[news.announce.conferences] IJCAI-89: Workshop on Automating Software Design

ks@cs.brown.edu (05/04/89)

		     Automating	 Software  Design
	     IJCAI-89  Workshop; Detroit,  Michigan  USA
			Monday, 21 August 1989

This international one day workshop will focus upon current approaches
to automating software design. We intend to discuss the capabilities
needed to push current work on knowledge based software engineering to
the *break-even* point: the point at which software development becomes
easier with a knowledge based tool than without. Attendance will be
limited to 50 active researchers. The workshop will be evenly divided
between presentations and discussions which focus on the following two

* Interactive acquisition of formal specifications.
* Interactive and automatic synthesis of computer programs from
	formal specifications.

Important Dates

May 31	Those interested in attending should submit a one page
description of their research interests and current work by May 31.
Include name, mailing address, and electronic mail address.  At the
same time, those interested in making a presentation should submit an
abstract of 3-5 pages on their intended topic.	Electronic submissions
are preferred and should  be sent to:


Hard copy submissions should be sent to Robert McCartney.

June 15	 Notification of acceptance.

July 24	 All participants may submit an extended abstract or
position paper;	 only camera ready hard copy will be accepted. Our
intent is to mail participants a copy of the proceedings prior to IJCAI.

August 21  Workshop

Organizing  Committee:

Michael R.  Lowry
Kestrel	 Institute
(415) 493-6871
e-mail: lowry@coyote.stanford.edu

Robert McCartney
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Connecticut, U-155
Storrs, CT 06269-3155	 USA
(203) 486-5232
e-mail: robert@uconn.edu

Jeremy M. Wertheimer
MIT AI Laboratory
(617) 253-5867
e-mail: jeremy@wheaties.ai.mit.edu