[news.announce.conferences] Workshop on Automatic Verification Methods for Finite State Systems

crodrig@imag.imag.fr (Carlos Rodriguez) (05/07/89)

on  Automatic  Verification  Methods  for  Finite  State  Systems Grenoble,
			June 12-14, 1989


This   workshop	  is   dedicated   to	bringing  together  researchers	 and
practitioners interested  in the development  and use of  methods, tools and
theories for automatic verification of finite state systems. The goal of the
workshop  is the comparison of various verification methods for finite state
systems,  and tools to assist the application designer. Emphasis will be not
only  on  new  research	 results  but  also  on the applications of existing
results	 to real verification problems.	 Special sessions for demonstrations
of verification tools are planned.

Program Committee

	E.M. Clarke, A. Pnueli, J. Sifakis

Local Arrangements
	J. Sifakis,
	LGI/IMAG, B.P. 53,
	38041 Grenoble Cedex, France;
	tel. +33-76513379; e-mail: sifakis@imag.fr


The workshop is sponsored by C-cube, the French National Project on Parallel


Sunday, June 11
Reception, 7:30pm-9:30pm

Monday, June 12

8:30-9:00	Reception, 8:30am-9:00am

Session 1: Tools for Process Algebras
9:00	Process Calculi Verification Tools
	G. Boudol, R. de Simone (INRIA, Sophia Antipolis)
9:30	The concurrency Workbench
	R. Cleaveland, (Univ. of Sussex),
	J. Parrow, (SICS),B. Steffen, (Edinburgh)
10:00	Using	Axiomatic   Presentation   of	Behavioural  Equivalences  for
	Manipulating CCS Specifications
	R. De Nicola, P. Inerardi (IEI-CNR, Pisa), M. Nesi (Consorzio Pisa
	Riserche, Pisa)

10:30-11:00	Coffee break

11:00	Argonaute:   Graphical	Description,  Semantics	 and  Verification  of
	Reactive Systems by Using a Process Algebra
	F. Maraninchi (LGI-IMAG, Grenoble)
11:30	Testing Equivalence as Bisimulation Equivalence
	R. Cleaveland, M. Hennessy, (Sussex)
12:00	Verification  by Abstraction and Bisimulation H. Zuidweg (PTT Research
	 Neher Lab., Leidschendam)
12:15	A Method for Verification of Trace and Test Equivalence
	I. Christoff, (Uppsala)
12:30	Proving	 Properties of	Elementary Net	Systems with a Special-Purpose
	Theorem Prover H. Tuominen, (Helsinki)

12:45-2:30	Lunch

Session 2: Model checking
2:30	CCS, Liveness and Local Model Checking in the Linear Time Mu-Calculus
	C. Stirling, D. Walker, (Edinburgh)
3:00	Fair SMG and Linear Time Model Checking
	H. Barringer, G.D. Gough, M.D. Fisher (Manchester)
3:30	MEC: a System for Constructing and Analysing Transition Systems
	A. Arnold (Bordeaux)
4:00	Implementing  a Model Checking Algorithm by Adapting Existing Automated
	B. Jonsson, A. H. Khan, J. Parrow, (SICS, Stockholm)
4:15	On-Line Model-Checking for Linear Temporal Logic Specifications
	C. Jard, T. Jeron, (Irisa, Rennes)

4:30-6:00	Coffee break - Demonstrations

Tuesday, June 13

Session 3: Protocol Validation
8:30	COSPAN: A Software System for Analysis of Coordination
	Z. Har'El, R. Kurshan (AT&T Bell Labs)
9:00	Algorithms for Automated Protocol Validation
	G.J. Holzmann (AT&T Bell Laboratories)
9:30	What are  the Limits of Model Checking	Methods for the Verification
	of Real Life Protocols?
	S. Graf, J-L. Richier, C. Rodriguez, J. Voiron (LGI-IMAG, Grenoble)
10:00	Experiences with Automated Verification Tools: Application to Discrete
	Event Systems
	M. Barbeau, G.V. Bochmann (Montreal)

10:30-11:00	Coffee break

11:00	State Exploration by Transformation with LOLA
	J. Quemada, S. Pavon, A. Fernandez, (ETSI, Madrid)
11:15	On Using PROTEAN to Verify ISO FTAM Protocols
	R. Lai (NEC, Melbourne), K.R. Parker (CSIRO, Melbourne),
	T.S. Dillon (La Trobe Univ., Melbourne)
11:30	Parallel  Protocol Verification	 Using the  Localized Approach:	 A two
	Phase Algorithm
	M.C. Yuang (Bell Comm. Research, Piscataway),
	A. Kershenbaum (Polyt. Univ.  Brooklyn)
11:45	Requirement Analysis for Communication Protocols
	P. Azema, F. Bernadat (LAAS, Toulouse)
12:00	Panel: Protocol Validation Methods and Tools

12:30-2:00	Lunch

Session 4: State Explosion  Problem
2:00	Compositional Model Checking
	E. Clarke (CMU)
2:30	Network Grammars, Communication Behaviors and Automatic Verification
	Z. Shtadler, O. Grumberg, (Technion, Haifa)
3:00	Verifying Properties of Large Sets of Processes with Network Invariants
	P. Wolper, V. Lovinfosse (Liege)
3:30	Projections  of	 the  Reachability  Graph  and	Environment Models,
	Two Approaches to  Facilitate the Functional Analysis  of Systems of
	Cooperating Finite State Machines
	H. Krumm, (Karlsruhe)

3:45-5:45	Coffee break -Demonstrations

5:45	Panel: The state explosion problem

Wednesday, June 14

Session 5: Hardware Verification
9:00	Combining CTL, Trace Theory and Timing Models
	J.R. Burch (CMU)
9:30	Formal	Verification of Synchronous Circuits based on String-Functional
	Semantics: The 7 Paillet Circuits in Boyer-Moore
	A. Bronstein,  C. L. Talcott, (Stanford University)
10:00	Compositional Verification of VLSI Circuits
	J.  Staunstrup, (CS Dept., Tech. Univ. of Denmark ),
	S. Garland, J. Guttag, (MIT)
10:30	Verification  of  Synchronous  Sequential  Machines  Based on Symbolic
	O. Coudert, C. Berthet, J-C. Madre, (Bull, Paris)
10:45	A Tool	for the	 Parallel Composition  of Finite-State	Processes with
	Applications to Hardware Validation
	G.C. Gopalakrishnan (Univ. of Calgary)

11:00-11:30	Coffee break

Session 6: Specification
11:30	Modal Specifications
	K. G. Larsen, (Aalborg)
12:00	The Inevitable Properties of Programs
	M.G. Gouda (Austin)
12:30	Specification of the Elevator Problem Using Temporal Logic
	W.G. Wood (Software Engineering Institute)

12:45-2:15	Lunch

Session 7: Timed Specifications
2:15	Quantitative Temporal Reasoning
	E.A. Emerson,  AK. Mok, J.  Srinivasan (Austin),
	A.P.  Sistla (GTE Research Lab.)
2:45	Timing Assumptions and Verification of Finite-State Concurrent Systems
	D.L. Dill (Stanford Univ.)
3:15	Specifying,   Programming  and	Verifying  Real-Time Systems Using a
	Synchronous Declarative Language
	N. Halbwachs, D. Pilaud, F. Ouabdesselam, A-C. Glory, (LGI-IMAG,
3:45	Automatic Verification of Timed Transition Systems
	J.S. Ostroff (York University)
4:00	Panel: Timed specifications

4:30-6:00	Coffee break - Demonstrations

Social events

Sunday : opening reception and cocktail at 7:30 pm
Monday : concert  at 7pm
Tuesday: workshop banquet at 8pm


Access from Paris:
% By plane from	 Orly to Grenoble-St  Geoirs airport. A	 shuttle goes from
  airport to Grenoble.
% By the TGV train, from Gare de Lyon, in 3:30 hours.
  Access from  Lyon: There are direct flights to  Lyon-Satolas international
  airport, from many european places, and from New York. A shuttle goes from
  Satolas to Grenoble, for FF 100.

on  Automatic  Verification  Methods  for  Finite  State  Systems Grenoble,
			June 12-14, 1989

		 Registration Form (can be used as an invoice)

ADR Reference: 160 89 501
Workshop secretary: ADR-LGI

Please return this form before May 20 to J. Sifakis, ADR-LGI-IMAG, BP 53X,
38041 Grenoble Cedex  France

Last name.................................................................
First name................................................................
Institution ..............................................................
Telephone........................................ e-mail..................

Hotel reservation (prices include breakfast)
Date of arrival...........................................................
Date of departure.........................................................
		Single room			      Double room
		___				      ___
		| |  FF 250-FF 350		      | |  FF 350-FF450
		---				      ---
A deposit of FF 300 is necessary for reservation.

Participation fees
Participation  fees include participants version  of proceedings, 3 lunches,
and social  events. They are  of FF 2,000 before May  20   and	of  FF 2,500
after this date.

Send  the amount including  participation fees and  a deposit of  FF 300 for
hotel room.
| |  I am transfering the amount in French francs  to
---    BNP Grenoble-Berriat
       Account number 30 004/00 611/000 279 400 53/70
| |  I	enclose	 a  bank  cheque  made	out in French francs payable to ADR
---    Grenoble

Cancellations postmarked  not later than May 20	 will receive full refund of
participation  fees. After May 15,  50% will de refunded.  After June 1st no
refund can be made.

Date....................  Signature........................

Institution seal