[news.announce.conferences] Announcement and Call For Papers: Electronic Publishing '90

furuta@crayola.cs.umd.edu (Richard Furuta) (10/19/89)

		   Announcement and Call for Papers

		      Electronic Publishing '90

	  International Conference on Electronic Publishing,
		 Document Manipulation and Typography

			September 18-20, 1990
		     U.S. Department of Commerce
	    National Institute of Standards and Technology
			   Gaithersburg, MD

Introduction and history:

EP90, an international conference on electronic publishing, document
manipulation, and typography, will be held in mid-September, 1990, in the
Washington, DC area in Gaithersburg, MD on the campus of the National
Institute of Standards and Technology (formerly the National Bureau of
Standards).  An associated exhibition will provide an opportunity for
participants to see commercial and research systems in action.

EP90, ``Electronic Publishing '90,'' will be the third in a series of
international conferences established to bring together researchers in all
areas of electronic publishing systems.  EP86, held in Nottingham, England,
was sponsored by the British Computer Society.  EP88, held in Nice, France,
was sponsored by INRIA.  The proceedings of papers presented at the earlier
sessions were published by Cambridge University Press and have received wide
dissemination.  The proceedings of EP90 will also be published in book form
and will be available at the conference.

Broad topic list:

EP90 will adopt a broad definition of ``electronic publishing.''  Electronic
publishing will be taken to encompass all aspects of computer-assisted
preparation, presentation, transmittal, storage, and retrieval of documents.
The scope of the conference also includes the design of the related computer
systems, the design of their components, and the theory that underlies such
systems.  Both linear and non-linear documents are appropriate subjects for
discussion.  While the conference will be principally oriented to new ideas
and techniques, careful presentation of important earlier results
inadequately described in the open literature is also appropriate.  Papers
should present previously unpublished original research results and should
be supported by experience.

Specific topic list:

- Document preparation systems: design, concepts, and experience.
- Document component identification and manipulation.
- Hypertext systems, particularly those that provide additional
  insights on the characteristics of these systems.
- Font design and use:  design and evaluation of computer-based
  tools, techniques and goals, visual issues.
- Representations specialized for electronic display:  fonts,
  presentations, etc.
- Graphics and document illustration.
- Page description languages.
- Theoretical and algorithmic foundations of document preparation
- Critical analyses of proposed and established international
  standards.  Experience with standards.
- Managing the complexities introduced by scale.  Scaling up
  to large documents.
- Hardware-environment issues:  Printers, displays, networks,
- Distributed document manipulation systems (in the sense of
  distributed processing).
- Specialized documents (e.g., catalogs, programs,
  manuals, and proposals), with insight into how they differ from
  generic documents.
- Text and document recognition (recognition of physical and/or
  logical structure from a printed document).
- Heterogeneous target reader populations (e.g., multi-lingual).
- Application of database technology to document preparation.
- Integration of documentation tools with other tools, e.g.,

Call for papers:

We welcome papers on all aspects of electronic publishing.  Papers should be
limited to the equivalent of ten pages of text, 10 point on 12.  Only full
papers can be considered.  Please send seven copies of your paper to the
conference address below.

Important dates:

January 31, 1990: full papers due
April 1, 1990: acceptance notification to authors
May 15, 1990: final version of paper due
Tuesday, September 18, 1990--Thursday, September 20, 1990: EP90

Call for exhibitors:

If you are interested in participating in the associated exhibition, please
write for more detailed guidelines.  The exhibit will encompass both
research and commercial systems.

For conference information:

Lawrence A. Welsch/EP90
Building 225, Room B252
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gaithersburg, MD  20899

Telephone: (301) 975-3345 (8:30--5:00 Eastern Time)
Electronic mail: ep90@asl.ncsl.nist.gov
FAX: (301) 590-0932

Program Committee:

Peter King (Conference Chair)
University of Manitoba

Richard Furuta (Program Chair)
University of Maryland

Debra Adams (Exhibition Chair)
Xerox Palo Alto Research Center

Larry Welsch (Local Arrangements and Publicity Chair)
National Institute of Standards and Technology

Jacques Andr\'e

Patrick Baudelaire
Digital Paris Research Laboratory

Richard J. Beach
Xerox Palo Alto Research Center

Charles Bigelow
Stanford University

David F. Brailsford
University of Nottingham

Heather Brown
University of Kent at Canterbury

Donald D. Chamberlin
IBM Almaden Research Center

Giovanni Coray
\'Ecole Polytechnique F\'ed\'erale de Lausanne

R. W. Davy
Chelgraph Limited

Irene Greif
Lotus Development Corporation

Vania Joloboff
Open Software Foundation

Brian Kernighan
AT&T Bell Laboratories

Dario Lucarella
Universita degli Studi di Milano

Pierre MacKay
University of Washington

Norman Meyrowitz
Brown University

Robert A. Morris
Interleaf and UMASS/Boston

Jurg Nievergelt
ETH, Zurich

Vincent Quint

Brian Reid
DEC Western Research Laboratory

Richard Rubinstein
Digital Equipment Corporation

Alan Shaw
University of Washington

Andries van Dam
Brown University

Hans van Vliet
Free University, Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Jan Walker
Digital Equipment Corporation

Sponsor information:

Sponsor: National Institute of Standards and Technology
	ACM (pending)
	EPSIG/American Association of Publishers
	University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies
	Xerox PARC
In cooperation with
	IEEE Computer Society/Technical Committee on Office Automation
	TeX Users Group
	Xerox PARC Graphics
Good health is merely the slowest rate at which one can die.