[news.announce.conferences] CFP: Conference on ADVANCED CONFERENCE FOR THE SOCIAL SCIENCES


                        C A L L     F O R     P A P E R S
                             Revised:  June 26, 1989

The Energy Division of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the United States
Census Bureau are sponsoring a conference on ADVANCED COMPUTING FOR THE SOCIAL
SCIENCES.  Papers describing applications of advanced computing technologies
in disciplines such as, but not limited to, the following are being solicited:

                Economics               Planning
                Psychology              Sociology
                Anthropology            Geography and urban studies
                Transportation studies  Policy analysis
                Government              Demography

Proposals for panel discussions and demonstrations are also being accepted.
Examples of ``advanced computing technologies'' are

                Supercomputing          Parallel processing
                Satellite imagery       Geographic information systems
                Expert systems          Natural language processing
                Computer networking     Databases and information retrieval
                Advanced microcomputer applications

The conference will be held April 10-12, 1990 at the Williamsburg Hilton and
National Conference Center, Williamsburg, Virginia.  The conference fee
schedule is $300 (U.S.) for advance registration.  Registration matls. will
be mailed upon request.

In order to adequately review the submissions and allow authors to revise
their manuscripts, the following schedule will be followed:

                Submission deadline:  September 15, 1989
                Author notification:  November 15, 1989
                Final deadline:       January  15, 1990

Manuscripts should be between five and nine pages, single-spaced, in length.
The official language of this conference is English.

Proposals for panel discussions should be submitted by a panel chairman
and consist of three to five presentations which examine various aspects
of a chosen topic.  It is the chairman's responsibility to contact potential
panel members and coordinate presentations.

Space will be available at the conference site for demonstrations of advanced
computing technology (Vendors will be charged a nominal fee).  Briefly describe
the technology and its value to the social sciences.  Provide necessary space,
power, and telecommunications requirements.  Demonstrators will be responsible
for providing their own hardware, except in extreme circumstances in which the
organizing committee has been notified well in advance.

Proceedings will be published by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and
distributed at the conference.

Please submit three copies of each paper, panel proposal, or demonstration
proposal to

                        Lloyd F. ARROWOOD
                        Oak Ridge National Laboratory
                        P. O. Box 2008
                        Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6207  U.S.A.

Correspondence between authors and the organizing committee can be sent to