[news.announce.conferences] CFP ICCI '90

jakobs@rwthinf (Kai Jakobs) (09/08/89)


ICCI'90 will be an international forum for presentation of new results
in research, development, and applications in computing
and information. The organizers expect both practitioners and
theorists to attend.

We have been encouraged by the success of the first
Conference (ICCI'89). The ICCI'90 Conference will be one day shorter:
May 23-26, 1990, and there will be four fixed (but

A - Information and Coding Theory,
B - Foundations of Computer Science, Theory of Algorithms and
C - Concurrency, Parallelism, and Communications,
D - Data and Software Engineering, Database, Expert Systems,
    Information Systems, AI Methodologies, and Decision Making.

Each stream will consist of theoretical papers as well
as presentations on performance issues and implementation
techniques.There will be one invited lecture each day in each
stream (except for the first day keynote lecture).

It will be the first Conference advertised with the electronic address
only, although all direct mail inquires will also be answered (in
particular all "old" participants will be invited -what are friends
for!). Draft and final papers as well as acceptance letters will be, of
course, sent by regular mail.

The ICCI'89 Conference was sponsored by the Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council of Canada. We expect similar
support next year. In addition, we are applying for IEEE sponsorship.

The Conference will be advertised in AMS Notices, ACM and
IEEE Communications, and international journals. We are already
placed in three national databases (two in the USA, one in Europe).

You are invited to review the information contained in
this announcement, and follow the other computer science and
mathematics educators, administrators, researchers and students
from: Austria,Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, P.R. China,
Czechoslovakia,Denmark, East Germany, England, Finland, France,
Holland, India,Iraq, Italy, Japan, Korea, Kuwait, N.Ireland, New
Zealand, Norway,Poland, Singapore, the Soviet Union, Spain,
Sweden, Taiwan R.O.C.,the USA, West Germany, and Yugoslavia
(listed in alphabetical order) who participated in the ICCI'89

Niagara Falls is a place of beauty, history, romance and power!It's
truly a wonder of the world. We urge you to register today for the

Program Committee:
S.G. Akl, Queen's U., Canada, Chairman
M. Cosnard, Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, France
K. Culik, U. of South Carolina, USA
M. El-Gabaly, Kuwait U., Kuwait
J. Grant, Towson State U., USA
M.A.W. Houtsma, U. of Twente, The Netherlands
M.E.C. Hull, U. of Ulster at Jordanstown, N. Ireland
P.L. Kannappan, U. of Waterloo, Canada
R.L. Kashyap, Purdue U., USA
V. Kumar, U. of Missouri-Kansas City, USA
M.A. Langston, U. of Tennessee, USA
H. Meijer, Queen's University, Canada
W. Oettli, Universitat Mannheim, West Germany
M.M. Orlowska, U. of Queensland, Australia
R.A. Paige, Courant Inst. of Math. Sciences, USA
W. Smyth, McMaster U., Canada
Ch. Stary, Institut fuer Angewandte Informatik, Austria
I. Stojmenovic, Ottawa University, Canada
Ch.T. Zahn, Pace U., USA

R. Janicki, McMaster, Canada, Steering Committee, Chair

General Chairman: Frank Fiala, Carleton University, Canada

Organizing Committee:
W.W. Koczkodaj, Laurentian U., Canada, Chairman
M. Herman, Laurentian U., Canada
G. Steinke, U. of Passau, West Germany

Stream Chairmen

Stream A: David Chiu, University of Guelph, Canada,
Stream B: Lane A. Hemachandra, University of Rochester, USA
Stream C: R.P. Hopkins, U. of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK,
Stream D: Jaretta H. and G. Daryl Nord, Oklahoma State University,

Electronic Mail Contacts for:

Asia/Australia - D. J. Chen, National Chiao Tung U., Taiwan R.O.C.,
E-mail: 9djchen@twnctucs

Canada - Lixin Tao, Concordia U., Canada,
e-mail: tao@concour.concordia.ca

Europe - Kai Jakobs, Technical U. of Aaachen, West Germany,
e-mail: jakobs@rwthinf.uucp, unido!rwthinf!jakobs

USA/S.America - Manuel Bermudez, Internat. U. of Florida, USA,
e-mail: manuel@sinkhole.cis.ufl.edu

Please use these electronic addresses for your first inquiry
before contacting stream chairs

Authors are invited to submit five copies of papers (draft version in
English, up to 15 double-spaced typed (or 7 typeset) pages to the
appropriate Stream Chairman. Each paper should include a
short abstract and a list of keywords indication subject
classification.Sorry we cannot accept electronic mail or FAX

Short papers (up to 3 pages) describing ongoing projects are
also solicited; selected short papers will be included in
the Proceedings and will form the basis of special discussion

Please note that the draft copy does not need to be impeccable -it
has to be readable. Authors of accepted papers will be notified by
e-mail or FAX. They will be asked to prepare the final camera-ready
version on special mats according to the publisher's requirements.
Each final paper will be given a strict page limit according to the
category. Additional pages will be accepted at extra cost. All
accepted papers will be printed in refereed proceedings.


The Brock overlooks Niagara Falls on Falls Avenue. It is
an integrated hotel, shopping and entertainment complex. All the
fun and shopping is just outside. It's the ideal conference spot,
just 30 minutes from Buffalo, and 75 minutes from Toronto.
Meeting,function and breakout rooms, with freight corridor and
elevator access, accommodate up to 1,000 people with ease and
style. You can enjoy the hotel gift shop, nearby golf, horseback
riding, 2,800 acres of Niagara parkland, plus the convenience of the
adjacent Maple Leaf Village Shopping Mall.

Conference reduced rates are $77 (approx. U.S. $61) for a
city-sideroom, and $92 (approx. U.S. $74) for a falls-view room per
night.Please note that we cannot guarantee accommodation after
March 31,1990 since unused hotel space has to be released after
that date.


Paid bus and limousine transportation is available from
the international airports in Buffalo (USA) and Toronto (Canada).


All persons attending the conference must be registered.
The registration fee applies to each paper. Registration
forms,accompanied by payment, should be sent to the ICCI
Secretariat.Your registration will be confirmed in three weeks.
Sending a paper for evaluation implies willingness to register if the
paper is accepted. A limited number of authors, from countries where
hard currency is hard to obtain, will be considered for the
conference fee release if the papers receive exceptionally good

The Conference fee:prior to March 31, 1990- Can. $220 (or US
$190),after March 31, 1990- Can. $260 (or US $220),on-site
registration- Can. $280 (or US $240),10% discount for IEEE
members,50% discount for a student (only if there is one author;
no proceedings).

Note:all requests for fee reduction or release must be submitted
with the paper.

On-site registration will take place at the hotel, but it may
be refused if the enrolment exceeds 350 participants.

Please make cheques (or international money orders) payable to
the ICCI Conference or transfer funds direct to the account: ICCI
No.29472-001-8019-914 in the Bank of Montreal, 1897 Regent
Street S.,Sudbury, Ontario, Canada P3E 3Z7 (a photocopy of the
money transfer must be signed by you and sent to the ICCI
Secretariat; otherwise your payment will not be acknowledged).
Personal cheques sent after March 15, 1990 must be certified. Sorry,
we cannot accept credit cards.


Requests for cancellations must be made in writing and received
by April 30, 1990 to warrant a full refund. Cancellation
requests received after April 30, 1990 will be allowed a 75% refund
only.All refunds will be mailed approximately 4 weeks following
the conference. Refunds cannot be made on cancellations received
after May 17, 1990.

Important deadlines to remember:January 5, 1990:submission of
papers for evaluation (draft copy),February 20, 1990:Notifications
of acceptance (by e-mail and FAX)March 15, 1990:Camera-ready
versions, accompanied by payment, must be received by the ICCI
Secretariat April 15, 1990:Final program due

Inquiries and registration requests should be sent to
Electronic Contacts for your region or (if it fails) to the appropriate
Stream Chair. Camera-ready papers, registration fees and forms
should be sent to the ICCI Secretariat.


Wednesday, May 23, 1990
09:00 - 10:30
Opening	 and Keynote Session
10:30 - 12:30
Paper presentations
12:30 - 13:30
Lunch break
13:30 - 17:00
Four Concurrent Technical Sessions
20:00 - 22:00
Wine and Cheese
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday - May 24, May 25, and May 26 1990
09:00 - 09:40
Invited lecture
09:40 - 12:00
Paper presentations
12:00 - 13:00
Lunch break
13:00 - 17:00
Paper presentations

A social event will be held on Friday, May 25, 1990.
Someday has arrived