[news.announce.conferences] CFP: META 90

dannyd@kulcs (Danny De Schreye) (04/08/89)

			  META 90
	      4-6 April 1990 - Leuven, Belgium

		      Call for Papers

Following META88, the workshop on Meta-Programming in Logic
Programming, organized in 1988 at Bristol, a second workshop
will be held at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven on April
4-6, 1990. The workshop will be small and informal,
attendance will be limited. Authors are invited to submit
papers on all aspects of meta-programming in logic,
including, but not restricted to:

   - Foundations of meta-programming
   - Design and implementation of language facilities for
   - Knowledge representation with meta-programming
   - Applications of meta-programming

		     Program Committee

H.Abramson, Bristol, U.K.		    K.Furukawa, Tokyo, Japan
J.Barklund, Uppsala, Sweden		    J.Gallagher, Leuven, Belgium
H.A.Blair, Syracuse, U.S.A.		    P.Hill, Bristol, U.K.
M.Bruynooghe (chairman), Leuven, Belgium    J.W.Lloyd, Bristol, U.K.
A.Bundy, Edinburgh, U.K.		    D.Miller, Philadelphia, U.S.A.
B.Demoen, Leuven, Belgium		    S.Owen, Bristol, U.K.
D.De Schreye, Leuven, Belgium		    M.J.Sergot, London, U.K.
Y.Deville, Namur, Belgium		    J.Staples, Queensland, Australia
W.Drabent, Warszawa, Poland		    L.Sterling, Cleveland, U.S.A.
T.W.Fruhwirth, Wien, Austria

		    Organizing Committee

  L.De Raedt, Leuven		       B.Le Charlier, Namur
  D.De Schreye (chairman), Leuven      Y.D.Willems, Leuven
  G.Janssens, Leuven

Submit four copies of manuscripts by November 30, 1989 to:
		Maurice Bruynooghe, META-90
	       Department of Computer Science
	       Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
		    Celestijnenlaan 200A
		  B-3030 Heverlee, Belgium

Authors will be notified of acceptance/rejection by February
10, 1990.  Camera ready copies for (non-archival)
proceedings are due by March 10, 1990.

email: maurice@cs.kuleuven.ac.be (program)
	  dannyd@cs.kuleuven.ac.be (organization)
fax: +32-16-205308
telex: 23674

The authors will receive registration forms, other people
interested to attend should contact D.De Schreye to receive
a personal copy of the registration form and program.

dannyd@kulcs (Danny De Schreye) (07/03/89)

			     META 90
		 4-6 April 1990 - Leuven, Belgium

			 Call for Papers

   Following META88, the workshop on Meta-Programming in Logic
   Programming, organized in 1988 at Bristol, a second workshop
   will be held at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven on April
   4-6, 1990. The workshop will be small and informal,
   attendance will be limited. Authors are invited to submit
   papers on all aspects of meta-programming in logic,
   including, but not restricted to:

      - Foundations of meta-programming
      - Design and implementation of language facilities for
      - Knowledge representation with meta-programming
      - Applications of meta-programming

			Program Committee

  H.Abramson, Bristol, U.K.		      K.Furukawa, Tokyo, Japan
  J.Barklund, Uppsala, Sweden		      J.Gallagher, Leuven, Belgium
  H.A.Blair, Syracuse, U.S.A.		      P.Hill, Bristol, U.K.
  M.Bruynooghe (chairman), Leuven, Belgium    J.W.Lloyd, Bristol, U.K.
  A.Bundy, Edinburgh, U.K.		      D.Miller, Philadelphia, U.S.A.
  B.Demoen, Leuven, Belgium		      S.Owen, Bristol, U.K.
  D.De Schreye, Leuven, Belgium		      M.J.Sergot, London, U.K.
  Y.Deville, Namur, Belgium		      J.Staples, Queensland, Australia
  W.Drabent, Warszawa, Poland		      L.Sterling, Cleveland, U.S.A.
  T.W.Fruhwirth, Wien, Austria

		       Organizing Committee

     L.De Raedt, Leuven			  B.Le Charlier, Namur
     D.De Schreye (chairman), Leuven	  Y.D.Willems, Leuven
     G.Janssens, Leuven

   Submit four copies of manuscripts by November 30, 1989 to:
		   Maurice Bruynooghe, META-90
		  Department of Computer Science
		  Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
		       Celestijnenlaan 200A
		     B-3030 Heverlee, Belgium

   Authors will be notified of acceptance/rejection by February
   10, 1990.  Camera ready copies for (non-archival)
   proceedings are due by March 10, 1990.

   email: maurice@cs.kuleuven.ac.be (program)
	     dannyd@cs.kuleuven.ac.be (organization)
   fax: +32-16-205308
   telex: 23674

   The authors will receive registration forms, other people
   interested to attend should contact D.De Schreye to receive
   a personal copy of the registration form and program.