[news.announce.conferences] CFP: Vision Interface '89

ksbooth@watcgl.waterloo.edu (Kelly Booth) (07/14/89)

		      Vision Interface '90

		     Call for Participation

			May 14 - 18, 1990
		  Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

Important Dates:

Four copies of a Full Paper due 31 October 1989
Tutorial Proposals due 15 November 1989
Authors Notified 22 January 1990
Final Paper due 28 February 1990
Electronic Theatre Submissions due 28 February 1990
Art Exhibition Submissions due 28 February 1990


Vision Interface '90 is the fourth Canadian conference devoted to
computer vision, pattern recognition and image processing. Four
copies of double spaced manuscripts should be sent to Program Co-
Chairmen before October 31,1989. The cover sheet should include:
paper title, full name, affiliation, complete address, phone number
and E-mail address (if available).

Papers presenting original research in the following topics are

2D and 3D processing
biological processes
range image analysis and processing
motion representation and analysis
scene analysis
text understanding and signature verification
biomedical image processing and industry applications
segmentation, feature extraction and pattern analysis
VLSI, neural networks and special purpose architectures
speech analysis and understanding
texture analysis

Notification of acceptance will be given by January 22,1990.
Authors of accepted papers will be requested to submit a final
camera-ready copy by February 28,1990. A selection of accepted
papers will also be published in a book by a well established
international publisher. The due date for the selected papers will
be May 18, 1990.

Send papers to Program Co-Chairman

Rejean Plamondon
Department de Genie Electrique
Ecole Polytechnique
Case Postale 6079, Succursale "A"
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
H3C 3A7


H. D. Cheng
School of Computer Science
Technical University of Nova Scotia
P.O. Box 1000
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
B3J 2X4

The Program Committee consists of:

Michel Bertrand, Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal
Wayne Davis, University of Alberta, Edmonton
Franck Ferrie, McGill University, Montreal
Morris Goldberg, University of Ottawa, Ottawa
Denis Poussart, Universite Laval, Quebec
Ching Y. Suen, Concordia University, Montreal
Laval Tremblay, PIXAR
Andrew K. C. Wong, University of Waterloo, Waterloo
Robert Woodham, University of British Columbia, Vancouver


Four copies of tutorial proposals should be sent to the Tutorial
Chairman by November 15, 1989. Proposals should include: tutorial
title, outline, brief description of topics covered, intended
audience, assumed attender background and a resume of the speaker.

Tutorial Chairman:

Tony Kasvand
Department of Computer Science
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve West
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
H3G 1M8

Vision Interface '90 is being held jointly with Graphics Interface
'90. Refer to the Call for Participation for Graphics Interface '90
for information on the Electronic Theatre, Art Exhibition and Trade

General Chairman for both Vision Interface '90 and Graphics
Interface '90 is:

Andrew Sherin
Energy, Mine and Resources
Bedford Institute of Oceanography
P.O. Box 1006,
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada
B2Y 4A2

FAX (902) 426-4266


Bitnet: agsherin@ac.dal.ca
ENVOY:	sherin.ag/gems
Telemail:	[sherin.ag/gems] telecom/canada