[news.announce.conferences] IKBCS-89 - Second Call for Papers

mst@natasha.mach.cs.cmu.edu (Milind Tambe) (06/02/89)

Subject: IKBCS-89 - Second Call for Papers

		*** Please note the revised deadlines ***



		   International Conference on
		Knowledge Based Computer Systems

			Dec 11 - 13, 1989


The Conference

IKBCS-89 is the second in the series of annual conferences of the
Knowledge Based Computer Systems (KBCS) Project.  The nation-wide
KBCS project is	 sponsored  by	the  Department	 of  Electronics,
Government  of	India  with  assistance	 from  the United Nations
Development Programme. The objective  of  the  conference  is  to
bring  together	 researchers  in  KBCS and to promote interaction
among them.

The Advisory Committee		       The Programme Committee

K Apt, CWI, Amsterdam			KK Bajaj, DoE, Delhi
Arvind, MIT, USA			VP Bhatkar, CDAC, Pune
M Boden, Univ of Sussex, UK		D Dutta Majumder, ISI, Calcutta
A Joshi, Univ of Pennsylvania, USA	HN Mahabala, IIT, Madras
R Kowalski, Imperial College, UK	V Rajaraman, IISc, Bangalore
CJP Lucena, Rio de Janiero, Brazil	PVS Rao, TIFR, Bombay
P Saint-Dizier, LSI Univ Paul Sabatier	S Ramani, NCST, Bombay
A Togashi, Kohotu University, Japan


Original papers are invited on the following topics.   Papers  in
related	 areas	are also welcome. Arrangements have been made for
international publication of the proceedings.

* Advances in Expert Systems	    * Logic Programming
* AI Applications		    * Natural Language Understanding
* AI and Engineering		    * Parallel Processing
* AI Systems and Software	    * Pattern Recognition
* Computer Architecture		    * Reasoning
* Intelligent Tutoring Systems	    * Speech
* Knowledge Representation	    * Vision
* Learning

Address for Correspondence

S Ramani
Chairman, Programme Committee, IKBCS-89	    Phone: +91(22)6201606
National Centre for Software Technology	    Telex: +81(11)78260 NCST IN
Gulmohar Cross Road No 9		    E-mail: uunet!shakti!ikbcs
Bombay 400 049, INDIA

Important Dates

Deadlines for submission are listed below.

Please note that these dates have been revised	since  the  first
Call for Papers.

    Aug 15, 1989	    Draft of paper due
    Oct	 1, 1989	    Intimation of acceptance or rejection
    Nov	 1, 1989	    Camera-ready version of paper due

About Bombay

The conference will be held in Bombay, a city on the move,  which
houses	a number of premier RD and educational organizations. The
weather in December will be mild; warm clothing will not  be  re-
quired.	 The normal minimum and maximum temperatures in Bombay in
December are 21 C (70 F) and 31 C  (88	F).   There  are  several
tourist	 spots	in  and	 around	 Bombay:  ancient cave paintings,
sculptures, quaint hill-stations and more!