[news.announce.conferences] CFP: IKBCS-89 in Bombay

stdizier@godel.irisa.fr (06/21/89)

International Conference on Knowledge Based Computer Systems,
Dec 11-13, Bombay, India.
Organised by the national center for software technology, Bombay

Original papers are invited on the following topics:
- Advances in Expert systems,
- AI applications,
- AI and engineering,
- Intelligent tutoring systems,
- Knowledge representation,
- learning,
- Logic Programming,
- Natural Language Understanding,
- Reasoning,
- Speech,
- Vision.

Send a single spaced paper, 10 pages long maximun to:
S Ramani, IKBCS-89, National Center for Software Technology,
Gulmohar Cross Road no 9
Bombay	400 049	 India
by August 15.
Notification of acceptance/rejection: October 1st,
Final paper due November 1st.

Advisory Committee:
K Apt (The Netherland), Arvind (USA), M. Boden (UK), A. Joshi (USA),
R. Kowalski (UK), CJP Lucena (Brasil), P. Saint-Dizier (France), A. Togashi (Japan).