(Jean-Claude Laprie) (06/06/89)
Provisional Program
"Can we rely on computers?"
University of California, Santa Barbara, California, USA
August 23-25, 1989
General Chair
A. Avizienis, UCLA, USA
Vice-General Chair
A. Costes, LAAS-CNRS, France
Program Chair
J.C. Laprie, LAAS-CNRS, France
Local Organization Chair
J.P.J. Kelly, UCSB, USA
Organized by
IFIP Working Group 10.4 on Dependable Computing and Fault
In cooperation with
Technical Committee on Fault Tolerant Computing of the IEEE
Computer Society
Technical Committee 7 on Systems Reliability, Safety and
Security of EWICS
As a Working Conference, the programme has been designed in order to
promote the exchange of ideas by extensive discussions. All the paper
sessions will end with a 30 minutes discussion on the topics dealt with
in the session. In addition to the paper sessions, three panel sessions
have been organized. The first panel, extending over two sessions, will
concern the Successes and Limitations of Experimental Methods in
Gaining Evidence on Dependability of computing systems intended for
critical applications; in one session it will be people who have major
responsibility for such systems as speakers, and researchers as
discussants, in the other their roles will be reversed. The second panel
will address the Societal Issues involved in the utilization of
Computers in Critical Applications, such as the balancing of the risks
incurred against the benefits to be gained, raised by the expanding
deployment of computing systems in transport, energy production,
military applications, etc.
Attendance is limited both by the intended nature of the event as a
Working Conference and by restrictions on accomodation. Pre-
registration is required. No on-site registration.
The Working Conference is being held in conjunction with the 11th IFIP
World Computer Congress (San Francisco, August 28 - September 1).
>From 1:00 pm Check-in
7:00-10:00 pm Fiesta Reception
8:30-8:45 am Opening
8:45-10:15 am Validation
"Dependable Computing in the UK", M. Barnes, UK Atomic Energy
Authority, Warrington, UK
"Software Validation by means of Statistical Testing: Retrospect and
Future Direction", P. Thevenod-Fosse, LAAS - CNRS, Toulouse, France
10:15-10:45 am Break
10:45-12:15 am Design Diversity Assessment
"Failure Masking: a Source of Failure Dependency in Multi-Version
Programs", P.G. Bishop, F.D. Pullen, Central Electricity Research
Laboratories, Leatherhead, UK
"Recovery Block Reliability Analysis with Failure Clustering", A. Csenki,
The City University, London, UK
12:15-1:45 pm Lunch
1:45-3:45 pm Application-Oriented Systems
"Safety and Fault-Tolerance in Computer-Controlled Railway Signalling
System", K. Akita, H. Nakamura, Railway Technical Research Lab., Tokyo,
"Dependability of Digital Computers On Board Airplanes", P. Traverse,
Aerospatiale, Toulouse, France
"Longlife Dependable Computers for Spacecrafts"; T. Takano, T. Yamada,
H. Kato, H. Ihara, N. Kanekawa, H. Maejima, Hitachi Ltd., Yokohama,
3:45-4:15 pm Break
4:15-5:45 pm Panel "Gaining Evidence on Dependability of Critical
Functions: Successes and Limitations of the Experimental Methods", part
Moderators: A. Avizienis, UCLA, Los Angeles,
California, USA
R.K. Iyer, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champain, Illinois,
The Panel will include:
G. Hagelin, Ericsson Signal Systems, Stockholm, Sweden
E. Pilaud, Merlin-Gerin, Grenoble, France
Evening: Santa Barbara Try-Tip Barbecue
8:45-10:15 pm Experimental Evaluation
"A Fault Behavior Model for an Avionic Microprocessor: a Case-Study",
G.S. Choi, R.K. Iyer, V. Carreno, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois,
"Experimental Evaluation of Computing System Dependability by using
Heavy-Ion Radiation from Californium-252", J. Karlsson, U. Gunneflo, J.
Torin, Chalmers University of Technology, Goteborg, Sweden
10:15-10:45 am Break
10:45-12:15 pm Modeling and Evaluation
"A Unified Approach for Specifying Measures of Performance,
Dependability and Performability"; W.E. Sanders, University of Arizona,
Tucson, Arizona, USA, J.F. Meyer, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
Michigan, USA
"Successive Operational Periods: New Measures of Dependability", G.
Rubino, B. Sericola, IRISA, Rennes, France
12:15-1:45 pm Lunch
1:45-3:45 pm Architecture
"A Data-Driven Dependability Assurance Scheme with Applications to
Data and Design Diversity", B. Parhami, University of California, Santa
Barbara, California, USA
"Implementing Distributed Capabilities Without a Trusted Kernel", M.P.
Herlihy, J.D. Tygar, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania,
"Resynchronization Interfaces: Sources of Metastability Errors in
Computing Systems", D. Del Corso, F. Maddaleno, M. Minichino, E. Pasero,
Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy
3:45-4:15 pm Break
4:15-5:45 pm Panel "Gaining Evidence on Dependability of Critical
Functions: Successes and Limitations of the Experimental Methods", part
Moderators: A. Avizienis, UCLA, Los Angeles, California, USA)
R.K. Iyer, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champain, Illinois,
Panelists: T. Anderson, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle
upon Tyne, UK
K.H. Kim, UCI, Irvine, California, USA
J.C. Laprie, LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse, France
8:30-10:00 am Design for Security
"The Design of a Guardian System for UNIX", G.I. Davida, B. J. Matt,
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
"Fragmented Data Processing: an Approach to Secure and Reliable
Processing in Distributed Computing Systems", J.M. Fray, J.C. Fabre,
LAAS - CNRS, Toulouse, France
10:00-10:30 am Break
10:30-12:15 am Panel "Computers in Critical Applications: Societal
Moderators: J. Goldberg, SRI Int., Palo Alto, California, USA
B. Randell, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle
upon Tyne, UK
The Panel will include:
M. Thomas, PRAXIS, Bath, UK
12:15-1:45 pm Lunch
1:45-3:15 pm Security and Fault Tolerance
"Integration Problems in Fault Tolerant, Secure Computer Design", M. K.
Joseph, Los Angeles, California, USA
"Concurrent Error Detection using Signature Monitoring and Encryption",
K. Wilken, J.P. Shen, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, USA
3:15-3:45 pm Break
3:45-5:15 pm Fault-Tolerant Distributed Systems
"A Linguistic Approach to Failure-Handling in Distributed Systems", R.D.
Schlichting, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA, F. Cristian,
IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose, California, USA, T.D.M. Purdin,
Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Colorado, USA
"Fault-Tolerant Membership Service in a Synchronous Distributed Real-
Time System", H. Kopetz, G. Grunsteidl, J. Reisinger, Institut fr
Technische Informatik, Wien, Austria
5:15-5:45 pm Conclusions
Santa Barbara and the UCSB Campus
Santa Barbara is situated on the coastline, between the Santa Ynez
Mountains and the Pacific Ocean. The geographic location and the ideal
weather of Santa Barbara, with its lovely beaches, parks and hiking
trails, make it suitable for a variety of outdoor activities. The Channel
Islands, 27 miles offshore, provide an additional resource for fishing,
camping and university research. The Spanish heritage can be seen in
the city's architecture and historic landmarks like the Santa Barbara
mission and County Courthouse.
The Santa Barbara campus of the University of California (UCSB) is
located in Goleta, ten miles north of downtown Santa Barbara. The 815-
acre campus accomodates approximately 10000 students. As a
research-oriented university, UCSB has extensive laboratory facilities
and an exceptional 1.5 million volume library. The high standards of
scholarship, attention to the individual student, and a tradition of
informality combine to make this campus a unique blend of academic
excellence and individual enrichment.
Attendance is limited both by the intended nature of the event as a
Working Conference and by restriction on the accomodation. Pre-
registration is required. No on-site registration.
Advance registration fee, to be received by July 7, is 200 US $. Regular
registration fee, to be received by July 20, is 240 US $. The registration
fee includes:
- Attendance to the Working Conference, including coffee breaks
- One copy of the Preprints, available at the Working Conference,
and one copy of the Proceedings, to be published after the Working
Conference as a volume of the Springer-Verlag series "Dependable
Computing and Fault-Tolerant Systems"
-The Fiesta Reception on Tuesday evening, August 22, and the
Santa Barbara Try-Tip Barbecue on Wedenesday evening, on the
beach at sunset)
Accomodation for the Working Conference is University Residence Hall
housing. The prices for three days accomodation (arrival on Tuesday
afternoon, departure on Friday) are as follows, which include two meals
(breakfast and lunch) on Wednesday, August 23, and on Friday, August
25, and three meals on Thursday, August 24:
-Single occupancy: US $ 165 per person
-Double occupancy: US $ 129 per person
Further information may be obtained from:
Prof. John P.J. Kelly
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
Tel: +(1) 805 961 4168
Fax: +(1) 805 961 3262
Airport Transportation
UCSB is located ten miles from the Santa Barbara airport. A UCSB bus
shuttle service is available.
Obtaining a copy of the programme: ask to Jean-Claude Laprie: