[news.announce.conferences] Israeli Aviation and Astronautics conf.



     It is my pleasure to inform you that the 31st Annual
Israel Conference on Aviation and Astronautics will take
place February 21-22, 1990.  The meetings on the first day
will be convened at the Tel Aviv Hilton, while the second
day will be at the Technion, Haifa.
     In the past, the Conference has elicited great interest
among its participants which number between 600-900 scientists,
engineers, and members of the academic community.  Participants
from the United States and Europe increase from year to year.
      The Conference Prodeedings are published in English and
include talks given by both Invited Speakers and contributing
participants.  It is available following the conference and
reaches a wide audience throughout the world.
     Papers may be submitted on the following topics:
   - Aerodynamics and Aeronautical Testing
   - Materials, Aeronautical Structures and Structural Testing
   - Structural Dynamics and Aeroelasticity
   - Aeronautical Design, CAD/CAM, Manufacturing and Maintenance
   - Propulsion and Combustion
   - Flight Control, Guidance and Navigation, Avionics
   - Flight Mechanics and Ballistics
   - Flight Operation and Systems
   - Space Systems and Astrodynamics

     Papers on recent advances in basic research and technology
applications in the above mentioned categories, as well as other
aerospace related fields, are welcomed.
     To receive a "Call for Papers" or any other information
you may contact us on the bitnet at AERCONF@TECHNION or send a
FAX to Mr. Gideon Waxsman at 00-972-4-231848.
Acknowledge-To: <AERCONF@TECHNION>
Someday has arrived