[news.announce.conferences] Benelearn '90

flach@kub.nl (Peter Flach) (11/04/89)


Research on Machine Learning in Belgium and the Netherlands.
 Organized at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium).

     On  12   January  1990,  a  one-day  meeting   entitled
BENELEARN,  Research  on Machine Learning in Belgium and the
Netherlands, will  be organized.  The focus of  the  meeting
will be on knowledge-based learning and not on connectionist
approaches.  The ojectives of this meeting  are  two-fold  :
(1) to make different research groups active in the field of
Machine Learing aware of the research  activities  of  other
centers  within  close  range and (2) to pass on information
regarding these  activities  to  other  research  sites  and
laboratories  involved  with  or  interested  in  Artificial

     Yves Kodratoff  (CNRS  France  and  George  Mason  USA)
and/or  Katharina  Morik (GMD Western-Germany) will probably
give a talk on this  occasion.   Furthermore,  presentations
will be given by Belgian and Dutch researchers active in the
field of Machine Learning. There will  be  presentations  of
two different forms : short and general overviews of Machine
Learning research at certain  institutes  and  longer,  more
technical  presentations  of  particular  approaches. People
interested in presenting their work or giving an overview of
Machine  Learning  activities at their institute should con-
tact Luc De Raedt before  1  December  1989  (preferably  by

Luc De Raedt
Maurice Bruynooghe
Yves D. Willems

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Departement Computerwetenschappen
Celestijnenlaan 200A
B-3030 Leuven

email : lucdr@cs.kuleuven.ac.be or
lucdr@blekul60.bitnet or lucdr@kulcs.uucp
Good health is merely the slowest rate at which one can die.