(Ian Dallas) (09/02/89)
International Symposium on Local Communications Systems Management 18th - 19th September, 1990 Canterbury, Kent, UK. First Announcement and Call for Papers Jointly Sponsored by: IFIP TC6 WG6.4a and The University of Kent at Canterbury The symposium follows on from the successful IFIP WG6.4a LAN Management workshop in West Berlin in 1987. Programme Committee ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jean-Pierre Cabanel Universite Paul Sabatier, France. Les Clyne Joint Network Team, UK. Andre Danthine Universite de Liege, Belgium. Frank Eliassen University of Tromso, Norway. Kim Kappel DCA Inc, USA. Dipak Khakhar Lund University, Sweden. Wolfgang Kleinoeder IBM Zurich Research Labs, Switzerland. Peter Linington University of Kent, UK. Otto Spaniol Technical University Aachen, FRG. Brian Spratt University of Kent, UK. Liane Tarouco Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sol, Brazil. Jil Westcott BBN STC, USA. (Provisional) Steve Wilbur University College, London, UK. Reigo Yatsuboshi Fujitsu Laboratories, Japan. Scope ~~~~~ The purpose of the term `Local Communications Systems' in the symposium title was chosen so as not to exclude any type of system. So not only will the management of all flavours of Local Area Networks (LANs) be covered, but so will the management of PABX systems. For the rest of this text, `Local Communications Systems' will be abbreviated to LCSs. Topics ~~~~~~ The Programme Committee invites original papers for this symposium on the topic areas below. 1. Management of single-vendor and/or single-technology Local Communi- cations Systems. 2. Management for LANs and PABXs in the year 2000. 3. Management of multi-vendor and/or multi-technology LANs and PABXs. 4. Management of electronic campuses. 5. Standards activities in LANs and PABX Management. 6. Management of Gateways between LCSs and ISDN, MANs and WANs. 7. The Future. 8. How applicable is the OSI Network management strategy to all LANs/PABXs? 9. Do the OSI Management Protocols cover all that the clients want? 10. Management of the design/cabling/installation of Local Communica- tions Systems. NOTE: Papers in areas not explicitly stated but of relevance will be considered. Publication ~~~~~~~~~~~ Providing there are sufficient numbers of papers of the appropriate quality, papers will be published by the North-Holland Publishing Com- pany. Language ~~~~~~~~ The working language of the symposium and of the papers will be English. Deadlines ~~~~~~~~~ Today: Send a message or letter, or phone the contact below, stating your intention to submit a paper, or stating your general interest in the symposium. January 31st 1990: Draft versions of papers due for review. May 31st 1990: Notification of acceptance/rejection. June 30th 1990: Camera-ready papers required for publication. September 18th 1990: Symposium Contact ~~~~~~~ All messages, enquiries, papers etc. should be sent to: Mr Ian N. Dallas, Computing Laboratory, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, CT2 7NF, UK. Telephone: +44 227 764000 Extension 3633. Telex: 965449 UKCLIB G Facsimile: +44 227 762811 E-mail: or 74:SKK008 (Telecom Gold/Dialcom) Financial Assistance ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The organising committee will make best efforts to secure financial support/assistance to enable delegates from developing countries and Eastern Europe to attend. Venue ~~~~~ Rutherford College, University of Kent at Canterbury. The City of Canterbury is situated in the county of Kent, `The Garden of England', in South East England, about 50 miles (80 km) from London. The University is located on a hillside above the city. It enjoys panoramic views over the medieval city and the orchards and villages of East Kent. When you come to Canterbury, you will be visiting a beautiful and his- toric part of England. Clustered around the ancient cathedral, Canterbury's medieval streets and buildings are fascinating to explore. Within 30 minutes drive of the University there are some 70 miles (113 km) of unspoilt coastline, stretching from Whitstable - once famous for its oyster beds, to the picturesque town of Rye. Inland can be found some of the loveliest English villages, castles, and stately homes, as well as such attractions as zoos, steam railways and vineyards. London's Heathrow and Gatwick airports are easily accessible by car or public transport from Canterbury, and many parts of Belgium, France, Germany and the Netherlands are reached within a few hours via the Chan- nel Ports of Dover, Folkestone and Ramsgate. Mail-In Form ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Complete the sections as appropriate, and return the form to the contact address, (by e-mail if you wish). I am interested in the symposium on the Management of Local Communica- tions Systems, and ....... Intend to attend. ....... Intend to submit a paper on (topic area, and title): ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ....... Please send more information when it becomes available. Name: ......................................................... Title: ......................................................... Affiliation: (Company, University etc.) ......................................................... Address: ......................................................... ......................................................... City/Town: ......................................................... State/County: ......................................................... Country: ......................................................... Postal Code: ......................................................... Telephone: ......................................................... Telex: ......................................................... Fax: ......................................................... E-mail: ......................................................... -- Someday has arrived