[news.announce.conferences] SIGCHI'90 Call for Papers

Brad.Myers@a.gp.cs.cmu.edu (06/06/89)

Human Factors in Computing Systems 1990 (CHI '90);
April 1-5, 1990, Seattle, Washington.  Sponsored by the Association for
Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group on Computer and Human
Interaction.  The annual CHI conference is the leading forum for sharing
high quality research, advanced development, and state-of-the-art
practice in all aspects of human computer interaction.  The theme for
CHI '90 is Empowering People, and we welcome participants from the full
range of disciplines that aid in this goal.  We ask:  How can
interactive systems and interfaces empower individual and group
creativity, productivity, and satisfaction while fostering innovation
and cooperation?

Answers to this question can be developed from a perspective of system
integration, interface techniques, application and user characteristics,
or a techno-social system.  Areas of particular interest include:
Hardware and Software Foundations for Interactive Systems; Interface
Design Tools and Techniques; User Interface Models; Analysis,
Methodology and Case Studies; Social and Anthropological Studies; and
Interactive Applications.

We invite participation through the submission
of Papers, Panels, Tutorials, Interactive Posters, Workshops, Videos,
Laboratory Reviews, Demonstrations, and Exhibits.  To receive a copy of
the Call for Participation, which details deadlines and submission
requirements for the various programs, please contact:
	Toni MacHaffie,
	P.O. Box 5847, Beaverton, OR
	CSNET: tonimc@tekirl.labs.tek.com
	ARPANET: machaffie.chi@xerox.com
	Phone: (503) 591-1981
	FAX: (503) 627-5502

Deadline dates are:
	Papers:              Friday, Sept 22, 1989
	Panels:              Friday, Sept 22, 1989
	Tutorials:           Tuesday, July 11, 1989
	Posters:             Tuesday, Jan 9, 1990
	Videos:              Tuesday, Jan 9, 1990
	SIGs:                Tuesday, Jan 9, 1990
	Lab Reviews:         Friday, Sept 22, 1989
	Doctoral Consortium: Tuesday, Oct. 24, 1989
	Demonstrations:      Tuesday, Jan 9, 1990
	Exhibits:            Tuesday, Nov. 14, 1989

And this year, all dates are ABSOLUTE!  We really mean it!