[news.announce.conferences] CFP: EDAC 90

mart@euteal (Mart van Stiphout) (05/07/89)

**** EDAC -- The European Design Automation Conference ***
**** Glasgow, Scotland 12-15 March 1990                ***


---> AIMS
EDAC exists as a non-profit association of European DA professionals
with the sole purpose of promoting a top quality technical
conference in the field of Design Automation.
The aim is to meet the much needed requirement for an international
conference with a European flavour to provide a significant focus
and forum for Electrical Engineering DA professionals.

Emphasis will be placed on techniques and methods employed in all aspects
of the use of computers in the design of electronic equipment, systems,
boards and circuits. The scope will cover all areas of the design process
from concept to manufacture and includes CAD and DA tools for analog,
digital, VLSI, microwave and high-speed electronics.

Original papers on (but not limited to) the following topics are
1. Simulation      Behavioural, Logic, Timing, Circuit and Device
		   Simulation, Simulation Engines, Accelerators,
2. Verification    Formal Methods, Proof Systems, Static Timing Verification,
		   Design Rule Checking, Schematic Checking, Specification.
3. Physical Design Placement, Routing, Floor Planning, Cell Generators,
		   Compaction, Optimisation, Manufacturability.
4. Testing         Test Pattern generation, Testability Analysis,
		   Built-in Self Test, Fault Simulation, Defect Modelling,
		   Yield Analysis.
5. Synthesis       Architectural Synthesis, Logic (Boolean) Synthesis,
		   Behavioural Synthesis, Optimisation Techniques,
		   Neural Net Models.
6. Systems         Total CAD Systems, Frameworks, Data Management,
		   Design Management, User Interfaces, Standards,
		   CAD Development Methodology, Languages,
		   Concurrency and CAD, Manufacturing Interfaces.

The nine manuscript sets should each include:
1. A Cover Page stating the names, affiliations and addresses of
   all authors, together with the identification, telephone and fax
   numbers of the principal author, bearing in mind that
   communications for paper acceptances and mailing of the author kit
   will occur in October 1989. The cover page should also include
   the following signed statement:

   "All appropriate claerances for the publication of this paper have
   been obtained, and, if accepted, the author will prepare the final
   manuscript in time for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings
   and will present the paper at the conference."

2. Title and Abstract Page stating the title of the paper, a 70 word
   abstract indicating what is new and significant in the results
   presented, and an ordered list of Key Words taken from the areas
   and topics listed under areas of interest.

3 The Complete Draft of the paper, including an outline of all illustrations
  and references not exceeding 12 pages (double spaced A4). The international
  review panel will give high preference to papers that, excluding
  references, figures and tables, do not exceed 3000 words to clearly
  present the work, methods, results, originality, significance,
  superiority andapplication of the techniques discussed.

As far as possible, although there will be an opportunity to update
the paper from an extended abstract, the submitted manuscript should
closely reflect the final paper as it will appear in the Proceedings,
which will be 5 pages double column format.

Send manuscripts to the programme Chairman:
Prof Jochen Jess
Programme Chairman EDAC 90
CEP Consultants Ltd
26-28 Albany Street
Edinburgh EH1 3QH
United Kingdom

For information Telephone: +44-31-557-2478
Fax: +44-31-557-5749

Submission of  Manuscripts               4 September 1989
Notification of Acceptance               20 October 1989
Final Version of Manuscript due          14 December 1989
Pre-Conference Tutorials                 12 March 1990
Conference Sessions                      13-15 March 1990