bobk@boulder (Bob Kinne) (06/09/89)
The Engineering Research Center for Optoelectronic Computing Systems at University of Colorado, Boulder, will present two short courses this summer. Optoelectronic Computing Architectures - July 26-28 Optical Processing for Pattern Recognition and Image Understanding - July 31-August 2. _______________________________________________________________ Course Instructors W, Thomas Cathey. PhD. Dr. Cathey, Professor at UCB, has worked in the fields of optical signal processing, optical computing, and optical systems since 1964. He is presently the Director of the Optoelectronic Computing Systems Center. Karl-Heinz Brenner, PhD. Dr. Brenner, Head of the Optical Computing Group at the University of Erlangen in West Germany, has conducted research in the field of optical symbolic substitution at Bell Laboratories and the University of Erlangen and is writing on the subjects of symbolic substitution and optical computing. Mark O. Freeman, PhD. Dr. Freeman, Assistant Professor with the OCS Center, is performing research in optical signal processing and optical systems for image understanding. His current projects include optical scale-space methods for image analysis and optical geometrical transformations. Vincent Heuring, PhD. Dr. Heuring, Associate Professor at CU-Boulder, is responsible for the interface and software for the optical bit serial computer under construction at the Optoelectronic Computing Systems Center. K. S. Huang, PhD. Dr. Huang, Research Staff Member in the Computer Science Department of IBM in Yorktown, is one of the developers of binary image algebra. William T. Rhodes, PhD. Dr Rhodes, Professor of Electrical Engineering at Georgia Tech, is also the editor of Applied Optics. He is responsible for many useful techniques in optical signal processing and is currently pursuing the use of these systems for morphological image processing. Kelvin Wagner, PhD. Dr Wagner, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering at CU-Boulder, is performing research on optical neural networks, optical data storage, and is completing a book on the use of acousto-optic devices for signal processing. ______ OPTOELECTRONIC COMPUTING ARCHITECTURES This course will provide a discussion of the potential advantages of optoelectronic computing, the near-term applications, and the impact on future computing systems. The course will cover optical computing architectures that either have been or are being built. Appropriate attendees include engineers, scientists, and technical managers with backgrounds or interests in computer architectrues, optical computing, and their applications. Course Content WEDNESDAY AM - Introduction and Background - Cathey A review of previous research in optical computing and the impact of optics on computing architectures. Wednesday PM - Optical Bit Serial Computing - Heuring A description is given of the architecture and design of a stored program, bit serial optoelectronic computer that is constructed with lithium niobate directional couplers and optical fibers. THURSDAY AM - Symbolic Substitution - Brenner The theory of the use of symbolic substitution in two-dimensional optical computing systems is presented. Proposed architectures and implementation techniques are described. THURSDAY PM - Binary Image Algebra - Huang A presentation of the basic concepts of binary image algebra systems including: how they serve as a unified theory leading to a formal parallel language for two-dimensional processing, how optical architectures can implement binary image algebra algorithms, potentials and limits, and experimental results. FRIDAY AM - Optical Programmed Logic Arrays - Rhodes The architecture is given of a parallel computing system that is based on the use of optical programmed logic arrays. Various implementations of subsystems are presented. FRIDAY PM - Optical Neural Nets - Wagner Simple nonlinearities and global interconnectivity provided by optical devices lead to natural hardware implementations of neural networks. Architecture based on spatial light modulators and dynamic holographic materials will be presented, as well as the capabilities and limitations of this approach to computation. Advantages, limitations, and examples of optical implementations of neural-like architectures will be discussed. _____ OPTICAL PROCESSING FOR PATTERN RECOGNITION AND IMAGE UNDERSTANDING The course begins with a review of fundamental optical operations and covers the development of optical vision processors up through the current state-of-the-art. It is designed to introduce both mathematical reasoning behind the various image operations and optoelectronic systems that can perform these computations. Advantages and limitations of optical implementations will be discussed. This course is intended for engineers and managers with an interest in automated vision systems for inspection, pattern recognition, tracking, and other such tasks. Course Content MONDAY Introduction to Optical Processors - Freeman and Rhodes The course begins with a brief look at some of the fundamental properties of optical systems which make them attractive for processing images. A major emphasis is on space-invariant optical processors using both coherent (Freeman) and incoherent (Rhodes) light. Image Conditioning and Low-Level Understanding - Rhodes Often an input image contains noise or distracting information. This section is directed toward methods for noise removal and segmentation using threshold decomposition and morphological image operations. TUESDAY Image Conditioning and Low-Level Understanding - Freeman (Continued from Monday). Optical techniques for attention focusing and object tracking are presented. Computer-Generated Holograms - Freeman Computer-generated holograms allow one to create somewhat arbitrary complex field distributions. A survey of coding techniques and practical considerations are introduced. Optical Pattern Recognition I: Relatives of Matched Filters - Freeman This section summarizes the numerous optical pattern recognition approaches which are tied to matched filters that have been published in recent years. Topics include: phase-only matched filters, invariant-matched filters, synthetic discrimination functions, and lock and tumbler filters. Optical Pattern Recognition II: Feature-Based Recognition - Freeman Here another approach to pattern recognition is considered; object classes are characterized by a set of features. General features not tied to any particular application as well as optimum features for specific applications are discussed. A method to compute the necessary inner products optically is also presented. WEDNESDAY AM Optical Pattern Recognition III: Neural Network Approaches - Wagner The final pattern recognition approach to be considered is based on neural network techniques. Fundamental concepts in neural networks are introduced followed by a number of specific topics including: single and multiple layer networks, pattern recognition systems, and optical implementations. _______________________________________________________________ These courses will be held in the Engineering Center at the University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado. Course fees include materials, refreshments, and a barbeque. Upon registration you will receive a packet containing information regarding lodging and about the city of Boulder. For further information, call (303) 492-7129 or (303) 492-2299. Registration is due by Friday, July 14, 1989. Enrollment form: --------------------------------------------------------------- I wish to enroll in: ___ Optoelectronic Computing Architectures - $750 ___ Optical Processing for Pattern Recognition and Image Understanding - $750 ___ Both of the above courses - $1300 Name: ___________________________________________ Job Title: ______________________________________ Company: ________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Telephone: ______________________________________ Please return registration form and tuition fee to: Kathleen Exman, Conference Coordinator University of Colorado at Boulder Optoelectronic Computing Systems Center Campus Box 525 Boulder, Colorado 80309-0525 Payment or purchase order must be sent prior to the start of the course. Checks should be made payable to: Optoelectronic Computing Systems Center.