[news.announce.conferences] CFP: Information Technology Assessment/HCC4

felix@swivax (Felix van Rijn) (05/10/89)

              first announcement and call for papers:


               Fourth IFIP TC9 World Conference on
                 Human Choice and Computers (HCC4)

                          9-12 July 1990
                          Trinity College
                         Dublin University

IFIP's Technical Committee on the Relationship Between Computers
and Society (TC9) announces the fourth edition of its major event,
the World Conference on Human Choice and Computers (HCC 4). It
will be held 9-12 July 1990 in Dublin, Ireland.

The conference is aimed at assessing the achievements of information
and communication technology (ICT) and establishing priorities for
future developments.
The specific objectives of the conference are
* to examine existing methods and tools for ICT assessment
* to evaluate the best courses of action for the future
* to disseminate new knowledge to all disciplines concerned with

There are three main themes:

Theme 1:  Awareness, Assessment, Action
This theme fosters the awareness of the impact of IT on people and
social structures, explores the alternatives for individuals, groups,
business and government in the years ahead, assesses these alterna-
tives, and provides a basis for action by decision-makers.

Theme 2:  Strategies for the 1990s
This theme deals with influencing the future and enhancing choice.
It attempts to produce and develop strategies for individual and
group action which will result in sane, safe, and controlled use
of information and communications technology for human development.

Theme 3:  Behind and Beyond IT Techniques
This theme analyses the present situation, concentrating on human
and societal needs, and attempts to strike a better balance between
these needs and technical capabilities.
These three themes will be reflected in each of the four
programme tracks:
TRACK 1 (WELL-BEING) deals with the application of ICT in all
areas of daily life. It is obvious that ICT increasingly will
intrude into daily life in the nearby future. Human choice and
judgement are becoming (at least should be) the main determinants
in this process. The main question is not any more what
technology can, but how, when and with what purposes ICT will be
applied in health care, education, households, safety control,
communication? Issues at stake are cultural, artistic and human
values, moral and ethical standards, convergence or divergence of
the gaps between individuals, cultural groups and more or less
developed countries.
In TRACK 2 (WORK) the main focus is the position of employees.
Their day-to-day work is affected in a direct way, but their
point-of-view is seldom given serious consideration. Impacts on
management and control, work organization, relationships of
people working together, quality of working life, employment
have to be considered. Man-machine interface, career
qualifications and job training, de- and reskilling,
participative systems design, are some of the issues for this
Commercial and business transactions fit into TRACK 3 (BUSINESS).
It concentrates on the economics of technology transfer, the
rationale behind systems development and the effects on those
that operate and use these systems. Typical issues for this track
are productivity and competitive edge, distributing the benefits,
new wealth-creating opportunities, integrity and reliability of
critical systems, timeliness and criticality of information.
The 4th TRACK (GOVERNMENT) concerns the evolving role and the
inherent responsibility of government at all levels (local,
regional, national, international) concerning benevolent
development and application of ICT. As well for its own purposes
to be able to manage its own business and to reduce the
bureaucratic procedures, as to control and influence the way ICT
will be used (or less abused) by enterprises, institutions and
individuals. Government has to deal with regulation, legislation,
protection of individual rights and privacy, access to
information, adequate information to the public, incentive
policy, trans-border data flow, international competition.

This enumeration of subjects and issues is not limitative but
rather an illustration of the spirit of HCC 4. Original and
creative proposals for contributions in this spirit are

Conference Chairperson: John Drumm (Dublin University)
Programme Committee Chairpersons: Richard Sizer (Principal Consul-
tant, logica Ltd, UK) and Riccardo Petrella (FAST DG XII, Commission
of the European Communities)
Organising Committee Chairperson: Dudley Dolan (Dublin University).

Complete and send the reply form to the Conference secretariat to
be sure to receive forthcoming information. Also proposals to submit
a paper should be made by this form.

All additional information can be obtained from:
HCC4 Secretariat
Department of Computer Science
The O'Reilly institute
Trinity College
Dublin 2, IRELAND
Telephone: +31.1.772941, ext. 1048; Fax: +31.1.772204

Instructions for potential authors:
1.   Two copies of the synopsis of the paper should be received by
     the HCC4 secretariat not later than June 1989.
2.   The synopsis should be typed, in English and not exceed 1000
3.   The format should be A4 and single paged.


                 HCC4 - Human Choice and Computers

                            REPLY FORM

Author(s) Surname:  _____________________________________________

Forename(s):        _____________________________________________

Title:              _____________________________________________

Affiliation:        _____________________________________________


Address:            _____________________________________________




Country:            _____________________________________________

Telephone:          _____________________________________________

Telex:              _____________________________________________

Fax:                _____________________________________________

I hope to participate in HCC4 (Yes/No): _________________________

I intend to submit a paper (Yes/No):    _________________________

Provisional title:  _____________________________________________



Theme of Reference: _____________________________________________

Track of Reference: _____________________________________________

Synopsis            Enclosed [ ]             To Follow [ ]