[news.announce.conferences] INTERACT'90 -- Conference Announcment & Call for Participation

R.Winder@cs.ucl.ac.uk (Russel Winder) (11/10/89)


27-31 August 1990, Cambridge, England

(This message is quite long and has a reply form at the end.)

INTERACT '90 is an international conference which will bring together
researchers and practitioners interested in the area of Human-Computer
Interaction (HCI). It will provide delegates with an opportunity to meet and
to share current HCI knowledge and research about the design, implementation,
usage and evaluation of computer systems.


To receive further information or to register your interest in participating,
please complete the form at the end of the message, and return it to BISL at
the address below by the specified date.

INTENTION TO PARTICIPATE      No later than 30 November 1989
SUBMISSIONS                   No later than 15 February  1990
FINAL SELECTION               By 30 April 1990

The working language is English, sorry no translation facilities available.

All general enquiries and submissions should be addressed to :

Karyn McCartney,
The British Computer Society (BISL),
13 Mansfield Street, London W1M 0BP, UK.
Tel: +44 (0)1 637 0471   Fax: +44 (0)1 631 1049


Contributions which advance the theory or practice of any aspect of
Human-Computer Interaction will be welcomed. Below are some sample topics :

  HCI Application Areas (in offices; education; libraries; medicine;  process
control; knowledge-based systems).  Co-operative and Group Work (methods of
co-operative design and requirements capture; multi-user concurrent systems;
multi-media systems; psychology of group work).  Cognitive Ergonomics (task
and user analysis; psychology of programming; learning and performance models;
interaction models).  Interactive Architectures (UIMS; hypertext; hypermedia;
HCI design environments).  HCI Design & Evaluation (formal methods;
interaction notations; requirement capture methods; rapid prototyping; user
participation; programmer aids; usability and acceptability metrics; dialogue
design; graphics; standards and guidelines).


You are invited to submit a paper for publication in the Proceedings. The
paper may cover any aspect of Human-Computer Interaction. After refereeing,
the Programme Committee will invite authors to present their paper either as a
conventional paper or as a poster. This decision will depend on the nature of
the paper and not on the quality of the work described.

Selection Criteria
  Primary concerns in selecting papers and posters for the conference will be
their potential for stimulating the wide range of interests represented at
INTERACT conferences; their ability to bridge or reconcile different
disciplines in Human-Computer Interaction; and their potential for
application.  Papers reporting practical experience of design and application
in industry are particularly encouraged.
  A group of three or four closely related papers may be submitted together as
a symposium, ensuring that these papers (if accepted) will be presented in the
same conference session.

  An abstract should be submitted with the 'Intention to Participate'.
Abstracts should be of 50-100 words, in English, indicating the title, the
author's name and address (postal & electronic), and the topic area. If
appropriate, the title of the symposium and its convener should also be
  Full submissions should be written in English and may be up to 6000 words in
length. Instructions for authors will be sent in December, but only to those
who have submitted an abstract.

Informal Enquiries to:
David Gilmore
Tel: +44 (0)602 484848
Email: dg@psychology.nottingham.ac.uk


A successful panel of experts should generate a stimulating discussion and
debate about topical Human-Computer Interaction issues. You are invited to
participate by providing suggestions for panel topics. We are also seeking
proposals from motivated individuals who wish to organise and lead a
particular panel on a topic which excites them.

Selection Criteria
  All suggestions will be assessed for topicality and suitability for
stimulating debate - we expect forward-looking and contentious issues to be
addressed. Panel position papers will be published as part of the conference

  Formal proposals to organise a panel session should be submitted with a
completed 'Intention to Participate' form and should consist of two A4 pages
giving  your name; address (postal & electronic);  topic area and title;
suggested panelists (a maximum of 5), and the proposed role and contribution
of each panelist.
  If selected, each panelist will be expected to provide about two A4 pages
outlining arguments for their position. These will be included in the
proceedings. Topic suggestions for panels may be sent on one A4 sheet
containing your address and contact details.

Informal  Enquiries  to:
Dianne Murray
Tel: +44 (0)1 250 0837
Email: dmurray%ess.cs.ucl.ac.uk@ukacrl.bitnet


You are invited to submit proposals for live demonstrations of experimental
interactive systems, user interfaces or design aids.

Selection Criteria
  Demonstrations will be selected on the basis of their technical merit,
relevance and novelty.

  Submissions should be presented on no more than one A4 page covering
demonstrator's name, address (postal & electronic), title and description of
demonstration,  and technical requirements.

Informal  Enquiries to:
Miles Macleod
Tel: +44 (0)7072 79000 x 2321
Email: comrmm@hatfield.ac.uk


Video tapes showing interesting new user interface  designs, systems, and
interaction techniques, together with those which demonstrate the usability
process itself (such as various forms of experiment, or before and after
comparisons of user interface designs) are invited.

Selection Criteria
  All submissions will be refereed but your tape will not be edited, nor will
you have an opportunity to revise it after the referees' decision.
  Submissions will be rejected if they show principles which are well known,
or are of low television production quality. Tapes which have been shown at
other conferences will be considered. Tape length should normally be between 2
and 20 minutes. A typical tape should preferably be about 5 to 10 minutes.

  The physical tape format can be either 3/4 inch U-matic (strongly preferred)
or VHS.  The video encoding standard can be either PAL (used in most of
Europe) or NTSC (used in North America).
  Each submitted tape should be accompanied by a one-page description  listing
contact name and affiliations, address (postal & electronic), a description of
the system or experiment shown, and references to relevant published papers or
technical reports. This description will be reprinted in the conference

Informal  Enquiries to:
Angela Lucas
Tel: +44 (0)223 66343 x 4865
Email: Angela@logcam.co.uk
 or Jakob Nielsen
Tel: +45 42 88 15 66
Email: Datjn@Neuvm1.Bitnet


We invite sponsorship and exhibits from interested commercial organisations.
INTERACT '90 is a large international conference which provides companies with
an excellent opportunity to promote their organisation and products.  All
sponsors will be appropriately acknowledged.

Informal  Enquiries to:
Louise Worsley
Tel: +44 (0)1 338 3288
Email: Worsley@citi.cranfield.ac.uk


Leading researchers and industrialists have the opportunity to contribute by
giving a tutorial on Monday 27 August - the day immediately prior to the main
conference. Tutors will receive a fee.
  Tutorials may cover any aspect of Human-Computer Interaction but those on
state-of-the-art HCI methods or techniques are particularly welcomed.

Selection Criteria
  Tutorials will be selected by a panel of referees and will be run subject to
a minimum enrolment. The tutorials selected will be those of good quality
which the referees feel will attract sufficient delegates.

  Tutorial submissions should not exceed two A4 pages and should include your
name, address (postal & electronic), the title and proposed length (a day or
half-day) and a brief description of the intended audience, tutors and
objectives of the  tutorial.

Informal  Enquiries to:
Nigel Heaton
Tel: +44 (0)509 254083
Email: NOHeaton@multics.lut.ac.uk


You are invited to organise workshops, where  research issues or topics of
special interest to the community can be discussed on Monday 27 August - the
day prior to the main conference. Workshops should be for small groups of
delegates (up to 20 people) and, although informal, they should have specified
objectives and outputs.

Selection Criteria
  All workshop proposals will be reviewed, and will be selected on the basis
of interest  and  relevance to the conference topics.

  Workshop proposals should be presented on one A4 page and should include the
organiser's name, address (postal & electronic), the topic, names of any
planned participants, and preferred length (day or half-day).

Informal  Enquiries to:
Jenny Preece
Tel: +44 (0)908 652697
Email: JJPreece@vax.acs.open.ac.uk


Submissions are invited from current postgraduate students who would benefit
from detailed discussions of their research programme by a panel of experts
and peers. A report of the doctoral programme including the work of selected
students will be published in the conference proceedings. The Doctoral
Programme will take place on Monday  27 August - the day immediately before
the main conference.
  Fees for the main INTERACT '90 Conference for students chosen to take part
in the doctoral programme will be waived and there may be some financial
assistance to meet travel costs in cases of hardship.

Selection Criteria
  Each submission must be from a current postgraduate student undertaking
doctoral work. Candidates for the programme will be selected by a panel of
experts.  Where the panel considers the work to be suitable, students will be
invited to submit a full conference paper.

  Extended abstracts should be submitted with the 'Intention to Participate'.
They should not exceed 2000 words, and should describe the research thesis,
methods and findings to date, and key references.  Please attach with your
submission a cover sheet providing the student's name, address (postal &
electronic), title of the research, department and institution, year of study,
and name of main supervisor.

Informal  Enquiries to:
Peter Johnson or Chris Knowles
Tel:  +44 (0)1 975 5224
Email: Pete@cs.qmc.ac.uk


We intend to offer attendees the opportunity to visit local organisations
involved in substantial Human-Computer Interaction work. We envisage a site
visit to include a guided tour of the laboratory, demonstrations and
opportunities to talk with some of the researchers. Visits will last about one
and a half hours.
  Organisations local to the Cambridge area are invited to host a visit from

Informal Enquiries to:
Allan Maclean
Tel: +44 (0)223 341517
Email: Maclean.EuroPARC@Xerox.com


We would like to explore the possibility of giving conference delegates the
opportunity to take part in a tour of European organisations which undertake
significant Human-Computer Interaction work.  We envisage the tour will take
place over several days either immediately before or immediately after the
conference, and will include sightseeing excursions as well as site visits.
  UK or continental European organisations are invited to host a visit on the
study tour.

Informal Enquiries to:
Allan Maclean
Tel: +44 (0)223 341517
Email: Maclean.EuroPARC@Xerox.com


If you intend to contribute to any of the above conference activities or wish
to receive further information then please complete the attached form. Those
intending to participate in the Panels and Doctoral Programme or to submit an
Interactive Poster or Paper are reminded  to enclose the appropriate
information with their form.  All general enquiries and submissions to:
Karyn McCartney, INTERACT '90, The British Computer Society (BISL), 13
Mansfield Street, London W1M 0BP. UK.

Tel: +44 (0)1 637 0471  Fax: +44 (0)1 631 1049

- ----------------------------------  FORM  ------------------------------------


Please return the form to:

Karyn McCartney,
The British Computer Society (BISL),
13 Mansfield Street, London W1M 0BP, UK.
Tel: +44 (0)1 637 0471   Fax: +44 (0)1 631 1049
Email: Russel@cs.ucl.ac.uk

Please tick the appropriate options

- - I would like further information

  I am interested in contributing by:

- -   Submitting a Paper*
- -   Giving a Tutorial
- -   Running a Workshop
- -   Showing a Videotape
- -   Organising a Panel*
- -   Hosting a Laboratory Visit and/or Study Tour
Giving a Demonstration
- -   Exhibiting
- -   Providing Sponsorship
- -   Submitting to the Doctoral Programme*

  I am intertested in attending the:

- -   Conference
- -   Workshops
- -   Study TourLaboratory Visits

  My accommodation preference is for:

- -   University Residence with no private facilities
- -   University Residence with private facilities
- -   Hotel (Please specify star rating).................
- -   Other (please specify).................................

- - I may bring an accompanying person

Name: ........................................................................
Title (eg Prof, Dr, Ms): .....................Position: ......................
Organisation: ................................................................
Address: .....................................................................
Post/Zip Code: ...............................Country: .......................
Tel: ..........................Email: ........................................

 *If you are intending to submit a paper, or participate in the panel or
doctoral programme then please remember to enclose the required additional
information with this form.  All other activities require submissions by the
15 February.
Good health is merely the slowest rate at which one can die.