[news.announce.conferences] CFP: INDOLAN '90

dheeraj@tove.umd.edu (Dheeraj Sanghi) (05/09/89)

			I N D O L A N	'90


		January 30 & 31 1990, Madras, India

The aim of this conference is to bring together professionals from various
Universitites, R & D Laboratories and Industries to discuss state-of-the-art
technology and application in the field of Local Area Networks (LAN). The
conference is jointly sponsored by

	Computer Society	International Federation for Information
	of India		Processing (IFIP) Working Group 6.4

Arrangements are being made to publish the Proceedings of the Conference
through North Holland Publishing Company. The conference is open to teachers
and researchers from University and practical professionals from industry,
who are deeply involved in various aspects of LAN. The programme committee
invites papers in the following areas. the topics indicated are not
exhaustive in nature and papers on related topics are welcome.

01. LAN Technologies.
02. LAN and OSI.
03. Performance Evaluation of LAns.
04. Internetworking of LANs & WANs.
05. High Speed Local Area Networks.
06. LAN Protocols and Architectures.
07. LAN Applications.
08. Management of LANs.
09. LANs and ISDN.
10. Distributed Operating Systems, Databases and Applications.

Papers may cover theoretical/practical aspects of LANs. Innovative
approaches, new methodologies, critical reviews bringing out the
state-of-the-art, new research results, exhaustive implementation
experiences and experimental studies leading to new insights will be

All papers are REFEREED BLIND by four referees including the members of the
programme committee. Authors are requested to attach a separate cover sheet
clearly indicating the Title, Author(s), affiliation, contact address,
Telephone, Telex, Fax and E-mail address. A 200 word abstract and s set of
keywords should accompany each paper. the maximum length of the full paper
should not exceed 5000 words. All papers should conform to standard IEEE
format for technical papers.

	FOUR copies of the FULL PAPER should be sent to:

		Chairman, Programme Committee, INDOLAN '90
		Department of Computer Science & Engineering
		Indian Institute of Technology,
		Madras - 600 036, India.

		Tel	: +91-44-415665 (Ext 209)
		Telex	: 041-21062 IITM IN
		Fax	: +91-44-944444 Attn: Dr. S V RAGHAVAN, CSE IIT 36
		E-mail	: uunet!shakti!shiva!raghavan


	Submission of Papers			June 15, 1989.
	Notification of Acceptance		October 1, 1989.
	Submission of Camera ready copies	November 20, 1989.