(Thomas Sj|land) (10/24/89)
FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS 9th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (1990) Tutorials & Workshops: August 6-7 Scientific Conference: August 8-10 The European Conference on Artificial Intelligence is the European forum for scientific exchange and presentation of AI research. The conference is designed to cover all subfields of AI. The 9th ECAI is organized by ECCAI, hosted by the Swedish AI Society (SAIS), and held in downtown Stockholm. SUBMISSION OF PAPERS You are invited to submit an original research paper on any of the following subjects: - Architectures - Languages - Knowledge Representation - Automated Reasoning - Planning & Search - Machine Learning - Cognitive Modeling - Knowledge Engineering - Natural Language & Speech Understanding - Perception, Vision & Robotics - Multi Agent Architecture and Interaction - Intelligent Educational Systems - Epistemology & Social Issues Authors are requested to submit 5 copies of papers written in English (e-mail submissions will not be considered). Papers can be either long papers (completed research: 5000 words) or short papers (ongoing research: 2000 words). Submitted papers must be unpublished, substantively different from papers currently under review and must not be submitted elsewhere before notification date. Each paper should contain and abstract (200 words) and a list of up to four key words or phrases describing its content, the specification of one of the above areas, and the category long/short. Work described in an accepted paper may also be illustrated with a videotape or a demo. Special sessions and rooms will be provided. Authors wishing to show a videotape or a demo should notify it when submitting their paper for review, by specifying the duration of the video/demo and the necessary hardware/software equipment. The acceptance of a paper is completely independent of the presence of an accompanying videotape or demo. There will be prices for high-quality papers. DEADLINES Papers must be received by the Programme Chairperson before the 5th of January 1990. Authors will be notified by April 1st, 1990 and final camera ready papers must be received May 15th, 1990. Papers and all queries regarding the program should be sent to the Programme Chairperson: Luigia Carlucci Aiello Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica tel: +39-6-731 23 67 Universit di Roma "La Sapienza" fax: +39-6-734 616 Via Buonarroti, 12 I-00185 Roma, Italy -- Good health is merely the slowest rate at which one can die.