[news.announce.conferences] Science Fiction Convention

fasteddy@amarna.gsfc.nasa.gov (12/02/89)

                                  EVECON SEVEN
                  A Science Fiction/Fantasy/Gaming Convention
                           In the Washington, DC area

	                  January 5th to the 7th, 1990
	    At the Stouffers Concourse Hotel (Site of Evecon 4 and 5)
	           2399 Jefferson Davis Highway/US Route One
	                   Arlington, Virginia 22202

Pre-Registration Rates:				$20 before 11 December
						[$25 at the door]

For more information or to pre-register:	FanTek
						1607 Thomas Road
						Fort Washington, MD 20744

Hotel Rates:					$60/night (One bed)
						$75/night (Two beds)

Room reservations: 				Call (703) 979-6800
Good health is merely the slowest rate at which one can die.