(Amos Omondi) (06/05/89)
PARALLEL COMPUTING 89 29th August - 1st September 1989 LEIDEN, THE NETHERLANDS ORGANISED BY PARALLEL COMPUTING SOCIETY CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Gerhard R. Joubert (NL) (Chairman) David J. Evans (UK) Frans J. Peters (NL) Udo Schendel (FRG) PROGRAMME COMMITTEE David J. Evans (UK) (Chairman) B.L. Buzbee (USA) D. Mueller-Wichards (FRG) M. Cosnard (France) J.M. Ortega (USA) L.C.W. Dixon (UK) G. Pawley (UK) I.S. Duff (UK) R.H. Perrott (UK) M. Feilmeier (FRG) M.J. Quinn (USA) I. Galligani (Italy) G.H. Rodrigue (USA) A.J.G. Hey (UK) A. Sameh (USA) F. Hossfeld (FRG) W. Strasser (FRG) H.F. Jordan (USA) C. Sutti (Italy) J.S. Kowalik (USA) U. Trottenberg (FRG) H. Liddell (UK) H.A. van der Vorst (NL) D.J. Kuck (USA) R.G. Voigt (USA) T. Legendi (Hungary) R. Vollmar (FRG) W.L. Miranker (USA) LOCAL ORGANISING COMMITTEE Frans J. Peters (NL) (Chairman) Luuk P.J. Groenewegen (NL) CONFERENCE CO-SPONSORED BY SIAM SIG ON SUPERCOMPUTING AIMS AND SCOPE OF THE CONFERENCE The aim of the conference is to give an overview of new developments, applications and trends in parallel computing. The emphasis of the conference will be on applications of parallel computing. The following sections will be included: 1. Algorithms for all types of parallel computers. 2. All aspects of the applications of parallel computers. 3. Software engineering for parallel computing. 4. Programming and programming languages. 5. Operating systems. 6. Taxonomy, models and architectural trends. 7. General architecture concepts, enabling technologies. 8. Performance measurements. INVITED SPEAKERS W. Gentzsch (FRG) : Performance evaluation of parallel computers. T. Heywood (UK) : Parallel processing and computer graphics. Kai Hwang (USA) : Massively parallel computing with optics and connectionist neural models. J.S. Kowalik (USA): Parallelism in artificial intelligence. F.A. Lootsman (NL): Parallel nonlinear optimisation algorithms. R.H. Perrott (UK) : Parallel languages and parallel software. EXHIBITION AND INDUSTRIAL SESSION Several companies will participate in an industrial session, which will form part of the scientific programme. Also, there will be an exhibition of new products. PARALLEL COMPUTING SOCIETY Parallel Computing 89 is a continuation of the PC83 and PC85 conferences held in Berlin. It is the first such venture by the newly founded international PARALLEL COMPUTING SOCIETY. Interested individuals, organisations and companies are invited to join the Society. Participants in the conference are offered the opportunity to apply for membership. Accepted members, who have paid the full registration fee, are entitled to one year's free membership. GENERAL INFORMATION Location -------- The conference will be held at the University of Leiden, The Netherlands. Leiden is connected by direct rail link to Amsterdam (Schiphol) airport. Travel time approx. 20 min. Social Programme ---------------- A number of social events are planned, including a social evening with a boat trip on the lakes of South-Holland with a dinner served in a restaurant overlooking windmills, dykes and the green polder landscape. Registration Fee ---------------- The regular registration fee includes: tea/coffee, lunches, a copy of the proceedings, all social events and, on application, one year's free membership of the Prallel Computing Society. Student registration includes tea/coffee, lunhces. Hotel Accomodation ------------------ To book a room through the conference office use the registration form. Early registration is recommended. Cancellation ------------ Cancellations in writing to the conference office will be handled as follows: . Until 15th June, 1989: Full refund minus Dfl.125/$62,50 hand- ling charge. . After 15th June, 1989 until 31st July, 1989: 50% refund. . After 31st July, 1989: No refund. Preliminary Programme --------------------- The preliminary programme will be published in May 1989. Official Language ----------------- The official language of the conference is English. Proceedings ----------- The proceedings will be published by North-Holland. Conference Office ----------------- PARALLEL COMPUTING 89 Phone: NL-(0)71-275299 Leids Congres Bureau Telex: 39427 burul nl P.O. Box 16065 Fax : NL-(0)71-226478 2301 GB LEIDEN ============================================ PARALLEL COMPUTING 89 REGISTRATION FORM ----------------- Each participant should use a separate registration form or a copy thereof. NOTE: Reduced rates apply until 15th June, 1989. USE CAPITAL LETTERS / TICK APPROPIATE BOXES NAME: ....................... FIRST NAME/INITIALS: ............ ORGANISATION: ................................................. MAIL ADDRESS: ................................................. POSTAL CODE: ................ CITY: ........................... COUNTRY: .................... TELEX: .......................... TELEPHONE: .................. FAX: ............................ ---------------------------------------------------------------- | PAYMENT | LATE | TOTAL | BEFORE | PAYMENT | AMOUNT | 15th June'89 | | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | | | REGULAR REGISTRATION | Dfl.780/$450 | Dfl.980/$560 | ......... | | | STUDENT REGISTRATION | Dfl.480/$280 | Dfl.680/$390 | ......... | | | COMPANION (Soc. Events)| Dfl.130/$75 | Dfl.130/$75 | ......... | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | Hotel deposit (optional) = | ......... | Total amount due (Dfl. or US$ only) = | ......... | ---------- Arrival date: ................. Departure date: ................ Amount due paid by: O Enclosed cheque (add Dfl.9,50/$5 bank charges) O Bank transfer to: Parallel Computing Society AMRO Bank, LEIDEN, The Netherlands Account no. 40 68 32226 MEMBERSHIP PARALLEL COMPUTING SOCIETY ------------------------------------- I wish to apply for PARALLEL COMPUTING SOCIETY membership: ---------- | YES | NO | ---------- SIGNATURE: ......................... DATE: ............................. ================================================================ PARALLEL COMPUTING 89 APPLICATION FOR HOTEL ACCOMODATION ---------------------------------- USE CAPITAL LETTERS / TICK APPROPRIATE BOXES ---------------------------------------------------------------- | NO. OF | NO. OF | SINGLE | DOUBLE | | NIGHTS | PERS. | ROOM | ROOM | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | HOTEL CAT. I (*) | ...... | ...... | Dfl.145/$85 | Dfl.200/$120 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | HOTEL CAT. II(*) | ...... | ...... | Dfl.85/$50 | Dfl.120/$75 | | | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | ECONOMY ROOM | ...... | ...... | Price on application | | | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------- (*) Included: Breakvast, VAT, service, private bath/shower Special dietary requirements: .................................. Arrival Date: ........................ One night's deposit payable with application -------------------------------------------- REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ONLY ---------------------------- Tick this box if you do not wish to register at this stage, but wish to receive further information in May 1989 : ---- | | ---- RETURN COMPLETED FORMS WITH PAYMENT TO: --------------------------------------- PARALLEL COMPUTING 89 Leids Congres Bureau P.O. Box 16065 2301 GB LEIDEN The Netherlands