[news.announce.conferences] 1st East-West Online Information Meeting

patth@ccnysci (Patt Haring) (05/21/89)

		  1st East-West
	  Online Information Meeting
	     11 - 13 October 1989
		Moscow, USSR

Preliminary Announcement
Invitation to Exhibit

Organized by:  Learned Information Ltd.
	       International Centre for Scientific
		 & Technical Information (ICSTI)

Why an East-West Online Information Meeting?

Learned Information Ltd. and the International Centre for Scientific
Information (ICSTI) announce the 1st East-West Online Information
Meeting which will take place at ICSTI premises in Moscow on 11-13
October 1989.

This unique Conference and Exhibition is made possible by the
relaxation of rules and regulations which the open climate of
Glasnnost and Perestroika has brought.	The objective is to enable
East-West information professionals to establish new business
relationships and ventures and to create a forum for mutual
cooperation in information activities of all kinds.

The Conference will be accompanied by an Exhibition of information
systems, technologies and services - including online and optical
products.  Exhibitors from the West will have the opportunity to
describe their products and services in depth to Soviet and other East
European/CMEA information managers and decision makers faced with the
challenge of becoming self-supporting in the era of unprecedented
freedom of enterprise.	Western Exhibitors will, in turn, benefit from
this unique opportunity to learn about East European information
systems and services.

Objectives of the Conference

The main aim of the Conference is the promotion of broad scientific,
technical and business information contacts between organizations and
companies in the participating countries from the East and the West.
This covers the exchange of information between East and West
conference participants and the discussion of mutually beneficial
cooperation in information services and products.

It is expected that this innovative Conference will result in the
establishment of new East-West business relationships and ventures
within the international information community, embracing
commercially-available databases, new information technology, and
information services and systems.

The 1st East-West Online Information meeting is intended primarily as
a "getting to know you" working Conference rather than as a scholarly,
theoretical information science Conference.   The emphasis will be on
the Exhibition:	 Exhibitors will be offered the opportunity to present
their products, services and systems in depth.	Each Exhibitor will
have approximately 30 minutes to describe their products.  These
product-orientated papers will be supplemented by a small number of
carefully-selected presentations discussing such topics as national
policies, government roles in information; information industry
trends; and information markets for online and optical information

It is expected that there will be 150-300 decision-makers from
approximately 100 organizations in the Soviet Union and other CMEA
countries, with a further 300-500 delegates from the Moscow region.
In addition some 1000 people will visit the Exhibition.

Doing Business in the Soviet Union

A special session on doing business in the USSR will review the history
and geography of the Soviet Union; information policies and
information resources; what is and what is not possible under
perestroika and glasnost; the lifting of restrictions for conducting
business and establishing joint ventures; and the new rules and
regulations for foreign exchange, foreign company ownership and the
like.  Exhibitors with specific questions about doing business in the
USSR are invited to submit these as early as possible to Learned
Information so that they may be taken into account by ICSTI when
preparing the session.

Deal Making Session

As well as the opportunity to arrange and negotiate joint ventures and
business deals during the conference and exhibition itself, there will
also be a special Deal-Making session to encourage further interaction
with colleagues from the Soviet Union and other CMEA countries.


Since conference and hotel accomodation in Moscow is both controlled
and limited there i9s a limit of about 40 Western Exhibitor stands
and 200 Western participants (including Exhibitor staff).  Learned
Information, through ICSTI, will arrange hotel bookings, though
particpants are responsible for their own travel arrangements.
Participants are also responsible for applying for a visa to visit
the Soviet Union for the purpose of attending the Conference and
ICSTI will ensure that visa applications will be processed smoothly by
the various Russian embassies.	While Exhibitors must obtain whatever
local papers are necessary for the export and re-import of equipment
necessary for demonstration purposes at the Conference, ICSTI, via
Learned Information, will give whatever assistance is required.

About the Organizers

Learned Information is the sponsor and organizer of the highly
respected International Online Information Meetings held in London
each December and the National Online Meetings held in New York each
May, as well as the Optical Information Meetings and the Expert
Systems Conferences.  Learned Information also publishes a wide range
of journals including The Electronic Library; Online Review;
Electronic and Optical Publishing Review; Information Today;
Information World Review; Expert Systems - The International Journal
of Knowledge Engineering; a*nd The International Journal of Neural

ICSTI is an inter-governmental organization devoted to the provision
of many different scientific and technical information services to
organizations in Council for Mutual Economic Aid (CMEA) countries and
also carries out R & D in information technology.  In addition, ICSTI
is the publisher of a number of scientific journals such as Problems
of Information Systems; Engineering and Automation; Science and
Technical Progress in Mechanical Engineering; Computer Optics; and
Computer Technique, Systems, Management.

If you are interested in Exhibiting and/or presenting a paper please
complete this form and return to Jean Mulligan, Learned Information
as soon as possible and by 19 May 1989 at the latest.  Please also
submit, at the same time, an abstract of your Product Review and/or
paper.	The extended (2-5 pages) Product Review and/or full paper will
be required by 31 July 1989, together with a brief biography and
details of your company and products, services or systems for the
Conference Programme and Deal-Making session brochure.

____	I am interested in Exhibiting and presenting an extended
	Product Review (title, synopsis attached).  Please send
	further details.

_____	I wish to offer a full paper (title, synopsis attached).

_____	I would be interested in attending the Conference.  Please
	send further details when available.
	N.B. Important:	 I would consider bringing ______ (give
	number) members of my family with me to Moscow.

_____	Please send further details of Online Information '89 to be
	held in London 12-14 December 1989.

My address is as follows: (BLOCK letters please)

Prof/Dr/Mr/Ms (delete as appropriate)

Given Name_______________________Surname____________________________



Postal Address ____________________________________________________


Post Code___________________Country________________________________

Tel: ______________________________________________________________

Fax: ______________________________________________________________

Please attach a synopsis of approximately 300 words

Return to:

The Conference Department
Learned Information Ltd.
Woodside, Hinksey Hill
Oxford OX1 5AU, England

Tel: (0865) 730275
Telex:	837704
Fax: (0865) 736354