Generation
		 K. Barkaoui, B. Lemaire (France)
	       An Effective Characterization of Minimal Deadlocks
	       and Traps in Petri Nets Based on Graph Theory
		 J.M. Colom, M. Silva (Spain)
	       Convex Geometry and Semiflows in P/T Nets.
	       A Comparative Study of Algorithms for Computation
	       of Minimal P-Semiflows
16.30 - 17.00	 Coffee Break
17.00 - 18.30	 --- Presentation of Projects from ESPRIT Basic
		 Research Actions ---
	       DEMON (Design Methods Based on Nets)
		 Presented by E. Best (F.R. Germany)
	       CEDISYS (Compositional Distributed Systems)
		 Presented by U. Montanari (Italy)

Friday June 30th

 9.00 - 10.00	 Invited Talk:	C.A. Petri (F.R. Germany)
	       Perfect Nets
10.00 - 11.00	 --- Flexible Manufacturing Systems ---
		 J. Cardoso, R. Valette, D. Dubois (France)
	       Petri Nets with Uncertain Markings
		 H. Fleischack (F.R. Germany)
	       Rule Based Programming Predicate Transition Nets
	       and the Modelling of Office Procedures and
	       Flexible Manufacturing Systems
11.00 - 11.30	 Coffee Break
11.30 - 13.00	 --- Timed and Stochastic Nets ---
		 T.A. Perez (Spain)
	       A Quantitative Analysis of Bounded Ordered
	       Producer-Consumer Systems Operating in Real-Time
	       Modelled with Petri Nets
		 C. Dutheillet, S. Haddad (France)
	       Regular Stochastic Petri Nets
		 G. Florin, C. Kaiser, S. Natkin (France)
	       Petri Net Models of a Distributed Election
	       Protocol on  a Unidirectional Ring
13.00 - 14.30	 Lunch
14.30 - 15.30	 --- Higher Level Nets ---
		 J.M. Couvreur, J. Martinez (France, Spain)
	       Linear Invariants in Commutative High Level Nets
		 P. Huber, K. Jensen, R. Shapiro (USA)
	       Hierarchies in Coloured Petri Nets
15.30 - 16.00	 Coffee Break
16.00 - 17.00	 --- Project Presentations ---
	    W. v.d. Aalst, M. Voorhoeve, A. Waltmans (The Netherlands)
	       The TASTE Project
		 Ph. Dubois (France)
	       A Flexible Workshop Design and Optimisation
	       Using SEDRIC
		 T. Murata, N. Komoda (Japan)
	       Development of Petri Net Based FA Controller
	       and its Applications
17.00 - 17.30	 Closing Session

General Information

Conference Site
The Tutorial and the Conference will be accommodated at
    Langer Grabenweg 68
    D-5300 Bonn 2
    Telephone  ++49 - 228 / 8107115
All tutorial and conference sessions and the tool exhibition
will be held at this institute.

Registration of participants should be made on the enclosed
registration form, to be sent to Ms. Ch. Harms (address see Organizing
Committee). Registration will be made on a first come, first served

Registration fees
The fee for members of AFCET, AICA, BCS, EATCS or GI
is 180 DM for the Tutorial and 220 DM for the Conference.
Non-members pay 210 DM for the Tutorial and 250 DM for the Conference.
Surcharge for registration or payment after May 20th, 1989 is 50 DM.
The fee includes proceedings and other conference material, tea and
coffee during breaks, the Conference Dinner on Friday
and the excursion on Saturday. (Accompanying persons have to pay
50 DM for the Conference Dinner and 50 DM for the excursion.)

Payment of fees
Payment should be made in DM, net of bank charges.
Cheques should be made payable to GMD, St. Augustin,
"Petri Nets 89".
The fee may also be paid by international money transfer to
    GMD, St. Augustin
    Account no.:  38008098
    Bank: LZB Bonn (Bank Code 38000000)
    "Petri Nets 89"

Confirmation of registration will be sent to participants after
receipt of the registration form and payment.

Cancellation and Refund
Payment will be refunded if a  cancellation letter is received
before June 10th, 1989. After June 10th no refunds will be given.

Some grants are available for graduate and postgraduate students
and for researchers with limited expenditure capability. The grants
do not cover travel expenses. Persons applying for a grant should
complete the enclosed registration form and send it - with a letter
motivating the application and/or a letter by their scientific
supervisor - to the Organizing Committee.

Accommodation and Meals
Accommodation and meals will be provided at the
Gustav-Stresemann-Institut. The approximate prices for
accommodation including meals (full board) are:

1-bed room	2-bed room	3-bed room
  100 DM	   80 DM	   60 DM	 per day

Participants should state their choice on the enclosed
registration form.
Accommodation should be paid during the conference
by cash or eurocheque. No credit cards can be accepted.
Participants preferring to live in a hotel should
    Tourist-Information Bonn
    Muensterstr. 20
    D-5300 Bonn 1
    Telephone  ++49 - 228 / 77 3924

Arrival and Registration
All participants should aim to arrive on Sunday evening for the
Tutorial and on Tuesday evening for the Conference. They should
register in the Gustav-Stresemann-Institut,
where a registration desk will be open from 17:00 to 20:00
on Sunday, June 25th, and Tuesday, June 27th.

Information Desk
The Conference Office in the Gustav-Stresemann-Institut
will be open during Tutorial and Conference hours.
The telephone number of this office is	++49 - 228 / 8107115.


The Gustav-Stresemann-Institut
is situated in the "government quarter" of Bonn - Bad Godesberg
in walking distance to the Parliament and many ministries of the
Federal Republic.

Arriving by train:
>From the main station "Bonn Hauptbahnhof" by subway/tramway
no. 16 or no. 63 in the direction "Bad Godesberg" to the stop
"Max-Loebner-Strasse" (10 min./ DM 2,40).
Then the venue is in walking distance (see sketch).
Arriving by airplane:
>From the airport Koeln/Bonn (Cologne) by taxi to the Institut
(15 min./ approx. DM 40,--)  or by airport bus to the main station
"Bonn Hauptbahnhof" (20 min./ DM 7,20). Then continue as above.
Arriving by car:
Coming from Koeln on the motorway A 59, take the exit "Bonn-Ost" to
the motorway A 562 in the direction "Bonn-Bad Godesberg". Leave the
motorway immediately after crossing the Rhine bridge, in the
direction "Bonn-Bad Godesberg" (see sketch).
Coming from Frankfurt on the motorway A 3, take the exit
"Siebengebirge" in the direction "Koenigswinter", after 3 km take
the motorway A 59, in the direction "Bonn", leave it at the exit
"Bonn-Ost" (blue sign!)	 in the direction "Bonn-Bad Godesberg",
and proceed as above.

Other Events

Tool exhibition
The number and the potential of practice-oriented tools for
designing and analyzing net models is growing rapidly.
A tool exhibition will be organized at separate rooms in the
building of the Institut. The tools will be demonstrated during
the session-free times, starting on Tuesday.

Reception in the Town Hall of Bonn
On Wednesday night after dinner there will be a reception by the
mayor of Bonn in the town hall. There will be coach
transportation from the Conference site to the town hall.

Conference Dinner
On Friday, June 30th, at 19:30, the Conference Banquet will be held
at Schloss Birlinghoven (GMD). Transportation to and from the Schloss
will be provided from the Conference site.

On Saturday, July 1st, starting in the morning we will leave Bonn
to visit some beauty spots along the Rhine and return by boat
in the afternoon.


BONN, June 26 - 27 and June 28 - 30


Attn. Ms. Ch. Harms
"Petri Nets 89"
Postfach 1240
D-5205 St. Augustin 1
Fed. Rep. of Germany

Title/Mr/Ms	 First name/initials		      Family name


Street/P.O.B.			Post code/City		     Country

Registration fee
		Members of AFCET, AICA,		Non-members
		  BCS, EATCS or GI
		Tutorial      Conference      Tutorial	    Conference
Until May 20th	o  180 DM     o	 220 DM	      o	 210 DM	    o  250 DM
After May 20th	o  230 DM     o	 270 DM	      o	 260 DM	    o  300 DM

Payment of registration fee   o	 I include a cheque
			      o	 I have paid by money transfer to
				 GMD, "Petri Nets 89"
				 account no. 38008098
				 LZB Bonn (Bank Code 38000000)


Date of arrival			 Date of departure

Please reserve for me in the Gustav-Stresemann-Institut
(price per day, including full board)
o  a single-bed room (100 DM)
o  a bed in a 2-bed room (80 DM)
o  a bed in a 3-bed room (60 DM)

If you request a bed in a 2- or 3-bed room, you may indicate the
person(s) with whom you wish to share the room:


o  I prefer not to stay in the Gustav-Stresemann-Institut.

Conference Dinner
o  I plan to join the banquet on Friday night.
I need ...... ticket(s) for accompanying persons (50 DM).

o  I plan to join the excursion on Saturday.
I need ...... ticket(s) for accompanying persons (50 DM).

Application for grants (only if 2- or 3-bed room acceptable)
I apply for grants (letter enclosed) covering:
registration fee	     o	Tutorial      o	 Conference
accommodation and meals	     o	Tutorial      o	 Conference

Signature					  Date


The organizer can be reached by e-mail with either one of
following addresses:
